目前分類:父神 & 母神 (49)

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傳導:Galaxy Girl


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傳導:Galaxy Girl


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傳導:Jennifer Crokaert


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傳導:Galaxy Girl


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 Gloria Wendroff 著文

譯者 U2 心無為

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This is a gift from me to you, a ‘tip’for how to ride the immense waves of energy that are soon to flood your planet.


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 Ann Albers 傳遞

譯者 U2 心無為

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Yes dears, it is I your Mother God. I wish to embrace you all in liquid light, my honey love of infinite comfort and well being. Breathe it in children for you are weary, I know this. We see this, your Father and I. We too are eager for this experiment to end but we assure you that it indeed has, and that you are experiencing the rebirth of the new. You are there to anchor the light, to remain in your precious physical bodies that are working so hard for you. Take the time to honor them for their service to you, and to fill them with my liquid light. I pass it on to you freely for healing of yourself, of the others. Be my hands and feet. Be my loving embrace to those who cannot feel me yet, or who think I do not exist because the scriptures make no mention of me. How can there be a Father without a Mother? How can there be light without dark? And yet you have experienced much darkness and are ready for so much light, children. Your light quotient is increasing day by day, moment by moment and it creates such inner joy for me, for your Father and I, for we see you as mini fractals of us, of pure light, of our Source energies experiencing the cosmos and creating constantly as you do.


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 Ann Albers 傳遞

 譯者 U2 心無為

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  Gloria Wendroff 傳遞

譯者 U2 心無為

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