Even the smallest act of generosity is a difference being made : 即使是小小的善意,也會讓世界有所不同
例; 因從懸崖或高處墜落而喪生一次或多次的人,一生中都會對高處感到恐懼,不知道為什麼。所有過分的恐懼以及對某些人,地方或事物的愛都表明了他們的前世經歷。這些能量可以起到保護或警告的作用,但是你們已經超越了攜帶舊能量的任何需求。
開始看到並認為自己是神聖意識的表達,而不是物質身體的表達。當問題出現時,他們會,承認你是不是單純一個物質身體的存在(that you are not one with),而是一個神聖存有的智慧,聰穎,和諧,一個無所不知,無所不能,無所不在的神聖等。檢查你們的信念體系,以了解你們可能仍然持有的與該真理不符的真理。
通過意識到你們不再處於掌控,相信一切都應該如此。(Trust that all is as it should be through the realization that you are no longer personally in charge.)允許意味著讓你們負責神聖的自我。可以通過自由意志來延遲進化,但是卻無法避免,因為目標已經完全存在,只是在等待人們的認知到。
直覺在靜默中被聽到(Intuition is heard in Silence)。靜默可能是風吹過森林中樹木的沙沙作響、鳥鳴、溪水在石頭上冒泡或是嬰兒的笑容或咯咯笑,安靜的接納或深沉冥想中的寂靜。檢查你們目前的生活方式,看看你們自己是否正在調整所需的指導,或是相信自己從未收到過。
指引偶爾會出現,但很少像響亮的聲音一樣出現,而是伴隨著一種溫和而安靜的“知曉”,這種感覺是正確的,而且通常是非常實用的。當你們搜索Internet或資訊時,它可能使合適的人或公司“靈光乍現”(“light” up)。當你們開始在迎面而來的汽車前走出來或開始在不安全的街道上行走時,他可能會阻止你們的前進。生活與你們的真實生活保持一致自我並不是許多人認為的“不切實際/夢想”(pie in the sky)無聊的聖卡形象。一體意識的能量是和平,和諧,歡樂,愛和友誼的能量。
生活,移動並活出你的真理(have your being trut)。你準備好了。
JUNE 28,2020
Welcome dear readers.
We of the Arcturian Group as well as others on this side see you as a Light corp leading the masses and yet most of you believe you are doing nothing. You are leading not with protests and overt actions but simply by the Light of your evolved consciousness which of course goes wherever you go. If receptive (able to align with) a person can be healed or awakened simply by being in the presence of a high resonating consciousness because there is only One Consciousness.
Those who fully embrace duality and separation are only able to express themselves in ways that align with that level of awareness. Do not pass judgement on how things should be playing out as judgement is always based in concepts. All is proceeding according to plan.
Life and even survival was very difficult when duality and separation ruled the thinking of the majority. The energy from intense experiences of pain, suffering, and/or challenges in past lifetimes remains alive and well until cleared. Many of these old energies have been carried from lifetime to lifetime in cellular memory and continue to manifest as problems or disease if activated once again through alignment with some person, place, or thing.
Example; A person who died once or more by falling from a cliff or some height will remain terrified of high places in every lifetime and not know why. All inordinate fear as well as love for certain people, places, or things indicate past life experiences with them. These energies can serve as protection or warning but you have evolved beyond any need to carry around old energy.
As they surface, these old and no longer needed energies often manifest as some intense physical, emotional, or mental issue that seems to have come out of nowhere. Allow the process. If you feel exhausted, lay down or take a break. If you are having pain, address it as best you can without heavy drugs and allow it to move through. If you feel overly anxious for no reason, take time to center and align with your real Self. See a doctor if you are guided to do so but know that nothing is random for the spiritually evolved especially at this time.
Once a person realizes that they are a Divine Being and it becomes their state of consciousness, anything they still carry that is not in alignment with this will continue to surface until recognized. All, not just a few old energies are now surfacing. Even relatively unimportant concepts and beliefs are being swept from the corners of consciousness. Remember you have lived hundreds of lives and accumulated energy from many many experiences.
