My dear friends, we love you so very much,
“When will it all be over,” you ask? “How about now?” we reply. In the midst of a historic, unprecedented, and uncertain time upon your planet earth, you have incredible opportunities for spiritual growth and expansion. Even now, you can find bliss by embracing the power, beauty, and majesty of your true Self.
·When you feel limited, you have the chance to discover your unbounded soul.
In a world where running around isn’t as easy as it once was, and will be again, take time to go within. Sit and breathe deeply, in and out, in and out, in and out. If you like, put on some soothing music. As you breathe in, imagine a light within growing stronger and brigther, and expanding beyond your body. As you breathe out, relax into this light.
As you relax, surrender, and allow the breathe to wash through you, you will start to experience feelings of deep peace, expansion, and perhaps even floating. Some of you may even fall alseep. We will work with you, if you’re willing, to help you begin to feel the magnitude of your unbounded, expanded, limitless soul!
·When you feel confined, you have the opportunity to discover your freedoms within.
Many of you are still being asked to stay in as much as possible, and yet within the confines of your 3D limitations, you can find a freedom of soul beyond your wildest dreams. Where would you like to go upon this earth? What would you like to do? Shut your eyes and imagine you are there now. Use as many senses as you can. What do imagine you would see, hear, feel, smell? Who is with you? What season is it? Are you indoors or out?
You can visit the beach, the forest, family, or friends just by shutting your eyes. Your body will remain where it is located, but your spirit is not limited by space and time. If you practice this skill often, you will begin to feel as if you are actually at the place you are imagining, because indeed your spirit truly is! If you wish to go there in 3D reality, simply have that desire and realize it. Your “inner visits” will magnetize the experience in outer reality, in perfect grace and divine timing.
·When you feel physically isolated, you have the opportunity to connect in ways you never thought possible.
Your souls are not limited by distance. You can travel in spirit to give anyone a hug, to do hands on healing, or to offer encouragement and support to a soul.
Next time you want to give someone a physical hug, ask them to do an experiment with you. Shut your eyes. Imagine your arms around each another. Feel the embrace, sense it, be with it, and then compare your experiences. If you like, you can practice this when you are connected by phone or video so you can describe the hug to one another.
With practice, your non-physical Self will become increasingly real to you. While a physical embrace is a blessing indeed, an embrace of souls can be an incredible, amazing experience of blissful, spiritual love.
·When you feel uncertain, you have the opportunity to create.
There is little certainty if you give your power to the external world. The choices and desires of over 7 billion people are creating consensus reality.
However, ii you simply live according to your heart in the present, you can be certain that you will experience the things you have felt, because the minute you have a desire the universe begins to work on bringing it to you. Your only job is to enjoy the journey and maintain a high vibe where we can guide you.
·When you feel scarcity, you have the opportunity to embrace real abundance.
The Source that lives and breathes within you is not limited by human conditions! If you have lost a job or have income that has been affected by current conditions, you are not fated to experience lack. Refrain from cursing fate and instead count your blessings. Shift your inner energy to create an outer manifestation.
Perhaps you are being given an abundance of time so you can rest, or go within and create a new future. Perhaps you have to ask for help so you can experience the abundance of love that is available for you.
Give thanks for abundance already in your life – a home, food, friends, family, health, the vast sky above. Challenges yourself to see an abundant world and soon this inner focus on abundance will magnetize miracles and money in surprising and delightful ways.
·If you are sick, you have the opportunity to relax, surrender, and allow the Divine light to be your healer.
The creator of world’s lives within you with a perfect template of your soul’s wholeness and health. In addition to your medical help, get some sunlight, if only in a sunny window. Allow yourself to ask for, and receive, help from others who care about you. Focus on your inner light and imagine it dissolving any darkness in the body. Rest in the arms of angels. We are always there focusing all our energy on the whole and healthy spirit within.
·If you are a healer, an “essential worker,” or one on the “front lines” so to speak, you have the opportunity to focus on true Divine protection.
God bless you dear angels on earth if you are serving others in the 3D world during this time. Take good care of yourselves.
Surround yourselves as you walk out the door in a bubble of beautiful light. Imagine the light flooding into you from above and emanating outward in all directions. Love your clients or patients and realize you are one of the brave ones spreading well-being.
As well, remember that no matter what you do, the fate of every human being is between their soul and the Divine. You can love. You can help, heal, and assist, but you cannot control the outcome for any other human being. So do what you can with great love, and know that is enough.
·Whether or not you agree with masks, political parties, or others’ opinions, you have the opportunity to find inner peace.
This is a time when it is important to remember that “It is better to be loving than to be right.” In truth dear ones, your “right” is right for you. Everyone has a unique “right” for them that facilitates their souls’ growth and expansion. Share your views but never force them upon another, and if another attempts to force their view upon you, listen politely or walk away. If you must say anything, simply say, “Thank you for sharing. I have learned a lot from what you’ve said.” You have dear ones! You’ve learned about what is important to them.
Don’t miss the opportunities in each moment. This amazing time is ripe for growth, as no other. When it is over, of course you can still grow. Right now, however, you are all in situations that make growth a necessity. You will discover a deep joy when you choose to expand beyond previously perceived 3D limitations, and embrace the blissful freedoms of your soul.
Best of all, as you embrace your unbounded spirit, you will develop a mindset and abilities that will carry you forward with greater grace, ease, security, abundance, well-being, and joy throughout the rest of your earthly lives.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.— The Angels
傳導:Ann Albers
翻譯:Nick Chan