





我們對你們吸收當前能量的管道非常感興趣。 我們注意到你們中有多少人正在使用當前的能量來釋放你們能量身體和物理身體內部的障礙。 我們注意到你們中有多少人在這一刻的能量流中更多,這是由於你們在思想和信仰方面所做的改變。 在這個時候,你們中的許多人都有能力放棄這樣的想法,即你們必須做這一切,你們必須通過行動來做這一切。


每天都有越來越多的人意識到,他們真正需要做的是放手、服從和信任。 這允許那裡的能量幫助你們做他們最擅長的事情,如果你們能做你們在那裡最擅長的事,那麼你們就可以在這個時候對地球上的生命有最好的體驗。 你們在那裡體驗這個現實和意識的轉變,你們在那裡選擇如何體驗它。很多需要通過行動創造的東西已經存在於你們的現實中。


你們已經進入了人類進化的這個時期,給自己一個機會,讓自己少做一些事情,這樣你們就可以啟動你們需要啟動的東西,釋放你們需要釋放的東西,並最終轉變為你們正在成為的人。 這是一項艱巨的任務,我們可以說這比建造所有的建築和房屋、建造所有的道路和橋樑、供水系統、電力系統等等更大的任務。所以你們實際上比之前的人做得更多, 因為你們所面臨的許多問題與你們的基因系中的那些人所面臨的問題相同,並且無法妥善處理。


我們談論的是失去、放棄、對未知的恐懼等問題。 你們在那裡是為了以更多的恩典、更多的信任、更多的信心來處理這些經歷,相信你們自己,相信你們作為源能量存有的真實身份。 能量在那裡提供幫助。 能量需要你們願意讓它們穿過你們,現在你們意識到在你們生活的某些領域言語和行動是徒勞的,我們看到更多的人這樣做。 例如,你們不能僅僅說服你們生活中的其他人去改變。 你們必須這樣做,而這種改變意味著你們願意以不同的管道看待某件事,接受你們以前無法接受的事情,釋放恐懼或判斷。


這是意識的艱苦工作。 這是一種不需要任何實際身體負擔的負擔,但儘管如此,所有這些都會對你們的身體造成很大的負擔。 所以,你們需要休息,你們需要補水和冥想。 對於局外人來說,他們可能會認為你們的生活很輕鬆,什麼都不做。 與此同時,你們正在清除數十萬年來祖先的因果報應和創傷。


我們總是為你們感到驕傲,因為我們知道你們選擇了在人類其他人之前覺醒,並為他們指明道路。 你們正在建造能量的道路和高速公路,這些道路將幫助其他人自己到達那裡,但不會有那麼多戲劇性和創傷。 帶著喜悅和愛度過這段經歷是可能的,這有助於瞭解你們在做什麼以及為什麼。 你們這些覺醒的人都有這些知識,並且你們正在很好地利用這些知識,這就是為什麼我們對此時此刻在地球上看到的和感受感到如此高興,尤其是在你們這些覺醒和有意識地做這項工作的人中。





What the Current Energies Are Doing to Your Bodies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are very interested in the way you are all assimilating the current energies. We are noticing how many of you are using the current energies to release blockages that are inside of your energy bodies and your physical bodies. We are noticing how many of you are more in the flow with the energies of this moment, and that is due to the changes that you have made in terms of your thoughts and beliefs. Many of you are capable at this time of letting go of the idea that you have to do it all and that you have to do it all through action. 

There are more and more people every day waking up to the truth that what they really need to do is let go, surrender, and trust. This allows the energies that are there to help you to do what they do best, and if you can do what you are there to do best then you can have the best possible experience of life on planet Earth at this time. You are there to experience this reality and this shift in consciousness, and you are there to choose how you experience it. A lot of what needed to be created through actions is already there in your reality. 

You have stepped into this time in human evolution to give yourselves an opportunity to do less so that you can activate what you need to activate, release what you need to release, and ultimately transform into who and what you are becoming. That’s a monumental task, and we would say an even bigger task than having to build all the buildings and homes, create all the roads and bridges, the water systems, the electrical systems, and so on. So you are actually doing more than those who came before you, because a lot of the issues that you are facing are the same ones that those in your genetic line have faced and have been unable to handle appropriately.

We are talking about issues like loss, abandonment, fear of the unknown. You are there to handle these experiences with more grace, with more trust, with more faith in yourselves and in who and what you really are as Source Energy Beings. And the energies are there to help. The energies need your willingness to let them run through you, and we see more of you doing that now that you realize the futility of words and actions in certain areas of your life. You cannot just convince someone else in your life to change, for example. You have to do it, and that change involves you being willing to look at something in a different way, to accept something you haven’t been able to accept before, to release a fear or a judgment. 

That’s the hard work of consciousness. That’s the heavy lifting that doesn’t require any actual physical heavy lifting, but nevertheless, all of it can be very taxing on you physically. And so, you need to rest, and you need to take breaks, and you need to hydrate and meditate. And to the outsider looking in, they might assume that you have a very easy life and you don’t do much of anything at all. And meanwhile you are clearing hundreds of thousands of years of ancestral karma and trauma. 

We are always very proud of you, because we know that you incarnated to awaken ahead of the rest of humanity and show them the way. You are building energetic roads and highways, pathways that will assist others in getting there themselves, but with less drama and trauma. It is possible to navigate through this experience with joy and love, and it helps to know what you’re doing and why. And those of you who are awake have that knowledge, and you are putting it to good use, which is why we are so happy about what we are seeing and feeling at this time on planet Earth, especially amongst those of you who are awake and aware enough to do this work consciously.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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