





我們對人類的揚升如此感興趣,因為你們正在幫助我們擁有沒有你們我們無法擁有的體驗。 我們非常享受見證你們的道路,也作為我們的幫手參與其中。 我們希望你們都知道,一切都會好起來的。 我們希望你們意識到你們實際上是在夢想這個現實的存在,我們也邀請你們認為這是一個多麼偉大的壯舉。


你們現在正在走最艱難的路,這意味着你們是大師。 只有大師才會像你們一樣接受這樣的挑戰。 你們都會得到我們的幫助,因為我們認識到這一點,因為我們愛你們,因為我們認為你們是創造宇宙擴張機會最多的人。 如果你們仔細想想,那是令人興奮的,因為你們在那裡所經歷的一切都使宇宙為其中的所有存有提供了更多的機會。


在未來的某個時刻,你們將體驗你們所創造的一切。 我們希望幫助你們儘早體驗你們正在創造的東西,這也是我們的目標。 我們希望你們享受這段旅程,我們希望你們放鬆,進入意識的擴展,但我們也希望你們享受你們的創造,有時你們中的一些人覺得它們就在遙遠的未來。 你們的這些創造物現在與你們共存,當你們有信心你們會收到它們時,你們就可以開始你們的事業了。 然後,你們可以過你們的生活,而不必擔心這些表現會不會影響到你們。


你們坐在駕駛座上,因為這是你們的創造; 你們過什麼樣的生活取決於你們。 是的,有著業力,是的,也有著契約,但你們中那些現在正在接受這種傳輸的人已經活得足够長,已經清理了大部分業力,並完成了大部分契約。 因此,作為第四維度的存在,你們是通過你們的感受、你們的振動管道、你們的關注點和你們的信仰來决定你們接下來會經歷什麼的人。


有一個資訊,我們可能無法充分強調,我們希望你們相信自己,也接受來自更高領域的幫助,因為我們認為你們自己無法做到這一點,所以這種幫助不會到來。 幫助來了,因為我們喜歡幫助,因為當你們要求幫助時,它必須來自某個地方,接受幫助畢竟是一種表現; 這是你們的創造。 這是一個合作,一個我們與你們聯繫的機會,一個你們與我們以及更高維度領域中如此多其他生命聯系的機會。 它把我們作為一個宇宙大家庭拉近了距離,把我們所有人拉近了,把整個宇宙拉近了源頭,因為我們真的都是一個存在,我們假裝我們不是,為了體驗的目的,在我們前進的過程中把一切都拼凑起來。


我們只是想不斷地提醒你們,這是一個自由意志的世界,你們可以决定你們經歷了什麼,不經歷什麼。 我們非常高興能與你們一起踏上這段旅程,即使你們沒有定期收到這些資訊,也請知道我們仍然與你們在一起,並為你們服務。 我們愛你們,寵愛你們,並將在這段返回源頭的旅程中與你們同在。





Why Did You Choose the Hardest Path in the Universe? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are so very interested in humanity’s ascension because you are helping us to have experiences that we could not otherwise have without you. We enjoy very much witnessing your path and also participating in it as the helpers that we are. We want you all to know that everything is going to work out for you. We want you to realize that you are in fact dreaming this reality into existence, and we also invite you to consider what a monumental feat that is.

You are taking the hardest path possible right now, and that means you are masters. Only masters would take on such challenges as you do. You all get our help because we recognize this, because we love you, and because we see you as the ones who create the most opportunities for expansion in this universe. That is exciting, if you think about it, because everything you experience there is causing the universe to offer more opportunities to all beings within it.

And you will experience everything that you have created at some point in the future. We want to help you experience what you are creating sooner than later, and so that is our goal as well. We want to you enjoy the ride, and we want you to relax into the expansion of your consciousness, but we also want you to enjoy your creations that sometimes feel like they are in the distant future for some of you. These creations of yours coexist with you right now, and when you have faith that you will receive them, then you can go about your business. Then you can live your lives without any anxiety regarding whether these manifestations will reach you or not.

You are truly in the driver’s seat as it is your creation; it is up to you what type of life you lead. Yes there is karma, and yes there are contracts, but those of you who are receiving this transmission right now have lived long enough to have cleared most of your karma and have completed most of your contracts, if not all of them. Therefore, as fourth-dimensional beings, you are the ones determining what you experience next by how you feel, how you vibrate, what you focus on, and what you believe in.

One message that we could not possibly hammer home enough is that we want you to believe in yourselves and also accept the help that’s coming from the higher realms, because that help isn’t coming as a result of us thinking you can’t do it on your own. The help is coming because we enjoy helping and because it has to come from somewhere when you ask for it, Receiving help is a manifestation after all; it is a creation of yours. It is a collaboration, an opportunity for us to connect with you and an opportunity for you to connect with us and so many other beings in the higher-dimensional realms. It brings us closer as a universal family, and bringing us all closer brings the entire universe closer to Source, as we truly are all one Being, pretending that we are not, making it all up as we go for the purpose of experience.

We just want to remind you, consistently, that this is a free will universe, and you do get to decide what you experience and what you do not. We are so very happy to be on this journey with you, and even when you are not receiving these transmissions on a regular basis, please know that we are still with you and looking out for you. We love you and adore you and will always be with you throughout this journey back to Source.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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