Beloved embodiments of divine light,
I am Metatron, and I come today to offer you my violet ran, my violet flame, my violet fire, that it may cleanse and purify the very last vestiges of what holds you back. You are aching for a new start, a new beginning, a sign that ‘we are off’, that the game has begun.
Well, my dear brothers and sisters, the game has already begun. On a board game, is there not preparation work to be done before the players throw the dice? Do you not lay out the board, distribute counters, agree the rules, organise and deal cards? That is all an intrinsic part of the process and one without which the game cannot be played. I invite you to notice that this is where we are in the evolution of Gaia and your sacred journey.
While life may not be viewed as a game by any of you, especially any of you above the age of 8 or 9, I would invite you to see the fun in this life and to treat life as more of game. Not because I wish to take from the meaning of your experience, but precisely because I want to enhance that experience. If you can allow a certain lightness, even if only for a few moments in your day, you are elevating your energy. And when you elevate your energy, you elevate the collective energy.
Take my violet flame, every time you feel overwhelmed, burnt out or fed up, and let the flame dance through those negative emotions. These emotions only fuel and strengthen the old. You have moved past the old. My violet flame will help you to free yourself from old residual patterns of thinking and feeling that keep you locked into the memory of the old. Don’t relive it. Don’t relive its pain and heavy energy.
Let your energy lift. Do anything that helps you to feel better, to feel more alive, more joyous, more childlike. This is the sacred path of the Now moment.
You have done such incredible work breaking new ground and creating a new reality for Gaia and far beyond. You had to learn the skill of transmuting darkenss to light. You had to learn to clear yourself of emotional wounds, sometimes inflicted generations before you. You had to learn to clear up your planet and your bodies. You had to learn to heal yourself. You have set about learning these skills with passion and commitment, and sometimes resignation and cheekiness! Just like 8 year olds learning new subjects! But you have done it and I salute you for this.
Now is the moment to learn another new skill. The skill of living life in 4D. The skill of becoming aware of energy flows, energy streams, and the impact that they have on creating your reality. You are learning to see with new eyes and to harness the vast potential of manifestation which is your God-given right as a spark of the Divine. There is nothing of the Divine that is not also yours, for you are God.
The single most important thing you can do for your spiritual development, the onset of the Reval, the demise of the cabal and Ascension of Gaia is … Play. Yes! You read correctly: play! Bringing light, laughter, joy, fizz, sparkle, jokes and delight into your life changes your energy signature; that immediately changes the energy signature of those around you, which in turn uplifts both Gaia and all upon her.
Play! Have fun! Notice the fun already in your life. Children are not waiting to have fun. Children seize every moment possible to laugh, to play and to delight in life. That is because they are closer to their divine nature than adults are. They have not yet been completely worn down by the efforts of the dark.
Let children be your role models. Laugh, dance and joke like children; play, laze and daydream like children. Every moment spent being childlike will do more to raise your vibration than any other practice at this time.
Let the play begin!
通靈:Jennifer Crokaert
翻譯:Nick Chan