How to Pray Properly & Receive What You Want ∞St. Germain
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I know how you all have to face so many challenges in your lives and how you often seek out help from above. There is a proper way, an appropriate way for you to do this. First of all, acknowledge that you have created everything as it is in the present moment. Secondly, acknowledge that it serves you and everyone else for everything to be exactly as it is right now. Third, acknowledge that where you want to go from where you are already is. In other words, you will simply move to where you want to go where circumstances will be different.
You don’t need a benevolent being to drop down from on high that which you are requesting. Fourthly, you can then acknowledge that help is already on the way and that you simply need assistance with aligning with with the help that is already coming, that is already yours for the taking. When you recognize that you are already moving in the direction of what you want in that moment that you have decided that it is what you want, then you can relax into the knowing that not only is help on the way, but you also have the necessary assistance in aligning yourselves with that help.
You don’t have to do as much as you think you have to do, and you don’t have to worry about whether you are worthy of receiving what is already yours and what you have in fact co-created. But there are some key elements in receiving the answers to your prayers. You want to accept where you are in the moment, and you want to look at what you believe to be true about that moment. In other words, do you believe you’re being punished with the circumstances of your life, either by past life karma or by improper thinking on your part, or by a Divine Being who doles out punishment when the rules are not followed.
Next, you want to ask yourself what your beliefs are around getting to that reality that you desire. Do you believe everyone has to be in agreement that it is the right reality, or do you believe you have the free will to travel to whichever reality you want to experience? Do you believe you have to do good deeds in order to appease your God so that you will be granted the reality that contains what you want in it? These are but a few of the possible beliefs you might be entertaining that would keep you where you are, keep you from where you want to go.
And of course, there are also those beliefs that help you in getting you to where you want to go. And you want to activate those. You want to give more attention to those beliefs that tell you that you are worthy because you are an aspect of Source Energy and because you exist. There are beliefs that you sometimes entertain around you being able to experience what you want to experience when you align with it. And of course, you all have to acknowledge that you have at some point in your lives been able to experience something that you wanted to experience but that at some point you didn’t know how you would be able to experience.
In other words, you have gotten to where you’ve wanted to go without a roadmap, without a clear path that had clear steps on it. So you all can receive more of what you want to receive when you go about it the right way, the way that is easiest and that serves you the most, and that is what I recommend.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”