來源:Kryon 克里昂
傳導:Carroll Lee 卡羅·李
這是本月關於變化的第四個通靈。在過去三周裡,我們討論了這個星球上開始發生的變化的幾個特點。這些變化主要是意識,我們也給了你一些例子,表明其中許多是意料之中的,它們與土著們的資訊相一致。它們圍繞著我們這個時代的週期、冬至的歲差和 2012 年的轉變。
親愛的,這只是我們所說的開端。我們在過去已經告訴過你一些改變的資訊,說:“留意這個”或“觀察那個”。這些東西正在到來。有些事情會讓你驚訝,它們真的很聳人聽聞,充滿了偉大的事情,當我告訴你其中一些事情時,你可能會問:“多久會發生,Kryon,多久?” 我現在要告訴你的這些東西中的每一個實際上已經存在。它們以某種形式存在或正在開發中。讓我說清楚:其中一些事情就在人類身上,等待“啊哈”的體驗。“Kryon,你在說什麼?”
電:有些在地球上出現的發明在時間上似乎很奇怪。你可能會回頭問:“為什麼花了這麼長時間?怎麼可能?”如果你開始留意事實,電的發現就是其中之一。這種能源以多種顯而易見的方式表現給人類多久了?無論是靜電,比如你的腳在某些物質上移動時產生的火花;還是天空的閃電——為什麼直到幾百年前才真正被觀察到,或提出問題:“我想知道這是否是我們可以使用的能源?” 至於究竟是誰發明的,你知道是麥可·法拉第(Michael Faraday),對吧(或者你沒有聽過另一個故事)?而且——它實際上不是電——而是電磁感應(磁力)?
飛機是另一個例子。中國人放風箏,瞭解氣流已有 3000 年歷史。為什麼天上沒有人,用人類對這些東西已有的深刻理解,使用風箏和上升氣流?是什麼用了這麼長時間?即使在今天,你也會看到那些在沒有動力飛行的情況下從山頂跳下的人——身上綁著風箏。它在哪裡?它應該是直觀的,應該在一千年前發生。你觀察過鳥,你放過風箏,然而,幾千年來沒有人做過。這有道理嗎?直到萊特兄弟使用動力引擎將飛機做出來。那不是很久以前的事,親愛的,而且他們的著名首飛只比法國人早了兩周!你明白我在說什麼嗎?這項發明在準備就緒時就“被傳遞給場”——同時傳遍整個地球。
以這種方式深刻改變地球的發明按時而生。你可能不同意。你可能會說:“哦,我們可以隨時想到這些東西。” 事實並非如此,否則許多完全“現成且直觀”的發明甚至會更早出現。
“Kryon,這輪子能有多大?” 好吧,讓我們想想:我所說的一切都可以放大。因此,代替電動汽車的電池,汽車下方有一個更大的旋轉電動發動機,始終為我們現在的“超級電容”(我們只是簡要討論過的東西)供電。你將始終有足夠的電力行駛數百、數百和數百英里而無需停下來。即使你睡覺時,電力始終提供給“超級電容”。永遠不會停止。
所有這一切都可能發生在一個未被發現的模式裡——磁陣列(magnetic array)。將這些磁鐵放在一起,讓它們以某種永遠旋轉的方式推拉,可以定制為任何尺寸——小型或大型。它們可以為船舶和汽車提供動力——而且永遠運行下去。沒有比磁力更容易、更安全地為這個星球供電的資源了。不燃燒自然資源,不污染,完全安全。
讓我們停一下。親愛的,這不是你父輩的世界了。關於過去 30 年的變化,我告訴過你什麼?不要根據過去發生的事情假設未來。這種轉變正在改變地球的意識。
有人服用順勢療法酊劑,這種化學物質太小而無法產生化學反應。然而,它治癒了!發生了什麼?這如何起作用的?答案是:意識的能量和物理與稱為鏡像神經元(mirror neurons)的東西相結合:身體所看到和期望的東西,通常是它自己創造的。也許,你看到別人吃飯就垂涎三尺。親愛的,那就是意識壓倒了化學。
你有沒有想過鏡像神經元(mirror neurons)可以在即將到來的醫療系統中發揮更強大的作用?如果你能讓你的身體相信它正在癒合呢?鏡像神經元無法區分你所相信的東西,還是正在發生的化學反應。因此,意識指示身體自癒,它確實做到了!現在你瞭解自發緩解(spontaneous remission)是如何運作的了。當你讓身體相信正在發生治癒時,它如此完全地相信,以至於會自行治癒。這將是一個新的治療過程。它將是有史以來最好的——以新的、可衡量的、科學的方式使用意識能量。
我希望你思考這些變化,因為它們在場域中(they are in the Field.)。你認為當科學發現意識是能量時,他們不理它嗎?不會。他們想更多地瞭解它。他們意識到的第一件事是他們正在處理多維能量。事實上,科學可能不會立即考慮存在的自癒潛力,但最終,他們會。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
This is the fourth channel of the month regarding change. The past three weeks, we’ve discussed several attributes of change that are beginning to happen on this planet. The changes are mostly consciousness, and we have given you some examples which show that many of these were expected, and they coordinate with the messages of the indigenous. They revolve around the cycle of our time, the precession of the equinox, and the 2012 shift.
