人類已經準備好擺脫這種體系,該體系已經反映了你們在世界上已經存在了很長時間的那種三維意識。你們已準備好擺脫所有限制自己的系統,這些系統將你們束縛住並阻止你們成為想要成為的人。這是你們作為覺醒的集體進入的地方,因為你們了解宇宙的機制。你們了解如何創建自己的現實,如何表現出來,如何生活在所有系統之外。你們了解如何使自己在第三維度那麼不顯眼的(make yourselves invisible)。
你們已經準備好迎接截然不同的事情,而當今世界表明,現在正是擺脫壓迫的束縛(throw off the shackles of oppression),使自己擺脫第三維度觀念和模式(paradigms)的理想時機。你們現在就準備開始以第5維度進行生活,並且可以帶領其餘的人帶入該頻率範圍,因為這些智慧和高頻振動將成為他們成功的基石(they will ride on the coattails of your successes)。
Break Free from Bondage & Become Sovereign ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of sensing when there is something simmering just beneath the surface of the human collective consciousness, and we are getting that feeling right now, as we observe you. We are noticing a movement towards all of you gaining quite a bit of clarity about who you want to be, how you want to live your lives, and about your sovereignty. Humankind has been looking for the perfect opportunity to free yourselves from the bondage of depending so much on your governments, your leaders, your captains of industry.
Humankind is ready to break free from the system that has been reflecting more of that third-dimensional consciousness that you’ve had present on your world for so long. You are ready to be free of all of the systems that limit you, the systems that tie you down and hold you back from being who you want to be. This is where you as the awakened collective come in, because you understand the mechanics of the universe. You understand how to create your reality, how to manifest, how to live outside of all systems. You understand how to make yourselves invisible to that which is third dimensional.
Now, what we are talking about here is essentially raising your vibration high enough to where you create your own society. We are talking about moving yourselves out of your current economic and political systems, and living as fifth-dimensional beings, manifesting what you need out of thin air, starting communities where you pool resources and where you co-create with the power of multiple humans, focusing on what the community needs and what the community wants. You have grown weary of relying on politicians to represent you, instead of their interests. You have grown tired of expecting corporations to have a conscience, to care about the environment, to care about the people that buy their products.
And many of you recognize that the system that you have been living in has been rigged to make those in power even more powerful. So why even try to thrive in that system when you know that you are ascending, when you recognize that the universe has you back, and when you can feel all the beings of service around you, who are there to support you, who are there to lead you into this fifth-dimensional realm that you are co-creating as the awakened ones.
You are ready for something very different, and the world as it is today is showing that now is the perfect time to throw off the shackles of oppression, to free yourselves from third-dimensional ideas and paradigms. You are ready to start living in 5D right now, and you are the ones to lead the rest of humanity to that frequency range, as they will ride on the coattails of your successes, of your wisdom, and of your high vibration.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”