因此,我們所有人都需要時不時地退縮,看到更大的一件事的整體畫面(bigger picture),並知道在整個銀河系和整個宇宙中,一切最終都會在地球上一切正常。你們經常聽到我們和其他像我們這樣的人在談論能量,你們中的一些人可能想知道當我們談論在你們身上的能量時我們的意思。你是振動的能量,當你提高振動時,當你提高意識水平時,你所散發出來的能量會發出高振動的音調。
你們投入的能量是顯而易見的。這是其他人可以感覺到並從中受益的東西,而那些清醒的人並不孤單地散發出更高振動的能量。你們在身體上有很多幫助者。你有植物王國。你有動物王國。你有陽光。你們的太陽系中還有其他行星和月亮。你們得到了整個銀河系中其他天體(celestial bodies)的幫助,甚至還得到了像我們一樣的非物質存在者的有力幫助。
這些能量是幫助種子生長的水和陽光。你們就是在一樓/接地(ground floor)的人,請確保已種植的植物有足夠的機會生長而不受干擾。你們正在清除雜草。你們正在添加食物,肥料。你們正在耕種土壤。你們是像我們這樣的人夢寐以求(dream about)的幫手,我們感覺你們一直在接受我們,這是一種美好的經歷,讓你們感覺到我們並知道你們在那裡照顧你們的同伴。
我們邀請你們更好地照顧那些仍在黑暗中玩耍的人,他們認為自己在做正確的事情,必要的事情甚至對所有人都有益的事情。儘管他們缺乏遠見,但儘管他們看不到大局,但是你們可以。而你們正是幫助他們成長,幫助他們擴大意識的人,因為只有意識的擴展和演變才能解決當今世界上所有的問題,問題和挑戰。你們在心中充滿著喜悅(with joy in your hearts),並且處於提高這種意識水平的理想位置。
The Problems, Issues & Challenges on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very satisfied with the movement forward that we feel humanity making, but we are also aware of the areas that need improvement. And we are very much like all of you who are awake in that we seek solutions to the problems of humankind. We often think that we can apply some sort of bandage and kiss the wound and make everything better for all of you, but then we come to our senses and realize that once you plant a seed on your world, you have to be patient. You have to allow the growth to occur at the snail’s pace that it always does.
Therefore, we all need to pull back at times, see the bigger picture, and know that everything is ultimately going to be all right there on Earth, throughout the galaxy, and the entire universe. You often hear us and others like us talking about the energies, and some of you probably wonder what we mean when we are talking about the energies that are upon you. You are energy that is vibrating, and as you raise your vibration, as you raise your level of consciousness, the energy that you are gives off a high-vibrational tone.
The energy that you put out is palpable. It’s something that others can feel and benefit from, and those of you who are awake are not alone in the giving off of higher-vibrational energy. You have a lot of helpers there in the physical. You have the plant kingdom. You have the animal kingdom. You have your sun. You have the other planets and moons in your solar system. You have the help that is coming from other celestial bodies throughout the galaxy, and you even have energetic help from non-physical beings, like ourselves.
These energies are the water and sunlight that help the seeds to grow. You are the ones on the ground floor, making sure that what has been planted is being given ample opportunity to grow without interference. You are clearing the weeds. You are adding the food, the fertilizer. You are tending to the soil. You are the type of helpers that beings like us dream about, and we feel you receiving us all the time, and it is a beautiful experience to feel you feeling us and to know that you are there to take care of your fellow humans.
We invite you to take even better care of those who are still playing in the dark, who believe they are doing what is right, what is necessary, or even what is good for all. And in spite of their lack of vision, in spite of the fact that they cannot see the bigger picture, you can. And you are the ones to help them grow, to help them expand their consciousness, because it will be the expansion and evolution of consciousness that will solve all of the problems, issues, and challenges on your world today. You are in the perfect position to raise that level of consciousness and do so with joy in your hearts.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”