我們總是很興奮地看到你們下一步將在地球上做什麼,以促進你們的靈性進化。 當然,你們擁有個人的旅程,你們也有作為人類集體的旅程。 當你們看到世界上、其他國家、其他地方發生的事情,而這些事情似乎並沒有影響到你們個人,你們就知道它們正在影響著人類的集體意識,因此,它們也在影響著你們。
當你們意識到你們在那裡散發著愛,你們在那裡幫助和療癒,那麼瞭解正在發生的事情和哪裡可以幫助你們將你們的愛和療癒能量指向正確的方向。 你們知道,例如,當一場新的鬥爭爆發時,有必要更多地思考和平。 當你們審視自己的生活以及生活中正在發生的事情,或者你們想發生的事情沒有發生的時候,這也是一種讓你們更深入瞭解自己需要什麼和需要什麼的方法。
你們生活中的其他人可能會表現出讓你們煩惱的管道,然後你們知道,表現出的人需要更多的愛。 他們的行為是因為一種未經處理的情緒,一種未釋放的創傷,當你們這樣看的時候,你們就知道你們被召喚去提供那一刻需要的東西。 否則,他們要麼就不會在你們的生活中,要麼就永遠在你們面前幸福地生活。
我們知道,照顧你們生命中的其他人和人類的其他人是一項艱巨的任務,但我們也知道,你們中那些覺醒的人總是在尋找機會來提供更大的服務。 現在,你們有了更大的服務,並不意味著你們要出去成立一個基金會來拯救鯨魚。 這並不意味著你們要參加一次國際演講之旅,你們的目標是開悟和揚升。 當你們環顧你們的世界和你們的個人生活時,你們會發現所有你們想出現的機會,散發愛,把療癒與和平送到需要的地方。
再一次,這似乎是一個艱巨的任務,但如果你們沒有做好準備,你們就不會選擇在這個時候化身地球,你們也不會在大多數人面前覺醒來。 你們對人類同胞表現出的善良、愛和同情的程度決定了你們的覺醒程度。 這與你們的智力知識無關。 這不是關於掌握統治和陰謀集團的內幕消息。 這是關於在這個時候地球上所有黑暗的面前以光明的形象出現。 這是關於你們的感覺和你們對你們的感覺做了什麼。 因此,我們建議花更多的時間關注你們的感受,以及你們周圍的世界需要什麼。 這是你們認識自己作為愛與光的存在的最好管道,你們是真實的。
Are You Awake? Here is How You Show It ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always excited to see what you will do next there on Earth to further your spiritual evolution. You have your individuals journeys, of course, and you have your journeys as a collective of humanity. When you see things going on out there in the world, in other countries, in other places, that do not seem to affect you personally, know that they are affecting the human collective consciousness, and therefore, they are affecting you.
When you recognize that you are there to exude love, you are there to help and to heal, then knowledge of what’s going on and where can help you to point your love and your healing energy in the right direction. You know that it is necessary to meditate more on peace when a new war breaks out, for example. When you look at your own lives and what is going on within them, or what isn’t happening that you want to happen, this is also a way for you to go deeper with your level of awareness about what you need and what is needed from you.
Other people in your life might be acting out in ways that are troubling to you, and then you know that the person or people who are acting out need more love sent their way. They are acting out because of an unprocessed emotion, because of an unreleased trauma, and when you see it that way, you know that you are being called upon to offer what is needed in that moment. Otherwise, they either wouldn’t be in your life or they would be living happily ever after in your presence.
We know that being the caretaker for the other people in your life and for the rest of humanity is a tall order, but we also know that those of you who are awake are always looking for opportunities to be of greater service. Now, you being of greater service does not have to mean that you are going out and starting a foundation to save the whales, for instance. It doesn’t have to mean to that you are going out on an international speaking tour where your objective is to enlighten and uplift. As you look around at what’s going on in your world and in your personal life, you can find all the opportunities that you could ever want to show up, to radiate love, to send healing and peace to where it is needed.
Again, it seems like a tall order, but if you were not up for it, you would not have chosen to incarnate on Earth at this time, and you would not have awakened before the majority of the population. The amount of kindness, love and compassion you show to your fellow humans determines how awake you are. It is not about what you know intellectually. It is not about having inside information about what’s really going on with the government and the cabal groups. It is about showing up as the light in the face of all darkness that is there on planet Earth at this time. It is about what you feel and what you do about what you feel. So we recommend spending more time focusing on how you feel and on what is needed out there in the world around you. That is the best way for you to know yourselves as the beings of love and light that you truly are.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”