我現在在這裡告訴你們十一月在你們世界上的能量。這是一個偉大變革、偉大轉變的時代,你們在轉變自己、轉變觀點方面得到了支持。你們不能把壞的東西變成好的。你們在那裡是為了改變你們自己和你們的觀點,這樣你們就可以看到一切都是好的,一切都是上帝,都是源頭。 11 月份到來的能量將在這方面為你們提供支持。
你們擁有 11/11 能量和供應這些能量的門戶,它在那裡幫助你們知道你們正在得到幫助。有時你們需要在自己內心保持這種意識,這種意識你們正在受到那些關心你們的人、那些存在於更高維度層面的人的幫助。我們當然可以提供幫助,但在不干擾你們的進程、你們的意識進化的情況下,我們能做的就只有這麼多了。因此,我們在更高領域提供能量來支持你們、推動你們,並為你們保留空間去做你們需要做的事情,以便更真實地存在。
“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.
I am here now to tell you about the energies of the month of November on your world. This is a time of great change, great transformation, and you are being supported in transforming yourselves, transforming your perspectives. You are not there to take something that is bad and make it good. You are there to transform yourselves and your point of view so that you see it all as good, all as God, as of Source. And the energies coming in for the month of November are to support you in that.
You have the 11/11 energies and the portal to supply those energies, and it is there to assist you in knowing that you are being helped. You sometimes need to hold that awareness within yourselves, that awareness that you are being helped by those who care, those who exist in higher-dimensional planes. We can help of course, but there is only so much we can do without interfering with your process, your evolution of consciousness. And so, we in the higher realms offer the energies to support you, to nudge you, and to hold the space for you to do what you need to do in order to exist more as you truly are.
You are there bridging the gap between heaven and Earth, between nonphysical and physical, between that which is human and that which is Divine, and sometimes you need help in the form of reminders, and sometimes you need help in the form of energies. Sometimes you will get ideas that are dropping in throughout the month that seem like they are new ideas or that seem like they came out of nowhere. They are coming to support you in knowing you more as you truly are and to give you everything that you need to be able to see the world that you create through the eyes of Source.
Source as Creator is never condemning any of Its creations. And you as the creator of your reality also want to view your reality in that way. You don’t condemn it, but rather you see why you created it, what the potential is within it, and how you can grow from it, no matter what it is. By the end of the month of November, you will feel yourselves to be new, to be a higher-frequency version of yourselves, and I can say this with confidence because I know how many of you who are awake and who are receiving this message are going to take these energies and use them for the greatest and highest good of all.
You are there building, creating better lives for everyone on Earth, and that is what makes this time unique for humanity, because so many of you realize the connection that exists between you and all others, and you know all others must also be given a chance to succeed in order for you to live a life that you can consider to be successful, joyous, and one that has meaning and satisfaction within it. Open yourselves up on a daily basis to the November energies, and benefit from all that we are sending you from the higher realms. I know that in so doing, you will be transformed, and you will see the world outside of you transforming before your very eyes.
I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”