



你的能量將幫助你在生活中創造更多輕鬆, 更放鬆, 更有樂趣. 現在是人類不那麼認真的時候了, 感覺更自由, 更像孩子一樣般地童趣. 是時候讓你們大家邀請精靈王國(faeries)和你們一起玩耍了, 向你們展示他們的生活是甚麼樣的了. 我們請你感受到真相, 當你轉向五維度自我時, 你正在成為的東西非常巧妙. 你在那裡可以覺醒你心裡知道你可以創造輕鬆, 玩樂和樂趣的生活. 你可以讓你內在的孩子出現, 帶你遠離很多人一直專注於的一切噩夢和憂鬱陰影.

我們在這裡提醒你們, 你們可以休息一下. 你不必每天都專注於世界的問題. 這將永遠存在於你身邊. 你總是可以回到完成你的使命, 你的使命. 即將到來的9月份的能量是關於提醒你, 補充, 放鬆, 恢復活力, 讓這條旅程, 盡可能多的樂趣也很重要.


歡樂只有在旅途中, 只要你允許它進入, 只要你尋找它, 並且確保在你們的道路上輕快的跳躍和唱歌的人。 我們邀請你們感受到你可以獲得的喜悅, 存在的喜悅. 你的喜悅不必是有條件的. 你不必等待一切都變好, 才能開始玩得更開心. 事實上, 如果你允許這些9月份的能量臣服他們所設計的事情, 那麼你就更有可能讓自己和所有人類同胞們都在召集(summoning).


當你在那個憤怒, 恐懼和悲傷的地方時, 你可能會做得更好, 但當你在那個放鬆的地方, 當你正在尋找時, 你可以在接受你創造的東西方面做得更好. 有機會卸下負載, 輕鬆, 卸下肩膀的部分責任, 讓一切變得更好. 你在那裡創造你所想體驗地球上的美麗實相, 你需要這個成分. 你需要讓自己已經創造的東西進來, 現在是時候了. 現在是能量將支援你並幫助你, 讓你在地球上的工作更容易.

我們是大角星委員會, 我們很享受與你的聯絡."




攝影: Karin Miller





What the September 2020 Energies Are All About ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are so very satisfied with the progress that we have felt you all making during this month of August, and we know that many of you are anticipating what the upcoming month’s energies will be all about. We know that you anticipate more change, more assistance, and more of the natural evolution of the energies that you have available to you. And that is what you are going to find there in the month of September, the month of your next equinox.

The energies coming in for you will be about helping you to create more ease, more relaxation, and more fun in your lives. It is time for humanity to get less serious and to feel more free, more childlike. It is time for you all to invite the faeries to play with you, to demonstrate to you what their lives are like. We invite you to feel for the truth that what you are becoming, as you shift into your fifth-dimensional selves, is very faerie-like. You are there to awaken within you the knowing that you can create lives of ease, playfulness, and fun. You can allow your inner children to emerge and to take you away from all of the doom and gloom that many humans have been focusing on for quite some time.

We are here to remind you that you can take a break. You don’t have to be focusing on what’s wrong with the world all day, every day. That will always be there for you. You can always go back to fulfilling your purpose, your mission. The upcoming September energies are about reminding you that it is also important to replenish, to relax, to rejuvenate, and to make this journey, this evolution of consciousness, as much fun as you possibly can.

The joy is only in the journey if you allow it in, if you look for it, if you make sure that you are the one skipping and singing as you traverse your path. We invite you to feel for the joy that is available to you, the joy of existence. Your joy does not have to be conditional. You do not have to wait for everything to change for the better before you start having more fun. And in fact, if you allow these September energies to do what they are designed to do, then you will be more likely to let in all that you have been summoning for yourselves and for all of your fellow humans.

You might do a better job of asking and summoning when you’re in that place of angst, fear, and sadness, but you do a far better job of receiving what you have created when you are in that place of ease, when you are looking for opportunities to take a load off, to take it easy, to take some of the responsibility off of your shoulders for making it all better. You are there to create this beautiful reality there on Earth that you want to experience, and you need this component. You need to let in what you have already created, and now is the time. Now is when the energies will support you and assist you, and make your jobs there on Earth a lot easier.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


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