





我們非常高興地宣佈,你們所有人在當前的能量下都做得很好,我們看到在你們11月份已經在進行的轉變。 我們知道,你們都因被給予所需的適當能量而茁壯成長,我們也知道,當你們知道能量即將到來時,你們在吸收能量方面做得更好。 因此,我們總是很高興地通知你們,更多的幫助總是在路上。 你們正在為這個宇宙和正在進行的意識的普遍轉變做著如此美妙的工作。


這一轉變並不是一個時刻,它將把你們所有人帶到一個新的維度轉變是關於你們願意為自己做的工作,以成為一個更高意識的存在,那些在自己之外尋找幫助的存在。 當你們看到你們和地球上的任何其他人之間沒有分離時,你們會更容易認識到哪裡需要幫助,以及你們如何給予幫助。因此,你們總是想尋找那些你們可以與另一個人聯繫的地方。


感覺與你們的人類同胞有更多的聯繫將幫助你們獲得所有的愛和憐憫,你們需要這些愛和惻隱之心來繼續成為你們在揚升過程中的正面的力量。 當你們專注於接收此刻正在你們身上的能量時,你們會忍不住想要把這些能量傳播出去。 你們會自己填滿它們,然後你們會想把它們傳遞給你們的人類同胞。 當你們這樣做的時候,你們會自動地向更多的能量敞開心扉。 你們成為一條永遠敞開的管道,永遠在周圍傳播光和愛,永遠朝著提高全人類意識水準的目標努力。


你們看,因為你們與每個人都有聯繫,每當你們為自己做任何工作時,你們都在幫助你們所屬的集體。 你們正在為人類的集體意識增添更多的正能量。 有意識地這樣做的人每天都在新增。 2022年底,你們將看到更多的群體覺醒,因為你們需要更多的個體為光工作,為充分和開放的外星人接觸做好準備。 飛船大規模登入的時間就在這個時候。 我們永遠也無法確切地說什麼時候會發生,但這是你們正在為自己做的準備。


你們需要有更高層次的意識,才能站在一個能讀懂你們的每一個想法的人面前,他會迫使你們面對你們內心的每一種情緒,只需要他們的存在。 這是揚升過程中的下一步,我們看到你們美麗地、有意識地朝著它前進,心中充滿了更多的喜悅,因為你們知道即將到來的外星人將為你們提供更多的連接機會。 這些聯繫意味著你們在靈性進化中走得更遠,越來越接近源頭、你們的真實本性和你們的家園。







Mass Awakenings & the Full ET Contact Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are very pleased to announce that you are all doing quite well with the current energies that are upon you, and we see the transformations underway already in your month of November. We know that you all thrive on being given the appropriate energies that you need, and we also know that you do so much better at absorbing the energies when you know they are coming. Therefore, we are always happy to inform you that more help is always on the way. You are doing such wonderful work for this universe and for this universal shift in consciousness that is ongoing.

The shift is not about one moment in time that will catapult you all into a new dimension. The shift is about the work you are willing to do on yourselves to become beings of a higher consciousness, beings who look outside of themselves for how they can help. When you see there to be no separation between you and any other person there on Earth, it becomes a lot easier to recognize where help is needed and how you can give it. Therefore, you always want to look for those points where you can connect to another human being. 

Feeling more connected to your fellow humans will help you to access all the love and compassion that you need to continue to be the positive force that you are in the ascension process. As you focus on receiving the energies that are upon you right now, you cannot help but then want to spread those energies around. You will fill up on them yourselves, and then you will want to transmit them to your fellow humans. And when you do, you automatically open yourselves up to more of those energies. You become a conduit that is always open, always spreading light and love around, always working towards that goal of raising the level of consciousness for all of humanity.

You see, because you are connected to every other being, whenever you do any work on yourself, you are helping the collective of which you are a part. You are adding more positive energy to the human collective consciousness. And the number of human beings who are doing this consciously and deliberately is growing every day. You are going to see more mass awakenings coming towards the end of 2022, because you need more individuals working for the light to prepare yourselves for full and open e.t. contact. The timing of that mass landing of ships has always been around this time. We could never and still can never say exactly when it will happen, but it is what you are preparing yourselves for. 

You need to have that higher level of consciousness in order to stand in front of a physical e.t. being who can read your every thought, who will force you to face every emotion that is inside of you just with their presence alone. This is the next step in the ascension process, and we see you moving towards it beautifully, consciously, and with more joy in your hearts, as you know that the e.t.s who are coming will present you with more opportunities to connect. And those connections mean that you’re going further along in your spiritual evolution, getting closer and closer to Source, your true nature, and your home. 

So keep it up, Awakened Collective, because what is to come will be exactly what you have been waiting for, and it’s coming sooner and sooner because of the work you’ve been doing on yourselves right now and the energies you’ve been accessing and transmitting to humanity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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