





我們已經準備好等待你們的請求。 我們喜歡直接聽到你們所有人的聲音,當你們大聲說出這些請求時,不僅我們,而且所有其他存有來幫助你們的人都能感受到你們注入到這些請求中的能量。 宇宙對聲音有很好的反應,當你們大聲說話時,你們就發出了聲音。 你們真的把一些東西放進了宇宙,這些東西會一直持續下去。


現在,當你們用你們的請求與我們聯繫時,請注意你們是否能感受到我們的能量,我們的存在,因為如果你們能,那麼你們就會知道你們已經把你們的振動提高到了一個點,頻率,這對你們來說是可能的。 處於較低振動狀態並向我們、你們的嚮導、宇宙發出請求,不如你們先提高振動,然後大聲說出你們的願望時有效。


現在,當你們作為個人前進時,你們會注意到別人也能得到他們想要的東西對你們來說很重要。 當你們對他人有這種渴望時,你們會與宇宙中存在的所有幫助者結盟,因為這也是他們的目標。 任何助手的目標都是幫助盡可能多的人。 因為你們是集體的一部分,任何你們渴望集體成為的東西,你們也渴望你們自己去成為。


你們是人類集體的一部分。 同樣重要的是,你們要認識到你們總是可以幫助別人提高他們的振動。 你們要做的是樹立一個榜樣,發出一個正面的高振動。 你們通過關心別人的感受來做到這一點。 當你們用富有同情心的耳朵傾聽時,你們會傾向於提升你們所傾聽的人的振動,因為這正是他們在那一刻所需要的。


當你們從一個更高的振動狀態中生活時,你們也會傾向於吸引那些在你們振動位置正下方的人來找你們,他們會從你們周圍的事物或聽到你們要說的話中受益匪淺。 這是一個美麗的時刻,你們所有人都將自己視為人類的領導者,作為擁有工具和知識進入那些更高振動狀態的人。 再一次,當你們這樣做的時候,你們與我們結盟,你們與宇宙中如此多的其他人結盟,他們具有更高的振動,並且想要幫助全人類。


這個提升不是關於分離或消除; 它是關於集成和合作的。 你們和你們的人類同胞們走得越遠,並且你們為所有人設定了積極的意願,對每個人來說提升的過程就越容易。 你們不是一個人在做這件事; 和你們在一起的每個人都是幫手。 即使他們只是在幫你們按按鈕,他們也在幫你們。 有時你們需要知道你們有可按下的按鈕,這樣你們就可以對它們做些什麼。


你們想在任何情况下都被愛,當你們和所有人在一起時,不僅僅是那些容易被愛的人。 這也會讓你們保持在一個更高的振動狀態; 你們將成為你們想成為他人的榜樣,並且你們將是你們知道自己在人類集體意識振動提升運動中真正處於的領導者。 整體振動繼續上升,你們都是覺醒集體的一部分,都是其中很大的一部分。 當這是你們的目標時,你們會從各個方面得到很多幫助。





How to Receive More Help from Us & Help Others ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 

We are ready and waiting for your requests. We love to hear from all of you directly, and when you speak those requests out loud, the energy that you infuse into the requests is felt not only by us but by all others who are your helpers. The universe responds well to sound, and when you speak something out loud, you create a sound. You literally put something out into the universe that will go on and on.

Now, as you connect to us with your requests, notice whether you can feel our energy, our presence, because if you can, then you know that you have raised your vibration to the point, to the frequency, where that is a possibility for you. Being in a lower vibrational state and putting out a request to us, to your guides, to the universe, is not as effective as when you raise your vibration first, and then state your desire out loud. 

Now, as you move forward as individuals, you will notice that it is important to you that others receive what they desire as well. And when you have that desire for others, you align with all the helpers that exist throughout the universe, because that is their goal as well. The goal of any helper is to help as many people as possible. And because you are a part of a collective, anything that you desire for the collective, you desire for you as well. 

You are a part of the collective of humanity. It is also important for you to recognize that you can always help others to raise their vibration. You do so by setting an example, by putting out a positive and high vibration. You do so by caring about how other people feel. When you listen with a compassionate ear, you have the tendency to elevate the vibration of the person you are listening to, because that is what they need in that moment.

When you live your life from a higher-vibrational state, you also tend to attract others to you who are right below where you are vibrationally and will benefit the most from being around you, or from hearing what you have to say. This is a beautiful time for you all to see yourselves as the leaders of humanity, as the ones who have the tools and the knowledge to get into those higher-vibrational states. And again, when you do, you align with us and you align with so many others throughout the universe who are of a higher vibration and who want to help all of humankind.

This ascension is not about separation or elimination; it is about integration and collaboration. The more you come together with your fellow humans, and you set positive intentions for all, the easier the process of ascension will be for everyone. You are not doing this alone; everyone who is there with you is a helper as well. And even if they are helping you by pushing your buttons, they are still helping you. Sometimes you need to know that you have pushable buttons so you can do something about them. 

You want to be love in all situations, and when you are around all people, not just the ones that are easy to love. That too will keep you in a higher-vibrational state; you will be the example you want to be to others, and you will be the leader that you know you really are in this movement of the ascension of the human collective consciousness’ vibration. That overall vibration continues to rise up, and you all who are a part of the Awakened Collective are a huge part of that. And when that is your goal, you have so much help coming to you from all directions.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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