





我們已經準備好迎接地球上更多的地面部隊。 我們一直處於招聘狀態,我們會接納任何想給你們的世界帶來真正改變的人,以及願意從自己開始的人。 這是一個你們所有人都在進行的旅程,包括共同努力,提高你們世界上的意識水準,以便發生變化。 我們看到你們世界上有很多人認為,為了發生變化,必須發生一些事情,這些變化會讓全人類變得更好。


人們認為必須進行披露,必須進行大規模逮捕,或者正確的人必須處於正確的權力地位,才能影響真正的變革,但這些人仍然相信第三維度的範式,即善與惡的對立。 你們不是來上演那種場景的。 你們在那裡通過共同努力來提高意識水準,從而給你們的世界帶來改變。 談論草根運動。 這就是你們揚升的意義所在。 這就是你們要解放所有被奴役的人的管道。


它必須首先並且永遠發生在意識層面。 人們都在等待一些事情的發生,等待有人介入並成為人類的英雄,但你們都是英雄,你們必須把分歧放在一邊,把關於誰是好人誰是壞人的分歧,以及幕後發生的事情等等,這樣你們才能作為一個集體走到一起,把集體意識轉變為一體。 這就是它將如何發生的,它將從你們開始,即接收到這種傳輸的人。 不要那麼輕易地讓自己擺脫困境,也不要把所有的雞蛋都放在任何為娛樂而編織的籃子裏。


只有一個故事值得你們關注,那就是告訴你們,是你們創造了這個你們現在正在經歷的現實,是你們改變了人類的意識,讓你們可以體驗一個更好的現實,一個沒有人因為任何原因被奴役的現實。 但你們必須停止用彈弓指著你們外面的巨人,開始向內看。 今天你們能寬恕誰呢? 如何提高振動呢? 你們需要釋放和替換哪些想法呢? 你們怎麼能再愛自己一點呢? 這些問題會在你們的內心產生變化,從而反映出你們之外更好的現實。


這容易嗎? 不,當然不是,但你們想讓它變得簡單嗎? 好吧,不是在你們化身之前,但也許是因為你們已經改變了主意,想要快速而簡單的揚升之路。 你們只會這樣做一次,你們的更高自我,你們的靈魂,你們的超靈,你們所有更大的部分都希望它以現在的管道發生,並希望你們是點燃將人類意識帶入第五維度的火焰的人。






How to End Slavery & Shift to 5D ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are ready to welcome in more members of the ground crew there on Earth. We are in a constant state of recruitment, and we will take anyone who wants to create real change on your world and who is willing to start with themselves. This is a journey that you are all on that involves working together to raise the level of consciousness there on your world so that the changes can occur. We see a lot of people there on your world believing that something has to happen in order for changes to occur, changes that would be for the better and for the better of all of humankind.

People believe that disclosure must happen, that mass arrests must happen, or that the right person must be in the right position of power in order to affect real change, but those people are still believing in a third-dimensional paradigm, one that pits good versus evil. You are not there to play out that type of scenario. You are there to bring about the changes on your world by working together to raise the level of consciousness. Talk about a grass roots movement. That’s what your ascension is all about. That’s how you’re going to free all the people who are enslaved literally and figuratively. 

It will have to happen at the level of consciousness first and always. People are waiting around for something to happen, for someone to step in and be the hero for humanity, but you are all the heroes, and you must put your disagreements aside, disagreements about who is good and who is evil, what is happening behind the scenes, and so on, so that you can come together as a collective and shift the collective consciousness to one of oneness. That’s how it will happen and it will start with you, the one receiving this transmission. Don’t let yourselves off the hook that easily, and don’t put all of your eggs in any basket that’s being woven for your amusement and entertainment.

There’s only one narrative worth giving your attention to, and that is the one that tells you that you are the ones creating this reality that you are experiencing right now, and you are the ones who will shift the consciousness of humankind so that you can experience a better reality, a reality where no one is enslaved for any reason. But you have to stop pointing your slingshots at the giants outside of you and start looking within. Who can you forgive today? How can you raise your vibration? What are the thoughts you need to release and replace? How can you love yourselves a little bit more? These are the questions that will create the changes within you that then can reflect a better reality outside of you. 

Is it easy? No, of course not, but did you want it to be easy? Well, not before you incarnated but perhaps since you have changed your minds and would like the fast and easy route to ascension. You are only going to do this once, and your higher self, your soul, your oversoul, all the bigger parts of you want it to happen the way it is happening, and want you to be the ones to ignite the flame that carries the consciousness of humanity into the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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