























Catapult Yourself to a Better Experience ∞St. Germain





“I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

I am ready to remind you of what you set out to do in this lifetime, no matter who you are, and it is my hope that you are ready to hear this. You did set out to grow, to expand, to become more of who and what you really are. And you did come to have experiences, not all of them ‘good,’ in your sense of the definition of the word. Now, does that mean that you cannot create for yourself a beautiful life? Does that take away the beauty of the life you are living to know that?

Or can you work within that overall intention for your life and still have the life of your dreams? I want you to know that sometimes facing the challenges that you face and taking on the growth experiences that you’ve taken on are exactly the ways in which you access the most beautiful life that you possibly can. You tend to get more when more is at stake and when you risk more, and you have a really inspiring story to tell when you’ve gone through life hitting potholes and falling in pitfalls, running into roadblocks and obstacles along your path.

So please do recognize that it is all by Divine design that you encounter these problems, these issues, these challenges, but you also get to create, along your unique path, a life experience that you could define as perfect if you were capable of understanding the true meaning of that word. Perfect really means that you’re seeing it in a perfect way, that you’re experiencing it perfectly and not that everything is in its perfect place and there’s not a speck of dust, not a wrinkle or line on the skin or any of those things that you might think of as imperfections. You get to decide, and you get to define, and you do get to create within the overall intention that you had for this life of yours.

And some of you may think that what I am saying is that you are doomed or destined to have negative or bad experiences. That is not at all what I am saying because everything can be perfect from a certain perspective, and everything can be used to catapult yourselves into a better-feeling experience and a better-feeling emotion and a better feeling place, surrounded by people that you are more in vibrational harmony with.

It’s up to you. It’s up to you to take what you have, what’s on your plate, and make the most of it. And when you do that, you are accepting the challenge of this life and you are saying, ‘Yes, I’m up for that. I can not only handle everything that comes my way in this lifetime, but I can also thrive, not in spite of it, but because of it.’

You may lament the fact that it rains on a day that you had planned to go on a picnic with your loved ones, but when you realize that the rain has made everything you will experience of Mother Earth and Mother Nature more beautiful, then you can recognize that when you do take that trip to the country and you do have that picnic, you are going to enjoy it so much more and you will also enjoy it more because of the disappointment that you earlier experienced and because you had to wait. Remember those things when you are wondering why everything hasn’t worked out in your life the way that you had hoped that it would.

I am Saint Germain, keeper of the violet flame.”

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