So, here you sit in a time of expected change, and the first thing that happens is COVID. You have to ask, “Is it related?” And we’ve given the answer now many times. Indeed (it is related)! More than related, it is the catalyst to what follows next. This virus has almost stopped the normal operational attributes of this planet, and I told you that this is like stopping a large factory so that it can retool.
We have discussed the metaphor of a factory that cannot stop. After some time, it starts to be dysfunctional, and those operating it start a process of greed and lack of integrity. It becomes so bad that it becomes badly inefficient, yet, nobody can stop it. It’s too big. However, COVID stopped it! This gives a space, does it not? It’s a space that no one expected, given in order to see the inefficiencies of the factory (the systems of Earth). It’s a time to retool and clearly see the dark things that have grown in the dark corners where you never were able to look before. It’s a chance to see more light than ever and identify those who are keeping you from seeing it.
Dear ones, that’s just the beginning of what we discussed. We’ve given you some messages of change in the past and said, “watch for this,” or “look for that.” These things are coming. There are some things coming that would surprise you, that are truly sensational and filled with great things, and when I tell you about some of these things, you may ask, “How soon, Kryon, how soon?” Every single one of these things that I’m going to give you now actually already exists. They already exist in some form or are being developed. Let me be clear: Some of these things lay on humanity, waiting for the aha experience. “Kryon, what are you talking about?”
Inventions are Given when They are Needed
Let me go back and revisit some messages you may have heard before: Major inventions that have changed the culture of this planet often seem to happen all at once, all over the globe, almost like they were delivered to consciousness all at once from somewhere else.
Seldom do you have just one individual with an idea that then changes the planet. That may be the story they tell you in history, but these profound inventions and discoveries usually happen simultaneously, and the first individual to manifest it is the one who gets the credit.
Electricity: Some of the inventions that manifest themselves on the planet seem odd in their timing. You might look back and ask, “Why did it take so long? How is this possible?” If you start looking at the facts, the discovery of electricity is one. How long has this energy been obvious to mankind in so many ways? Whether it’s static (electricity), like the sparks you make when you move your feet on certain substances, or whether it’s lightning in the sky … why did it take until only a couple of hundred years ago for it really to be looked at, or the question asked: “I wonder if this is energy we could use?” As to who actually invented it, you knew it was Michael Faraday, right (or did you get another story)? And – that it wasn’t actually electricity – but rather, electromagnetic induction (magnetics)?
Flight is another one. The Chinese have been flying kites and have known about wind currents for 3,000 years. Why weren’t there men in the sky, using kites and updrafts with the profound understanding that humanity already had of these things? What took so long? Even today, you see those who leap off mountain tops without powered flight – with a kite strapped to them. Where was that? It should have been intuitive and should have occurred a thousand years ago. You had watched the birds, you flew kites, yet, for thousands of years, nobody did it. Does this make sense? It took until the Wright brothers gave it to you using powered engines. That wasn’t that long ago, dear ones, and they only beat the French with their famous first flight by two weeks! Do you see what I’m saying? This invention was “delivered to the Field” when it was ready – and all over the Earth at the same time.
Inventions that change the Earth profoundly in this way happen when it’s time. You may disagree. You may say, “Oh, we can think of these things any time we want.” This is not true or many inventions that were completely “there and ready and intuitive” would have happened even sooner than they did.
There are some things coming that are already here, dear ones, in certain ways. They are already in the Field, waiting to be plucked out. I want to tell you about them. Some have heard this before.
The Best Coming Inventions Will Not Be High Technology
Don’t be surprised if the most advanced discoveries that you’re going to make, which are going to change this planet profoundly, have nothing to do with artificial intelligence or massive amounts of computing. You might say, it’s “back to basics” because some of the best inventions will be using patterns and basic physics that were always there, but which you just haven’t thought of yet.
“Kryon, what are you talking about?”
Let me talk about the magnetic energy wheel. It might be two, or even three wheels, but there is a simple pattern, an array of magnets that, when placed correctly, can keep a wheel spinning – forever.
Using the simple push/pull energy of small or large magnets together in a specific array, you can keep this wheel going forever. You’re aware, are you not, that natural magnets are very powerful, and they push and they pull with a great deal of force, with no rest or refresh time, and no side effects, and no fuel. This is a huge secret! Why have you not seen this before? Put them together in an array where they will push and pull against each other and spin whatever size wheel you wish – until the end of time! All you have to do is oil the bearings occasionally. Have you thought of that? Dear ones, listen: If you can make something spin, you can connect it to an electric generator. Electricity, in any quantity, forever!
I want you to think of what this means. Imagine: No batteries. “Kryon, what are you talking about. You’ve got to have batteries.” Dear ones, that statement is soooo yesterday! Imagine your favorite device. A phone, perhaps? What if, instead of a battery, it had a tiny, miniature, spinning magnetic motor that powered the device in real-time – forever! Not only are there no batteries in the future, but no charging anything. Every electronic thing you have has its own tiny, spinning generator built-in.
