你們所有人都很幸運,知道意識的轉變正在發生,而且大多數人都意識到,不僅要在其中發揮作用,而且還要創造自己的經驗。這就是我們希望你們認識的。你們不只是在旅程上(on a ride)而已。你們還可以創建自己的旅程。現在是時候讓大家更加享受自我,並把自己看作是你們天生的創造者(the creator beings you were born to be)。
你們最近為自己創建的時間表之一涉及與仙境領域(faerie realm)的聯繫比你們在地球上很長時間以來的聯繫更加強大。這意味著更多的仙境發現,更多的仙境互動以及與人類的更多仙境共生。
你們有這些想幫助你們,希望得到服務的巨大盟友,現在你們有了一條全新的時間表,在他們讓你們所有人享受自己並享受這一旅程的過程中,他們扮演著更大的角色,因為你們放開了恐懼,你們放下困擾自己的事情,讓自己成為內在的孩子(inner children),不僅相信仙境,而且認識到仙靈與你們所有人有太多共同之處。
圖片提供:Karin Miller
The Faerie Realm is the Fifth Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been investigating the new timelines that you have created for 2021 and beyond, and we have been thrilled to see how much more interesting and exciting you are making your journey to the fifth dimension. You have been looking for ways to make the journey more fun and les of a struggle, and you have also been seeking to minimize the casualties along the way. Getting to ascend to the fifth dimension on Earth at this time is a type of golden ticket. It is a huge opportunity, and there are many souls who want to have that experience.
You all are lucky enough to know that the shift in consciousness is happening, and most of you are aware of the fact that you get to not only play a part in it but also create your experience of it. That’s what we want you to recognize. You are not just on a ride; you are also creating the ride that you are on. And it is time for you all to enjoy yourselves more and see yourselves as the creator beings you were born to be.
One of the timelines that you have recently created for yourselves involves a bigger connection with the faerie realm than you have had there on Earth in a very long time. That means more faerie sightings, more faerie interactions, and more faerie co-creations with humanity.
If you are fortunate enough to have a child or know a child, let the child guide you to where the faeries are. Let the child open the dialogue with the faeries if you are unable to yourself, and let the faeries guide you on your path of ascension because they are where you are going. They know the way; they know what type of lives you are going to be living there in the fifth dimension. And they are as close to being human without really being human as you can get. And by ‘human’ we are talking about the humans of Earth.
You have these tremendous allies who want to help, who want to be of service, and now you have a brand new timeline where they take a bigger role in getting you all to enjoy yourselves and enjoy this journey, as you let go of fear, you let go of what is weighing you down, and you allow yourselves to become your inner children, to not only believe in faeries but also to recognize that they have so much to share with all of you.
Get out into nature whenever you can, even in the colder months where you live, and invite them into your homes. Invite them to participate in your projects, and remember that just because you cannot see them right now, doesn’t mean they are absent, and it definitely doesn’t mean that they are not participating in this journey with you. They are very much a part of it and eager to meet up with more of the humans of Earth. Do yourselves a favor and connect with these beautiful beings who are holding space for you in the fifth dimension.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”