我們正在傾聽你們的所有請求,我們花了相當多的能量來確定首先要回答哪些請求。 換言之,我們必須根據我們的觀察,根據我們對人類的瞭解,來决定你們準備好了什麼,而不是其他什麼。 但最近,我們從你們所有人那裡得到的要求主要圍繞着生活在一個和平的世界,圍繞着生活一個人們可以繁榮、人們可以和諧生活、繁榮的世界。 我們認為所有這些要求都反映了你們作為一個人類集體的表現。
我們看不到有那麼多要求獲得巨額財富、權力和權威地位的請求,因為你們中覺醒的人和正在向我們講話的人都知道,這些都是空洞的道路。 它們是沒有實質的路徑。 你們都已經知道,你們在那裡所做的遠比在三維空間裏過完美的生活更重要。 你們在那裡成長、擴展、發展,並幫助其他人也這樣做。 你們將在那裡最終揚升,我們將在這裡幫助你們。
我們現在正在幫助解決地球的網格問題。 還有很多需要被帶到地球的物理環境中,還有很多需要療癒、釋放、原諒等等,你們中的一些人非常清楚這些需要,你們正在向我們敞開心扉,接受我們能够提供的幫助,我們非常感激。 我們希望你們知道,你們在我們的雷達上,你們中自願成為我們地面部隊的人正在被要求採取行動。
我們看到你們的指導團隊如何幫助打開你們的頂輪,給你們的身體提供他們需要的升級,這樣你們就可以成為那些奇妙的管道,通過錨定幫助地球上所有人在和平、繁榮中生活所需的能量來幫助全人類,並在他們想要參與的任何追求中自由發展。這是人類的關鍵時刻, 我們看到覺醒的集體正逐步成為你們生來就要成為的網格工作者,我們也看到,通過這樣做,你們彼此連接,你們為自己錨定了更多,你們超越了你們以前在物質生活中所處的地方,那裡有地球。
獎勵是即時的,而且是很多的,這種網格工作不一定是工作。 這意味着有趣、快樂、好玩,你們所有人都敞開心扉,昂首挺胸,帶着共同創造新地球的想法,為每個人創造自由、快樂和興奮生活的空間。 這是你們被承諾的新時代,這是你們實現夢想的時間和管道。
The Awakened Collective, Grid-workers & Ground Crew ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to all of your requests, and we spend quite a bit of our focus on determining which of those requests to answer first. In other words, we have to determine what you are ready for and what you are not, based on our observations, based on what we have come to know about humanity. But lately the requests that we have been getting from all of you revolve mostly around living in a world that is peaceful and around living in a world where people can prosper, where people can live harmoniously and thrive. And we see all of these requests as a reflection of how well you are doing as a human collective.
We do not see as many requests for massive amounts of wealth, power, and positions of authority, because those of you who are awake and are addressing us know those are the hollow paths. They are the paths with no substance. You have all come to know that what you are doing there is far greater than living a perfect life in third-dimensional terms. You are there to grow, expand, evolve, and help others to do the same. You are there to eventually ascend, and we are here to help.
We are helping right now by working with the Earth’s gridlines. There is a lot that still needs to be brought into the physical Earth environment, and there is a lot that needs to be healed, released, forgiven, and so on, and there are those of you who are quite aware of these needs, and you are opening yourselves up to us and to the help that we can provide, and we appreciate that so much. We want you to know that you are on our radar, and those of you who have volunteered to be our ground crew are being called into action.
We see how your guides help to open up your crowns, to give your bodies the upgrades that they need so that you can be those wonderful conduits and help all of humanity by anchoring in the energies that are needed to help all there on Earth to live in peace, prosperity, and to thrive freely in whatever pursuits they want to take part in. This is a pivotal time for humanity, and we see the Awakened Collective stepping up to be those grid-workers that you were born to be, and we also see that by doing so, you connect with one another, you anchor in more for yourselves, and you go beyond where you have ever been before in a physical life there are Earth.
The rewards are immediate, and they are many, and this grid-work doesn’t have to be work. This is meant to be fun, joyful, playful, and you are all leading the way with your hearts wide open, with your heads held high, and with your thoughts on co-creating the new Earth, one that creates the space for everyone to be able to live lives of freedom, joy, and excitement. This is the new age that you have been promised, and this is the time and the way you are all making it happen.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”