

For those of you who are finding it harder to trust that your dreams really will manifest; you are not alone. Today we would like to focus your attention upon trusting the process of your desired manifested goals.




As many of you become aware of the tremendous power you each hold in your role as the creator of your reality; you find yourself wondering, why would I have manifested this experience, this challenge, this problem, for myself? Why would I choose to experience something negative? Allow us to further expand upon this to help you better understand this process.




We often offer you analogies to help you to better understand our messages, so allow us to offer you the analogy of the bow and arrow. If you were to pull a bow-string back as far as you possibly could and then let the arrow fly; the propulsion forward would be immense. However if you were to take that very same bow and arrow, only this time you did not pull the bow-string back at all, how far would the arrow soar? Not very far at all, right?




You see, the negative experiences that manifest in your life are a result of the vibration you have pulsed out most dominantly however they can benefit you greatly. The negative experiences give you such propulsion forward in the opposite direction because you naturally want to move away from what pains you and into what feels better to you. Every single one of you want to feel good without exception.




Just as the arrow was able to soar far from you when you have pulled the string back as far as you could, so too can you, use the experiences that have pained you to create something far different.




So the question becomes, must you experience negativity, challenges and problems in order to grow? Our answer is no, not necessarily. You can grow in any situation, you can grow from wonderful experiences too. You can feel, see and know so very clearly what feels wonderful to you, and this is a wonderful benefit to you as well. However, nothing gets your attention like that which makes you feel, sad, angry, frustration, or in pain. You do not have to manifest negative experiences to ensure that you will grow.




The word “grow” in the spiritual context has become something that most equate with pain of some kind, but know that you will grow from absolutely every single experience that you have. You cannot stop growing, evolving and progressing. You are eternal creator beings.




Though you may find yourselves in challenging situations, some of which may seem as though they are completely out of your control. We want to remind you that you always have control over your focus, your thoughts, and your vibration.




In duality there will always be light and dark, positive and negative, good and bad, it’s the variety that delighted you when you decided to come here. Why? Because you knew how endlessly inspired you would be to continue to create and innovate upon what has already been physically created.




Continue to create, explore, and evolve as the eternal creator beings that you are. Try not to berate yourself for having a negative feeling, a challenging situation or a difficult problem you are facing, rather we encourage you to shift your focus and now look for the solution to present itself to you with ease.




We hope that we have served you in some way,




In love and light, we are your Angelic Guides




通靈:Taryn Crimi

翻譯:Nick Chan


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