“Kryon, how big can this wheel be?” Well, let’s think: Everything I have said can be enlarged. So, instead of a battery in an electric car, there is a larger spinning electric engine underneath, always supplying electricity to what we will now call super capacitance (something we have only briefly discussed). You will always have enough electricity to go for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles without ever stopping. And even while you sleep, electricity is still being generated to the “super cap.” It never stops.
“Kryon, I still don’t understand how all this is going to change the entire planet.”
Dear ones, I’m talking about individual power for every single building that exists on the planet – without being connected to any grid. NO WIRES AND NO OUTSIDE SOURCE. No weather pattern will ever shut down a city again or cause those to die because they can’t get electricity – because it’s right outside in a little spinning motor that never stops and always is running, to power whatever is needed. Magnetics is the answer. It’s free, instant, and mobile electricity for all.
Every continent on this planet could have as much electricity as they wanted or needed to instantly power villages, hospitals, communications, teaching through the internet, and more. The internet would work, no matter what. Can you imagine when everybody could talk to everybody? Cultures and continents would start healing themselves and would finally start to be educated.
All of this can happen from one undiscovered pattern – a magnetic array. Putting those magnets together so they will push and pull in a way that they will spin forever, can be customizable to any size – miniaturized or massive. They can power ships and cars – and they go forever. There is no resource that is easier and safer to use to power this planet than magnetics. No natural resources are burned, no pollution, and entirely safe.
Kryon – This Can’t Work
“Kryon: If I had this invention, there are forces out there who would never let it be developed. I would be afraid to have it! The power companies of the planet will buy it and pocket it because they want to sell what they’ve got. They will never let this happen.”
Let’s stop for a moment. Dear ones, this is not your father’s world. What have I told you about change for the past 30 years? DO NOT POSTULATE THE FUTURE ON WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST. The shift is changing the consciousness of the planet.
Right now, the power companies all over your land are in trouble. Fossil fuel is in trouble, if you haven’t noticed. Nuclear power, the former Holy Grail of power, has shown itself clearly to be exceptionally dangerous! Every one of the accepted mass power generation systems is failing.
I will tell you that the power companies of this land (USA), even if they are using steam or wind or sunlight, are all anxious for this invention! It’s simple, efficient, no huge investment needed, and (ready?) THEY will then be the ones to manufacture and sell the units, improving them and finding more and more uses to free all of you from any kind of power grid. So I’m telling you, it’s a new world, and those in the “power business” will be the first to want to use this.
The Highest and Most Powerful Force of Humanity
Let me give you my favorite one: There are things that this body of yours does, which has only to do with consciousness, nothing else. In the last twenty years, there has been a revelation of proof. Consciousness is energy. It can alter physics.
This realization was not always thought to be the case. In the past, consciousness was something esoteric, not well definable, and it didn’t belong in physics. Now it does. There is now a slow awareness that consciousness absolutely must be considered energy.
Think: If consciousness is energy, then, like all other physical energies, there must be rules or axioms. It becomes predictive science. When you start to figure that out and you understand what those are, you will have some profound answers to some of the greatest mysteries of health: The energy of consciousness is the reason for the placebo effect! Someone takes a sugar-coated pill, and they are told that the pill is going to create a cure – and then it does! What is the process? How is that possible?
Someone takes a homeopathic tincture, a chemistry that is too small to create a chemical reaction. Yet, it cures! What is happening? How does that work? The answer is the energy and the physics of consciousness combined with something called mirror neurons: What the body sees and expects, it often creates by itself. Perhaps, you see someone else eating a meal and you salivate. That’s consciousness over chemistry, dear ones.
Have you ever wondered if mirror neurons could play a powerful and larger part in a coming system of healing? What if you could convince your body that it was healing? Mirror neurons can’t tell the difference between what you believe or what is happening chemically. Therefore, consciousness instructs the body to heal itself, and it does! Now you understand how spontaneous remission may work. When you convince the body that a healing is occurring, it believes it so completely that it heals itself. This will be a new healing process. It will be the best of any that ever existed – using the energy of consciousness in new, measurable, scientific ways.
No artificial intelligence – no super hi-tech advancements
Instead, this becomes the revelation of what you as Humans have always had. Powerful!
I want you to ponder these changes because they are in the Field. Do you think when science discovered that consciousness is energy, they just left that alone? No. They wanted to find out more about what it is. The first thing they realized is that they are dealing with a multidimensional energy. Indeed, science may not think immediately about the self-healing potentials that exist, but eventually, they will
How long will it take? That’s up to you. How many of you believe these things? For the belief itself, you might say, is a transmitter of reality, because when you believe something, you can make it happen.
Changes are coming to this planet, dear ones, and I have told you this. We continue to tell you about the ones that will enhance humanity, and there will come a time when the last thing you will ever want to do to each other is to kill one another. There is precedent for this in other places that I have talked about, so I have seen it. I have seen it.
I am Kryon, in love with humanity.
And so it is.