自從冬至能量一直在你們身上圍繞,並且你與他們共度在一起已有一段時間以來,我們對你們所取得的進步感到非常滿意。自從在冬至頂峰時接收到達到下載的能量之後,你們會讓自己感受更多,因此你已經準備好成為更高的自我. 唯一阻止你變得更高自我的是缺乏坐下去感受的意願(just sit and feel), 不管是正面還是負面的情緒。
因此,現在,你們在這裡,因為這種感受的意願而不斷發展和變化,並且你們正在完美的時候成為自己的更高自我,因為在這個時代,需要越來越多的人來展示合一的意識,一體性是你更高的自我所固有的特色。為了成為更高的自我,你們必須與自己的各個面向保持和平(make peace with all aspects of who you are),為了與自己的各個面向都保持和平,你們必須願意感受到自己一直在抵抗的每一件事情。
你願意讓任何能量流過你, 這正是你有能力讓更多的能量流過你。當你們是通往當前能量的開放管道時,你們猜怎麼著?你們是人類一整年一直在等待的解決方案的一部分。對於許多人來說,這一年是許多挑戰的一年,其中許多挑戰已經關係到這些人的心理健康。
當你們通過示例證明可以感受到你們所有感受時(to feel all of your feelings),你們會向其他許多人展現通往更好的感覺狀態的途徑。因此,你們將再次引領所有人實現更好的心理健康,將自己的真實自我識別為更高的自我,並且你們就是將引領人類完成轉向第五維度的人。
圖片提供:Karin Miller
What Will it Take to Complete the Shift to 5D? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are feeling very good about the progress that we see you making since the solstice energies have been upon you and since you have had some time with them. You are letting yourselves feel more since receiving that download of energies that reached its peak on the solstice, and you are ready to become that much more of your higher selves as a result. The only thing that ever holds you back from becoming more and more of your higher self is a lack of willingness to just sit and feel, whether those feelings are positive or negative.
Your higher selves hoped that the pandemic would spur on more of that emotional side of you, because you would be less capable doing the things you would normally do and seeing the people you would normally see. And the truth is that a lot of emotions have come up for people in this calendar year of 2020. But just because an emotion is coming up within a person doesn’t mean the person is willing to feel it. But we are seeing that the solstice energies have had an effect on many humans that is the effect your higher selves were hoping the pandemic would have.
And so, now here you are, evolving and changing because of that willingness to feel, and you are becoming your higher selves at the perfect time, because this is a time where more and more people are needed to display the unity consciousness, the oneness that is inherent within being your higher self. In order to be your higher self, you must make peace with all aspects of who you are, and in order to make peace with all aspects of who you are you must be willing to feel everything that you’ve been resisting.
Your willingness to let any energy flow through you is exactly what will result in you having the ability to let more energy flow through you. And when you are an open conduit to the energies that are upon you right now, then guess what? You are a part of the solution that humanity has been waiting for throughout this entire year. This has been a year of many challenges for many individuals, and a lot of those challenges have been to the mental health of those individuals.
And when you demonstrate through your example that it is possible to feel all of your feelings, you show so many others the way to their better feeling states of being. And so, you are the ones once again to lead the way to better mental health for all, to a recognition of one’s true self as the higher self, and you are the ones to lead humanity to the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”