





我們非常高興看到你們中的許多人調諧到銀河系的能量,並意識到你們在地球上的歷史遠遠超出了你們的一生。 我們知道地球是一個具有挑戰性的化身之地,我們知道你們中許多接收這些傳輸的人都知道,你們化身的唯一目的是幫助地球上的人類。 對你們所有人來說,僅僅待在那裡,僅僅在自己的身體裏,這可能是非常具有挑戰性的。 這就是為什麼我們經常告訴你們,你們不應該做什麼,但你們有這種感覺是有原因的。 你們會有這種感覺,因為你們知道自己正在執行一項任務,而且在作為一個人生活了很長一段時間後,你們會被程式編成為相信任務需要採取行動。


然而,你們的使命是獨一無二的,因為你們在那裡是為了保持某種振動。 你們在那裡錨定在某些能量中,比如銀河系的能量,你們所做的大部分事情都會發生,並在你們第一次正式接觸外星存有後變得清晰。 在很多方面,你們在那裡觀察,瞭解地球上的生命,並試圖融入其中。這並不容易,但回報是巨大的。 你們不僅在幫助人類進化和揚升,而且還在拯救人類免於自我毀滅。 我們知道這聽起來有點浮誇,但想想看,人類有足夠的核武器來消滅地球上的所有生命。 這將對整個星系、整個宇宙和所有宇宙產生影響,因為我們都是相互聯繫的。


你們是勇敢的人,承擔了揚升那裡意識的巨大任務。 你們在那裡是為了用愛、喜悅、自由和興奮來對抗宇宙存在的恐懼。 你們在那裡是為了給這個飽受戰爭蹂躪的星球帶來和平。 這是一項崇高的使命,如果曾經有過的話,你們不必伸出一根手指來幫助拯救人類。 但為了完成你們的使命,你們必須照顧好自己,這有時意味著要更加內省而不是外向。 有時這意味著生活在一種孤立中,當然也意味著超越與其他引發恐懼、傳播恐懼的人的爭論。


你們的敏感是一種超能力,你們對人類同胞的同情最終會拯救他們。 盡你們所能保持正向的態度,保持高昂的下巴,不要沉迷於證明自己的觀點,向別人表明自己錯了。 記住,它們是你們要保存的,有時這意味著要非常溫和地處理它們,並知道如果你們盡可能保持高振動,它們最終會出現。





Your Mission to Save Humanity, Earth & the Universe ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are absolutely delighted to see so many of you tuning in to galactic energies and realizing that you have a history that goes far beyond your lifetimes there on Earth. We know that Earth is a challenging place to incarnate, and we know that many of you who receive these transmissions know that you incarnated for the sole purpose of helping the humans of Earth. It can be so very challenging for all of you just to stay there, just to be in your physical bodies. And that’s why we often tell you that there is nothing you are supposed to be doing, but there is a reason why you feel that way. You feel that way because you know you are on a mission, and because after living as a human for quite some time, you become programmed with the belief that missions involve taking actions.

Your mission is unique, however, because you are there to hold a certain vibration. You are there to anchor in certain energies, like the galactic ones, and much of what you do will take place and become clear after you have first official contact with e.t. beings. In many ways, you are there to observe, to learn about life on Earth as it is, and to try to fit in. It hasn’t been easy, but the payoff is huge. You are not only helping humanity to evolve and ascend, but you are also saving humankind from self-destruction. We know that sounds a bit grandiose, but think about the fact that humanity has enough nuclear weapons to annihilate all life on Earth. That’s a disruption that would have consequences throughout the galaxy, throughout the universe, and throughout all universes, because we are all connected.

You are the brave ones who took on the huge assignment of up leveling the consciousness there. You are there to counter the fear that is so prevalent with love, with joy, with freedom, and with excitement. You are there to bring peace to a war-torn planet. That is a lofty mission, if there ever was one, and again, you don’t have to lift a finger to help to save humanity from itself. But you have to take care of yourselves in order to fulfill your mission, and that sometimes means being more introspective than outgoing. It sometimes means living in a type of isolation, and it definitely means rising above getting into arguments with other people who are promoting fear, who are spreading it around. 

Your sensitivity is a superpower and your compassion for your fellow humans is what ultimately will save them. Do your best to stay positive and keep your chin up, and don’t get sucked in to proving a point, to showing others that they are wrong. Remember that they are the ones you are there to save, and sometimes that means handling them very gently, and know that they will come around eventually if you just maintain your high vibration as best you can.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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