我們正在觀察並等待着,看看人類對地球上每一件事情的反應。 我們知道,現在的一切都是為了讓你們慢慢走向不可避免的揚升,我們也知道,有很多途徑可以提升你們的意識。 這並不一定要經歷痛苦,但當一個人不注意的時候,這往往會成為潛意識層面的選擇。 沒有人有意識地說,他們希望生活中有更多的痛苦,但這種情況在地球上經常發生。 即使它總是有目的的,你們也可以通過追隨你們的快樂而快速輕鬆地揚升。
你們可以更密切地關注你們內心和生活中發生的事情,你們可以通過不斷地選擇愛來更恰當地走向更高的境界。 這是你們所有人的道路,無論你們面臨什麼樣的環境。 捫心自問:“面對這一切,我能成為愛嗎?” 如果你們真的覺得自己做不到,那麼問問自己:“為什麼?” 也許你們需要克服一些負面情緒,然後才能找到你們內心深處的愛,愛永遠存在,永遠可以得到,這沒關係。 你們註定要感受地球上的一切。
因此,只要你們知道最終的目標是到達你們內心深處的愛的地方,就去吧,讓你們的憤怒去吧。 讓任何負面情緒對你們來說都是真實的,你們不必改變它; 你們不必改變它。 你們正在改變自己,而你們這樣做的管道之一就是接受一切,並在一切面前保持愛。僅僅因為你們感到一些憤怒,一些悲傷,一些恐懼,甚至一些仇恨,並不意味着你們正在改變。 這並不意味着你們正朝着錯誤的方向前進,或者成為任何一個這樣的人。 這僅僅意味着你們正在暫時體驗到自己是一種愛以外的東西,在你們化身地球之前你們就知道你們會這樣做。
你們知道一切都會擺在檯面上讓你們去感受,它會幫助你們去感受地球經驗所提供的一切。 因此,你們可能需要不時提醒自己,無論生活中發生什麼,最終的目標永遠是愛。 如果你們能平靜地面對這樣一個事實,那就是到達那裡的道路上經常會有很多不想要的、不那麼好的情緒,那麼你們就會更快地到達那裡。
現在,你們中的許多人都想知道你們在地球上的目的是什麼。 你們想要一個終身的使命。 到那個地方去,面對即將到來的一切,你們會感受到愛,你們會為他人服務。 其他人需要看到一個例子,這樣他們才能有所效仿。 他們需要你們這些光之工作者來鋪平道路。 你們作為覺醒的靈魂出現在那裡,因為你們想先這樣做,然後向其他人展示。 你們中許多覺醒的人也是老師和領導者; 你們是嚮導。 當你們用愛照亮你們所走的道路時,其他人,無論他們現在在哪裡,都能够並且最終會跟隨你們。
Ask Yourselves These 2 Questions & Then Ascend ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are watching and waiting to see how humanity reacts to each and every occurrence there on planet Earth. We know that everything now is about inching you forward to your inevitable ascension, and we also know that there are many paths to raising one’s consciousness. It doesn’t have to happen through pain and suffering, but when a person isn’t paying attention, oftentimes that then becomes the choice on a subconscious level. No one consciously says that they want more pain and suffering to come in their lives, but it happens and it happens frequently there on Earth. And even though it always serves a purpose, you can ascend just as quickly and easily by following your joy.
You can pay closer attention to what is going on inside of you and in your lives, and you can move more appropriately to the higher realms by continuously choosing love. This is the way for all of you, no matter what the circumstances are that you are facing. Ask yourselves the question of, ‘Can I be Love in the face of this?’ And if you truly feel that you cannot, then ask yourselves the question of, ‘Why?’ Perhaps you will need to move through some negative emotions before you get to the place of love within you, the love that is always there, always available to you, and that is okay. You are meant to feel everything that there is to feel there on Earth.
Therefore, as long as you know that the ultimate goal is to get to that place of love within you, go right ahead and let your anger be. Let whatever negative emotion comes up for you be exactly what it is. You don’t have to change it; you don’t have to transmute it. You are transmuting yourselves, and one of the ways you do that is through accepting everything as it is and being love in the face of everything as it is. Just because you feel some anger, some sadness, some fear, or even some hate doesn’t mean that you are devolving. It doesn’t mean that you are going in the wrong direction or becoming any of those things. It just means you are having a temporary experience of yourself as something other than love, and you knew you would before you incarnated on Earth.
You knew everything would be on the table for you to feel and that it would serve you to feel everything that the Earth experience has to offer. Therefore, you may need to remind yourselves from time to time that no matter what comes up in your lives, the ultimate goal is always to be love. And if you can make peace with the fact that the path to getting there often does have a lot of unwanted, not-so-good feeling emotions on it, then you will get there more quickly.
Now, many of you wonder what your purpose is there on Earth. You want a mission for your lives. Get to that place where you are feeling love in the face of everything that is coming up for you, and you will be in service to others. Others need to see an example so that they have something to follow. They need for those of you who are lightworkers to pave the way. You are there as awakened souls because you wanted to do it first and then show others. Many of you who are awake are also teachers and leaders; you are guides. And when you light the path that you are on with love, everyone else, no matter where they are right now, can and will eventually follow.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”