





我們觀察人類已經有很長時間了,我們知道在那裡是多麼困難,我們希望你們知道,你們生活中的每一點都是精心安排的,給你們最大的成長機會。 我們希望你們知道,當你們選擇愛的時候,你們總會成長。 我們知道,世界上有很多關於壓迫者是誰以及他們在做什麼的討論。 我們知道所有壓迫者所做的是,在他們的壓迫面前,他們給你們所有人一個愛的機會。 他們的惡意必須得到愛、同情和寬恕,這樣你們才能進入遊戲的下一個階段。 你們打得越多,壓迫者就會站起來反抗。 你們越是愛他們、原諒他們、同情他們,他們就會改變得越多。


當你們放下你們的劍,你們將自己奉獻給愛的人時,他們會改變,以反映你們的變化。 你們在你們的內心做出了巨大的改變,改變了你們外在的一切。 現在,人們總是想知道無辜者,如果我們不戰鬥,他們會怎麼樣。 當你們改變自己時,你們改變了一切,包括現實中被壓迫的人的數量。 所以,如果你們真的想解放那些被奴役的人,你們必須改變,因為你們正在創造這一切,你們正在創造它,這樣你們就給自己最大的機會來成長、進化,成為你們真正的自己,這就是無條件的愛


你們想為盡可能多的人服務,包括所有受壓迫的人? 那就是愛。 當你們看到一個人在發洩仇恨、偏執、種族主義,並且有各種各樣的議程來將人們彼此分離時,你們必須用愛來回應他,因為一旦你們指出了他們的所有缺點,指出了他們曾經做過或說過的所有可怕的事情,他們不會走掉。 你們有沒有注意到這不會讓他們離開呢? 相反,他們中的人更多了,聲音更大了,更多的人支持他們,在社交媒體上關注他們。


所以,你們必須是那個說:“面對這種仇恨,我將成為愛。” 我會選擇愛而不是恐懼,我會將愛傳遞給每個人,無論他們是誰,他們做了什麼,他們相信什麼,他們繼續說什麼。” 然後你們將進入下一個級別。 然後你們就解決了這個遊戲,這個謎題。 你們將通過愛邪惡,愛作惡者來戰勝邪惡。 當然,不同的人對邪惡的定義是不同的,但如果你們將某種東西定義為邪惡,那就是你們的工作。 這是你們給自己的課程。


有時候,你們需要原諒的是你們。 有時候你們是最需要你們愛的人。 誠實地告訴自己,你們對自己的真實感受,你們做了什麼,你們是誰,因為這是你們通往自我愛和自我寬恕的唯一途徑。 當你們把它送給自己時,你們更有可能把它送給別人,而當你們把它們送給別人時,你們也更有可能把它們送給自己。


所以也要記住這一點。 每當你們向別人獻上愛時,你們總是在幫助自己,一個非常需要愛的人。 這將產生多米諾骨牌效應。 你們會影響人類集體的整體,只需決定下次你們在螢幕上看到那個通常會觸發你們的人的臉時,你們會愛上那個人。 面對他們提供的任何東西,你們都會成為愛,你們會提升自己,最終發現自己站在第五維度。





If You Want to Solve the Game, You Must Do This ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing humanity for a very long time, and we know how challenging it is to be there, and we want you to know that every single bit of your life has been orchestrated to give you the greatest opportunities to grow. And we want you to know that you always grow when you choose love. We know that there is a lot of talk out there in the world about who the oppressors are and what they are doing. We know what all oppressors do is they give you an opportunity to be love in the face of their oppression. Their malevolence must be met with beams of love, compassion, and forgiveness in order for you to move to the next level of the game. The more you fight, the more oppressors will rise up to be fought. The more you love, forgive, and have compassion for them, the more of them will change.

They will change to reflect the change in you when you lay down your sword and you offer yourself up as a being of love. You make that monumental change within you that changes everything outside of you. Now, people always wonder about the innocents and what is going to happen to them if we don’t fight. When you change yourself, you change everything, including the number of people being oppressed in your reality. So if you really want to free those who are enslaved, you must change, because you are creating all of this, and you are creating it so that you give yourselves the greatest number of opportunities to grow, to evolve, to become who and what you really are, which is unconditional love.

You want to be of service to as many people as possible, including all who are oppressed? Then be love. When you see someone who is spewing hate, bigotry, racism, and has all kinds of agendas to separate people from one another, you must respond to that person with love because they will not just go away once you point out all of their flaws, all of the awful things they’ve ever done or said. Have you noticed it doesn’t make them go away? Instead, there are more of them, they are louder, and they get more people voting for them, following them on Instagram and Twitter. 

And so, you must be the one who says, ‘I will be the love in the face of this hate. I will choose love over fear, and I will radiate love to everyone no matter who they are, what they have done, what they believe, and what they continue to say.’ And then you will get to go to the next level. Then you will have solved the game, the puzzle. You will have triumphed over evil by loving evil, by loving the evil-doers. And of course, what is evil is defined differently by different people, but if you are defining something as evil, then that’s your work. That’s the curriculum you have given yourself.

And sometimes it is you that you need to forgive. Sometimes you are the one who needs the most love from you. Be honest with yourselves about how you really feel about you and what you have done and who you have been, because that is the only way you will ever get to that place of self-love and self-forgiveness. And when you are giving it to yourself, you’re more likely to give it to others, and when you give it to others, you’re more likely to give it to yourself. 

So remember that as well. You are always helping yourself whenever you offer love to someone else, someone who is in great need of that love. And it will have a domino effect. You will affect the totality of the human collective by just deciding that the next time you see that person’s face on a screen who usually triggers you that you will love that person. You will be love in the face of whatever they are offering, and you will level yourself up, eventually finding yourself standing in the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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