我們非常尊重人類。 我們知道,在這揚升的一生中,你們為自己選擇了極具挑戰性的道路。 在整個多元宇宙正在揚升的時候,你們不得不面對這些挑戰,因為一切都必須從你們的內心和陰影中出現。 你們所有人都有機會審視自己的內心,而你們中的許多人已經通過審視自己的外部開始了這個過程。 通過看到他人、機構和系統中的腐敗,你們曾經信任過,你們發現了一些作為人類經驗的一部分而存在的東西。 如果它在外在,那麼它也在你們的內心。
當我們告訴你們這與實現你們想要的有關時,你們會喜歡的。 換言之,當我們告訴你們,你們渴望的一切也都在你們的內心時,一種溫暖、安慰的感覺湧上你們的心頭,但當我們談論那些黑暗、消極、壓抑的事情時,我們提醒你們,如果它在外面,那麼它也在你們的內部,那就不會過去了。 我們都生活在一個全息宇宙中。 沒有分離,每個部分都包含整體。 因此,簡單地用手指指那些人、那些組織、那些系統、那些蓄意傷害的機構,對人類沒有任何好處。
每一個意識到黑暗的人都必須承認,黑暗也存在於他們的內心,並且它正在到來並觸發這個人,因為這個人需要一些療癒和寬恕。 你們不能把它們全部鎖起來,然後就這樣做了,因為創造這些環境的意識仍然存在,你們在那裡提升地球上的意識水準,而這一切都是從你們自己的內心開始的。 你們是創造和體驗一切的起點。 因此,改變必須取決於你們,當你們看到一些你們不喜歡的東西時,把鏡頭轉向自己,問問自己如何才能做得更好,作為一個無條件的愛的人,你們如何才能變得更真實。
現在,我們前面提到的地球生命的棘手部分是如何。 你們是怎麼做到的? 當世界上有那麼多的人在爭奪你們的注意力,而不是愛時,你們如何表現出愛的樣子? 用一種更好的管道來說,那些東西、那些機構或那些人擁有的愛之量,他們真的被拒絕了,以至於他們看起來並不是真正的愛。 你們都知道,你們可以時不時地這樣做。 有些事情會讓你們變得如此糟糕,以至於你們不是最好的自己; 在任何情況下,你們都不是你們最愛的自己。 知曉這一點會讓你們更容易原諒別人,尤其是那些在生活中從未從別人那裡得到過愛的人。 想像一下那一定是什麼樣子的。
現在,你們表現為愛的方式是培養每一刻內在的愛,這是很容易做到的。如果你們感到無聊,你們不知道該做什麼,那麼把你們的意識轉向內在,找到你們內心深處真正的愛,呼吸它,放大它,並用它填滿你們的整個身體。然後用它填滿能量場, 然後以愛的姿態走出去。 我們強烈建議你們在一天的開始就這樣做,並在一天中定期提醒自己,你們是為了愛而存在的,你們將要成為的愛永遠存在於你們的內心。 它離你們內心的活躍只有幾分鐘的時間,你們總是有力量去啟動它。你們不必等到某個寵物或人出現時才發現它非常可愛。
我們知道你們能做到這一點,因為我們看到越來越多的人一直在做這件事,每當我們看到有人選擇愛時,我們都會感到興奮。 這就是答案; 這是我們所有人的本質,也是地球上現時最需要的東西。
The Best Way to Start Your Day ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have an enormous amount of respect for humanity. We know that you chose very challenging paths for yourselves in this lifetime of ascension. You could not help but face these challenges at a time when the entire multiverse is ascending, because everything must come up from inside of you and from the shadows. You are all being given a chance to look inside of yourselves, and many of you have started that process by looking outside of yourselves. By seeing the corruption in others, and in institutions, and systems that you once put your trust in, you have uncovered something that exists as a part of the human experience. And if it’s out there, then it’s also inside of you.
You like it when we tell you that in relationship to manifesting what you want. In other words, when we tell you that everything out there that you desire is also inside of you, there’s a warm, comforting feeling that washes over you, but when we are talking about that which is dark, that which is negative, that which is oppressive, and we remind you that if it’s out there then it’s also inside of you, that doesn’t go over as well. We all live in a holographic universe. There is no separation, and every part contains the whole. Therefore, it does no human any good to simply point a finger and call out those people, those organizations, those systems, those institutions that are doing harm and doing harm on purpose.
Every single person who becomes aware of that darkness must acknowledge that the darkness exists within them as well and that it is coming up and triggering that person because there is some healing and some forgiveness that is needed within that individual. You can’t just lock them all up and be done with it, because the consciousness that created those circumstances will still exist, and you are there to elevate the level of consciousness there on Earth, and all of that begins by doing it within yourself. You are the point from which everything is being created and experienced. Therefore, it must be up to you to change, and when you see something out there that you don’t like, turn the lens on yourself and ask yourself how you can do better, how you can become more of who you really are as a being of unconditional love.
Now, the tricky part of life on Earth that we were referring to earlier is how. How do you do it? How do you show up in the world as love when there is so much out there that is vying for your attention that is not love? To put it a better way, that stuff, or those institutions, or those people, have the volume of love that they truly are turned down to such an extent that they appear to not be the love that they truly are. And you all know that you can do that from time to time. Something can get to you to such an extent that you are not your best self; you are not your most loving self in all situations. And knowing that does make it easier for you to forgive the others, especially those who never received any love from anyone else in their lives. Imagine what that must be like.
Now, the way that you show up as love is by cultivating the love that is inside of you in every moment that it is easy to do so. If you are bored and you don’t know what to do, turn your consciousness inward and find the love that you truly are in your heartspace, breathe into it, magnify it, and fill your whole body up with it. Then fill your energy field up with it, and then go out in the world as love. We highly recommend that you start your day doing just that and that you periodically remind yourself throughout your day that you are there to be love and that the love that you are to be always exists inside of you. It is just a few moments away from being active within you, and you have the power, always, to activate it. You don’t have to wait until some pet or person comes along that is extremely lovable.
We know you can do this because we see more and more people doing it all the time, and we get excited every time we see someone choosing love. It is the answer; it is what we all are, and it is what is needed more than anything else on planet Earth right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”