All humans are born with an inner knowing that transcends knowledge learnt in schools or through societal teachings. This is partly because most souls living in a human body have lived hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes, but the main reason is because you are all connected through Source, or ‘God’ as you call him/her, so His/Her wisdom is also your wisdom.
Those who have had a ‘near-death’ experience report being inexplicably drawn to a light. They also tell of the most peaceful and loving feeling they have ever experienced, and some even say they felt like they were going home. That, my loves, is because they were! Your soul is a spoke in the Divine wheel and your spirit knows only love in the ethereal state, for the love of God the Creator is unconditional and all encompassing. He/She is the light within you that shines out to the world and can heal in an instant, should you believe it. It also gives you access to your inner knowing.
Universal wisdom is known, not taught, although many humans awakening to their spiritual being-ness are only just becoming aware of their own inner wisdom, even though it has always been present. If you have intuition that is never wrong, say things that are profoundly wise without prior knowledge, understand spiritual law instinctively or see/feel/know things that no-one else can, you are accessing your inner wisdom. Some people call it psychic-ness and pay to see those who show this ability but, in truth, all souls walking the Earth possess psychic abilities and Universal knowledge – they just need to learn to access it.
Not everyone possesses the same abilities and this is as it should be. The gifts you possess will very much depend upon the lives you have lived before, the lessons your soul has chosen to learn and whether you are approaching or have achieved mastery. The strength of your gifts will also depend on your belief in them and how much you practice – the more you use your gifts the stronger they will become and the more they will develop. In fact, many people find their gifts change over time as they become more adept, confident and trusting.
Here are a few guiding tips to unlocking your own inner wisdom and psychic gifts:
Believe! You came from the light and are always connected to it. This connection gives you access to higher truths and spiritual wisdom.
Trust in your intuition and the guidance you are receiving. If you are strongly drawn to do something or to go somewhere, follow your instincts.
Meditate! Use your breath to still your mind and to reconnect with yourself. Sit in quiet contemplation and ask your guides to connect with you.
Know who you are talking to! Learn who your guides are and always call them by name. It is a big, wide spirit world out there and you could find yourself misguided or even invaded.
Think with your heart, not your mind! Overthinking will only muddle you. Learn to ‘know’ rather than to ‘think’ the answer.
Read! There are many people who have trodden the path you find yourself on. There are many books that may help you.
Learn to protect and control your energy. Everything in the universe works on a trade or exchange of energy. Learn to protect your aura and, if you are empathic, avoid situations where your energy could be compromised.
Release past trauma and learn to live in the moment. The past should not be there to haunt you. Learn the lessons and release the rest, or you will find yourself unable to move forward and live your full potential.
Control your thoughts. What reality are you creating for yourself? A positive mindset will create a positive reality in which only love and abundance abounds. Be grateful for what you have now, think of the positives and believe in the impossible.
See yourself and others with love and tolerance, not judgement and condemnation. Projecting lower emotions such as hatred, bitterness, anger and judgement will only block any psychic ability and spiritual connection you have. Connect with other like-minded people who can support your journey.
Let go of ego. Being psychically connected does not make anyone more important or wise than anyone else. Being in ego will attract lower energies that will distract you from serving and helping others and the information you receive will be much less reliable.
Learn from others. Participate in workshops, do a course or learn a new modality.
Be patient! Your gifts have always been there but unlocking them takes time, belief and trust.
I AM Archangel Michael
通靈:Victoria Cochrane
翻譯:Nick Chan