




集體意識中總會發生一些具有紀念意義的事情,並且所有人都可以選擇適應人類的集體意識,以感受由於那些人類與你們擁有不同的一天而發生的擴張 。們可以在那裡互相幫助,也可以從集體中受益其他人所取得意識飛躍的進步。


因此,每天,我們建議你們調整(tune in)自己的能量,自己的振動,調整人類的集體意識,並調整從上層,更高的領域所傳給你們的能量。 來自像我們這樣的存有和集體。如果你們花時間去做,總會有一些好的感受。這是一種美麗的精神/屬靈實踐(beautiful spiritual practice),它將使你們比任何知識都更進一步。知識和信息會使你們陷入大腦的思維中(stuck in your heads),而當你們陷入大腦的思維中,你們就很難感受到人類同伴意識正在向前邁進的那些飛躍。




如果你要受益於你們意識總是向上螺旋上升到更高頻率的事實, 你必須感受到你可以得到的東西。你們在這裡取得了很大的進步,但是當你們將自己視為更大的整體的一部分時,你們會體會到更多的經驗,這是一起發展的群體意識的一部分,儘管你們之間存在著差異。






圖片提供:Karin Miller


Do This Every Day ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to have the opportunity to witness your evolution of consciousness. We know that it is hard for you to recognize the progress that you are making because it is so slow and steady for the most part. For you, it is like watching the grass grow, but we want you to recognize that somewhere on your world today someone in your collective had a major breakthrough. Someone else a really amazing awakening experience. Someone else processed lifetimes of trauma.

There is always something within your collective consciousness that is happening that is monumental, and you all have the option of tuning in to the human collective consciousness to feel for the expansion that has occurred because of those humans who had a very different day than you had. You are there to help each other, and you are also there to benefit from the leaps and bounds forward that someone else in your collective is making.

Therefore, every day, we recommend that you tune in to your own energy, your own vibration, that you tune in to the human collective consciousness, and that you tune in to the energies that are coming to you from above, from the higher realms, from beings and collectives like ourselves. There is always something good for you to feel into if you take the time to do it. This is a beautiful spiritual practice that will take you further than any knowledge will. Knowledge and information will keep you stuck in your heads, and when you are stuck in your heads, you are very unlikely to be able to feel for those leaps and bounds forward that your fellow humans are making.

You can only do so much as an individual in a single day, but think of how much you can do if you see yourself as a collective, and think of how much you can receive, how much you can create. This is a time to be really contemplating what it means to be a collective of human beings, but then again don’t contemplate it too much, because again, that will keep you stuck in your heads.

You’ve got to be feeling for what is available to you if you are going to benefit from the fact that you are always spiraling upward into higher and higher frequencies. You are making so much progress there, but there is more that you can experience when you see yourself as part of a much larger whole, part of a group consciousness that is evolving together, in spite of the differences that you have there.

Look for opportunities for growth wherever and whenever you can so that you can keep up with the energies and you can make your journey to the fifth dimension one of joy and one of ease. And when you master this spiritual practice that we have laid out for you in this transmission, you will have something to teach your fellow humans who is willing to do it, and they will benefit greatly.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”



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