我們總是想逾越界限,向人類提供太多的幫助,儘管我們知道,直面挑戰,從內心獲得你們所需要的一切,對你們非常有益。 我們知道,你們正在進行的這段旅程往往看起來太長,曲折太多,當我們看到你們在地球上掙扎時,我們對你們充滿了同情。 但我們最近也注意到,你們從前世汲取了多少力量,你們正在做的綜合工作絕對令人驚歎。
你們看,每次你們連接過去的生活記憶,或者你們處理一些過去的生活創傷時,你們都會意識到你們的另一個面向,你們的這一方面有一些非常積極的東西可以補充。 現在,我們最近在地球上看到的是無數種管道,當你們能够在第三維度中將你們的意識帶到很遠的地方時,你們已經能够接觸到更多的你們在這一生中的經歷。
地球上的每一個人,甚至是那些尚未覺醒的人,都曾在過去的生活中掌握過自己的思想、情感或你們世界的能量。 你們都已經成為了大師,現在是進入這些生活的最佳時機,這些天賦和能力是你們在之前的版本中已經獲得的。 現在,你們中的一些人認為,這些生命真的是同時存在的,它們實際上並不存在於“過去”中,而你們是正確的。 這就是你們可以訪問其他空間/時間中存在的其他版本的管道。
順便說一句,你們也在幫助他們,因為你們現在生活着什麼,你們這輩子在你們的身體裏變成了什麼。 不要低估自己或你們所做的工作。 這是非常重要的,你們正在幫助所有人類和你們自己的這些過去的生活版本,通過面對你們的挑戰,通過進入內心,通過處理你們需要處理的事情。 這是一個漫長而艱巨的旅程,因為你們有太多的自我選擇,並將其融入到你們的整體中。 這正是我們看到你們所做的,這也是為什麼我們對你們正在連接的內容如此興奮。
你們正在獲得掌握、靈性天賦和能力,這些似乎與你們在此生的靈性進化中此刻所處的位置相去甚遠,但事實上它們在你們的觸手可及範圍內。 我們每天都看到你們都在連接它們,我們知道你們將能够創造出你們希望在你們的世界和個人生活中看到的巨大變化。 我們知道這一點,因為我們可以看到你們面前的時間線,從你們現在的位置來看,你們已經在路上了。
對於你們這些覺醒的人來說,這是一個激動人心的時刻,你們一直在自己身上做着你們此生絕對要做的工作。 祝賀已經安排好了,我們在這裡向你們每一個人分發。
Your Spiritual Gifts, Abilities & Mastery Are Coming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are always tempted to overstep, to offer too much assistance to humanity, even though we know that it serves you very well to face your challenges head on and to access everything that you need from within. We know that this journey you are on is often seeming as though it is much too long and with far too many twists and turns, and we have so much compassion for you when we see you struggling there on Earth. But what we have also noticed recently is how much strength you have been drawing from your previous lifetimes and the integration work that you are doing is absolutely stunning to behold.
You see, every time you access a past life memory, or you process some past life trauma, you are aware of another aspect you, and that aspect of you has something very positive to add. Now, what we have been seeing recently there on Earth are the myriad ways that you have been able to access more of who you have been in those lifetimes when you were able to take your consciousness quite far in the third dimension.
Everyone there on Earth, even those who have yet to awaken, have had past lives where they have mastered their thoughts, their emotions, or the energies of your world. You have all been masters, and now is the perfect time to be accessing those lifetimes, those gifts and abilities that you have already attained in those previous versions of yourselves. Now, some of you are thinking that those lifetimes are really simultaneous ones, and they do not actually exist in ‘the past,’ and you would be correct. That is how you can access these other versions of you existing somewhere else in space/time.
And by the way, you are helping them as well by what you are living and what you are becoming there in your physical bodies in this lifetime. Do not underestimate yourselves or the work you have done. It is significant, and you are helping all of humanity and these past life versions of yourselves by facing your challenges, by going within, by processing what you need to process. This is a long and arduous journey because you have so many pieces of yourselves to pick and bring into the whole of who you are. And that is precisely what we see you doing, and that is why we are so excited about what you are accessing.
You are accessing mastery, spiritual gifts and abilities that seem like they are far out of reach from where you stand right now at this point in your spiritual evolution in this lifetime, but in fact they are well within your reach. And we see you all accessing them every single day, and we know that you are going to be able to create the great changes you want to see in your world and in your personal lives. We know it because we can see those timelines in front of you, and from where you are right now, you are already well on your way.
These are exciting times for those of you who are awake and have been doing the work on yourselves that you absolutely set out to do in this lifetime. Congratulations are in order, and we are here to hand them out to each and every one of you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”