我們對你們一直希望以各種管道相互包容的管道感到非常滿意。 你們正在從把自己看作個體轉變為知道自己是一個集體,隨着這種轉變,你們會知道你們所看到的每一個人和每一件事都包含在你們的內心。 所以,當你們看到人類最近分裂的管道,你們意識到這是一個問題時,那些覺醒的人往往想對此做些什麼。
在這種情況下,你們會尋找機會,包括那些你們傳統上、歷史上可能會排斥在你們的思想和同情情緒之外的人。 如果你們能同情在許多觀點和問題上與你們意見相左的人,那麼你們將超越當今世界上存在的分歧。 如果你們傾聽你們不同意的人,並試圖理解他們來自哪裡,你們將朝着更團結的方向邁出一步,你們和其他覺醒的靈魂正在尋求更多的合一。
你們不必為了正確而偏袒任何一方; 你們可以超越一切,成為愛。 面對仇恨、偏執、種族主義、恐同症、跨性別恐懼症、厭女症,以及你們今天在世界上所經歷的一切,你們都可以充滿愛,這些都會給你們帶來悲傷、憤怒、恐懼甚至仇恨的體驗。 那裡的一切,以及觸發你們的一切,都是為了這個目的而存在的。 這不是因為什麼東西壞了或者什麼東西錯了; 這是因為你們需要被觸發,才能達到那種非常具體的,有時甚至是深藏在內心深處的情緒。 一旦你們做到了,你們就可以超越它,因為你們想成為愛,因為你們知道你們作為一個集體比作為個人更强大。
你們比你們分裂的時候更强大,而且僅僅因為有人在某些事情上與你們意見相左,並不會讓他們成為你們的敵人。 他們只是有不同的觀點。 現在,做我們在這裡建議的事情可能會很有挑戰性,尤其是當我們談論的一個人或多個人心中對某個特定群體懷有仇恨的時候。
我們知道,寬恕、愛和憐憫這些人是一項艱巨的任務,但這是提高人類意識的唯一途徑。 你們不可能僅僅通過正確來提高人類的意識。 你們不會通過瞧不起那些你們認 為錯誤的人來提高人類的意識。
你們將提升人類的意識,因為這就是你們在那裡要做的,你們也在那裡體現更多的無條件的愛,因為這是成為第五維度的管道; 這是成為更高自我的途徑。 這是你們命運的一部分,所以你們現在不妨擁抱命運,這也意味着擁抱你們的每一個面向。
記住,如果你們以任何形式看到它,它也在你們體內,需要療癒。 這就是為什麼你們今天看到你們的世界上有那麼多人變得越來越大聲。 它們代表了你們內心深處的某種東西,而你們一直忽略了它。 請關注你們內心發生的一切,做你們生來就是的療癒者、引路人和變革者。
What You Came to Earth to Do ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are quite satisfied with the way that you all have been looking to include one another in a variety of ways. You are shifting from seeing yourselves as individuals to knowing that you are a collective, and with that shift comes a knowing that everyone and everything that you see is included within you. And so, when you see the way that humanity has been divided recently, and you realize that it’s a problem, those of you who are awake tend to want to do something about it.
In this case, you look for opportunities to include others who you might traditionally, historically, exclude from your thoughts and your feelings of compassion. If you can be compassionate towards someone who you disagree with on a number of points and issues, then you will have risen above the divisiveness that is so present on your world today. And if you listen to someone with whom you disagree, and try to understand where they are coming from, you will have taken a step towards more unity, more of that oneness that you and other awakened souls are seeking.
You don’t have to take sides in order to be right; you can rise above all of it and be love. You can be love in the face of hate, bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, and everything else that you experience on your world today and that can give you the experience of sadness, anger, fear, or even hate. Everything that is there and that is triggering you is there for that purpose. It’s not because something is broken or something is wrong; it’s because you need to be triggered in order to get to that very specific and sometimes buried-deep-down-inside emotion. Once you do, you can rise above it, because you want to be love and because you know that you are more powerful as a collective than you are as individuals.
You are more powerful unified than you are divided, and just because someone disagrees with you on something does not make them your enemy. They just have a different point of view, a different perspective. Now it can be very challenging to do what we are suggesting here, especially when the person or people we are talking about have hate in their hearts towards a particular group.
We know that it is a tall order to forgive, to love, and to feel compassion for those people, but it is the only way to raise the consciousness of humanity. You are not going to raise the consciousness of humanity just by being right. You are not going to raise the consciousness of humanity by looking down your noses at those that you deem to be wrong.
You are going to raise the consciousness of humanity because that is what you are there to do, and you are also there to embody more of that unconditional love, because that is the way to becoming fifth dimensional; it is the way to becoming your higher selves. And that is part of your destiny, so you might as well embrace that destiny now, which also means embracing every aspect of you.
And remember, if you see it out there in any form, it is also within you and it needs to be healed. That’s why you see so many people on your world today getting louder. They represent something that’s inside of you that you’ve been ignoring. Please pay attention to everything that’s going on inside of you, and be the healers, the wayshowers, and the changemakers you were born to be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”