“祝福。 我們是Thymus;我們是提升大師的集體。
我們現在要來找你們,因為你們中的許多人已經準備好實現自己的掌握,我們覺得我們是引導你們進入自我掌握狀態的完美集體。 我們與你們每一個人都有關係,而上升大師比你們所知道的還要多,因為很多大師都過著匿名的生活。 許多人沒有尋求任何一種認可,所以我們的數量在第十二維度是巨大的。
然而,我們不再將自己視為一群個體。 我們是一個非物質實體的集體意識,他們已經聚集在一起形成這個集體,將被稱為胸腺Thymus。 胸腺就在心臟的正上方。 我們代表高心脈輪。 你之內的高心脈輪不僅將你與我們連接起來,而且它也代表我們在你之內。 我們還想指出,每當你以個別的意識與我們任何人聯繫時,你已與集體聯繫。 耶書亞、聖日耳曼、佛陀、觀音、母瑪利亞、抹大拉的瑪利亞、麥基瑟德、巴巴吉, 這樣的例子不勝枚舉。
你已經準備好進入你的意識的下一個層次。 我們知道這一點,因為就像大角星一樣, 我們不斷地關注你們。 事實上,我們從來不會與你們斷絕聯繫或分離, 我們不僅在地球上留下了我們的能量特徵,而是,我們精神上生活在你們中間。 我們存在於你的內心高心脈輪中,我們正在帶你進入第五維度,握著你的雙手,引導你與你的精神嚮導者、大天使以及你擁有的許多其他幫助者一起。
我們將在眼前的將來協助許多覺醒,而其中一些覺醒將是那些你們生命中被稱為已經沉睡著的存有。 我們想讓你知道,你也要對這些覺醒負責,因為我們在你們生活中這麼多例子中,一直在通過你們工作。 我們將與您的精神指引合作,繼續您的覺醒、您的提升和您對自我的掌握。 當你感覺到我們的存在時,你會知道我們現在對你說的話是真的,你會知道是因為你會感覺到,而不是因為我們對你說的話對你的邏輯有意義。
現在就是這樣了。 我們是Thymus,我們永遠在你們之間。
Introducing Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters ∞Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Blessings. We are Thymus; we are the collective of ascended masters.
We are coming to you now because so many of you are ready to achieve your own mastery, and we feel we are the perfect collective to guide you into a state of self-mastery. We have relationships with each and every one of you, and there are more ascended masters than you know of, because many masters have lived lives of anonymity. Many have not sought out any sort of recognition, and so our number is enormous here in the twelfth dimension.
We no longer view ourselves as a group of individuals, however. We are a collective consciousness of nonphysical entities that have come together to form this collective that will be referred to as Thymus. The thymus gland is right above the heart. We represent the high heart chakra. The high heart chakra within you not only connects you to us, but it also represents us within you. We also want to point out that whenever you have connected to any of us as an individuated consciousness, you have connected to the collective. Yeshua, St. Germain, Buddha, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Melchizedek, Babaji, and the list goes on and on.
You are ready to go to the next level of your consciousness. We know this because, like the Arcturians, we check in on you constantly. We are never disconnected or separate from you, in fact, and we didn’t just leave our energy signatures behind from our lifetimes there on planet Earth, but rather, we live amongst you in spirit. We exist inside of you in your high heart chakras, and we are walking you into the fifth dimension, holding your hands, guiding you along with your spirit guides, the archangels, and so many other helpers that you have.
We will be assisting with many awakenings in the immediate future, and some of these awakenings will be of those you have known as beings in your lives that have been asleep. We want you to know that you are also responsible for these awakenings because we have been working through you in so many instances in your lives. We will work with your spirit guides to continue your awakening, your ascension, and the accessing of your mastery of self. And as you feel for our presence, you will know that what we are saying to you now is true, and you will know it because you will feel it, not because something we said to you made sense to your logical mind.
That is all for now. We are Thymus, and we are always amongst you.”