我們對人類不斷感到驚奇,因為你們有能力做這麼多好事,關心這麼多,愛這麼多,付出這麼多自己,當只有少數人決定要朝著積極的方向努力時,你們就能改變世界。 然而,首先,必須需要這樣做。 因此,當人們疑惑“為什麼會有這些可怕的自然災害呢?” 或者“為什麼這些人如此黑暗,以至於他們願意傷害這麼多人呢?” 答案是,如果你們沒有那些負面的人和負面的環境,你們就不可能知道成為英雄是什麼感覺。 你們不知道,對於一個剛剛受到某種傷害的人來說成為英雄的感覺有多好。
如果不存在某些事情對一個人或多個人來說非常糟糕的可能性,你們永遠不會知道你們會有多大的同情心。 現在,我們不是在為那些在黑暗中行動的人的行為辯護,不是通過任何想像。 我們在這裡所說的是,你們都知道你們需要共同創造各種各樣的環境,以便向自己展示自己在一瞬間可以變得多麼美麗。 無論你們是否意識到,你們都希望在物質身體中體驗自己作為源頭能量,如果不是無條件的愛,什麼是源頭呢? 無條件的愛意味著你們將在你們生活中遇到的任何和所有條件下都是愛。
這就是為什麼有這麼多可怕的情況需要面對。 否則,就不可能有更多的機會去瞭解你們的真實身份,不僅僅是在理論上,而是在行動上。 現在你們都可以採取行動向自己證明,你們是無條件的肉身之愛。 你們可以這樣說; 你們可以原諒別人。 如果你們沒有採取行動,你們可以發送療癒和愛的資訊,這就是我們在地球上看到越來越多的人一直在做的事情。
無名英雄現在就在你們中間。 有很多人每天都做著英雄的事,不要求任何補償。 他們不需要在社交媒體上大肆宣揚; 他們不需要告訴任何人,因為他們知道。 他們有機會更真實地展現自己,這是他們自己的回報。 這就是為什麼壞事發生,壞事存在於你們的世界。 他們不是來誘惑你們或考驗你們的,他們肯定不是來懲罰你們的。 它們都存在,所以你們有機會站起來,面對任何扔給你們的東西,成為愛。
現在,我們明白這是多麼困難,所以我們只想提醒你們,你們是想出這個主意的人。 無論你們是否意識到這一點,你們都選擇了在那裡,你們之所以選擇在那裡,是因為你們知道自己能夠勝任這項任務,但你們也希望在行動中親身體驗。 再一次,我們認為你們做得很好,即使你們不是每次都做,即使你們仍然滑倒。 甚至是渴望,甚至是成為你們真實存在的意圖,都是人類集體意識向前邁出的巨大一步,我們每天都在看到這些步驟。
You Could Be Heroes ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are continuously amazed by human beings because you have a capacity within you to do so much good, to care so much, to love so much, and to give so much of yourselves that you can change the world when just a handful of you decide that you want to work towards something positive, something that will benefit everyone. First, however, a need for that has to arise. So when people wonder, ‘Why are there these horrible natural disasters?’ or ‘Why do these people exist who are so dark that they would be willing to do harm to so many?’ and the answer is that if you didn’t have all of those negative people and negative circumstances, you could not know what it was like to be a hero. You could not know how good it felt to be there for someone who has just been hurt in some way.
You could never know how much compassion you could feel if the possibility didn’t exist for some things to go very badly for one or more people. Now, we are not justifying the acts of those who are operating in the dark, not by any stretch of the imagination. What we are saying here is that you all knew you needed to co-create various circumstances in order to show yourselves just how beautiful you could be in a moment. You all want to experience yourselves as Source Energy in a physical body, whether you realize it or not, and what is Source if not unconditional love? Unconditional love means that you will be love under any and all conditions that you are confronted with in your life.
That is why there are so many horrific conditions to confront. Otherwise, there would not exist that opportunity to be more of who you really are and to be it in more than just theory, to be it in action. Now you can all take action to demonstrate to yourselves that you are unconditional love in the flesh. You can speak words to that effect; you can forgive others. You can send transmissions of healing and love if there is no action to take on your part, and that is what we see more and more of you doing all the time there on Earth.
The unsung heroes are living amongst you right now. There are many, many individuals who do heroic things every single day and don’t ask for any compensation. They don’t need to make a big deal about it on social media; they don’t need to tell a single soul, because they know. They got the chance to be more of who they really are, that was its own reward. That is why bad things happen and bad things exist on your world. They are not there to tempt you or test you, and they are certainly not there to punish you. They all exist so that you have the opportunity to rise up and be love in the face of whatever is thrown at you.
Now, we understand how hard that is, and so we just want to remind you that you are the ones who came up with this idea. You chose to be there whether you realize it or not, and the reason you chose to be there is because you knew you were up to the task, but you also wanted to experience it in action, in the flesh. And once again, we think you are doing a wonderful job, even though you don’t do it every single time, even though you still slip and fall. Even the desire, even the intention to be that which you truly are is an enormous step forward for the human collective consciousness, and we are seeing those steps taken every single day.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”