Some of old concepts and beliefs you may want to keep for in your mind they make life more comfortable and fun but like it or not, when you are spiritually ready your Higher Self will begin the process of moving you forward and beyond some of them if that is what is necessary. Do not make the mistake many religions make in determining that this activity is bad (evil) but this one is good (holy). Everything is spiritual, God is omnipresent. It is a mind conditioned with beliefs of duality and separation that determine some things are "good" and others "bad".
There is nothing, absolutely nothing other than the One Divine Consciousness. Oneness the bottom line and spiritual key that unlocks all things. Regardless of how pleasant or harmless a false belief may seem, it must be left behind in order for new, higher, and better ones to replace it. The story of the Phoenix gloriously arising out of the ashes is a true story, your story.
The majority does not yet understand about the clearing of old energy and believes that the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual experiences are having right now are personally their problems to "fix". The only qualities that are or ever can be personally yours are those of Divine Consciousness. Never claim error of any sort as personally yours, for all error is impersonal--a collective belief in separation from God.
Those of you who are drawn to these messages no longer live under the shadow of the old. You have evolved beyond your previous "seeking" state of consciousness and must now begin to trust that everything is as it needs to be both personally and globally. Do not resist or go into fear but rather rejoice in the realization that the world is experiencing a turning point.
Present times do not feel familiar or comfortable as they did in the past but know that being here at this time is the reason you chose to incarnate. You are being presented with opportunities to live the truth you integrated through many lifetimes of searching and study. You are learning to love yourself and others through your ability to see through appearances to the spiritual reality underlying them which in turn is serving to open and lift the collective.
Be patient for events must unfold gradually in order to be seen, acknowledged, and replaced in a higher form. Current forms of law, government medicine, education, religion and all things based in concepts of duality and separation must eventually dissolve because the energy that formed them will no longer exist when higher frequencies become dominant in the collective.
Within the next few months you will witness some interesting events and changes. By letting go of any remaining concepts of what these changes or results must be or look like, you become a silent witness to the subtle and not so subtle energies now flowing into world consciousness.
Most humans live in a dream, hypnotized by beliefs of duality and separation. The dreams are sometimes good and at other times are nightmares but always they remain dreams having no law to support, sustain, or maintain them. Much of the world is awakening out of this dream state, but for many it is difficult to leave behind that which is familiar and has been accepted as reality throughout all other lifetimes.
Begin to see and think of yourself as an expression of Divine consciousness rather than a physical body. When problems arise, and they will, acknowledge that you are not one with, but ARE the wisdom, intelligence, harmony, etc. of One Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent God. Examine your belief system as to what you may still hold as truth that is not in alignment with this truth.
Evolution while living in the dense energy of a three dimensional world is a gradual process and one you have been at since the beginning of your earthly sojourns. Every lifetime brings learning and growth to the individual regardless of how useless the life may appear to others. You have done the work and are ready to allow your many lifetimes and experiences to come together as a complete whole.
Trust that all is as it should be through the realization that you are no longer personally in charge. Allowing means allowing the Divine Consciousness you are to be in charge of ITself. Evolution can be delayed through free will but cannot be avoided, because the goal is already fully present simply awaiting recognition.
Many out of habit or fear, continue walking through life with one foot in both worlds long after the time has come for them to place both feet in reality. Many so called spiritual leaders still walk and teach a divided path but you have evolved beyond the need for some guru, priest, minister, teacher in the outer to tell you what to believe.
Those who continue to live divided once they know the truth, will remain in the old energy because there is no unexpressed consciousness and they will be creating this. Duality and separation cannot come with you into a higher state of consciousness. We are not saying you must attempt to live the absolute or that you must forgo the pleasures of life on earth, but rather as we have said many times before, living spiritually is a matter of holding truth foremost in your heart and mind as you go about your ordinary activities which turns even the most mundane of tasks into a spiritual activity.
Look to and trust your intuition, that silent inner "knowing" that flows from within and which will guide you in every aspect of life if allowed. Are you willing to turn away from the distractions that keep you from hearing it? Those who spend every waking moment staring at and checking their phones and who have plugs in their ears most of the time, will not hear their guidance or intuition and then wonder why.
Intuition is heard in Silence. A silence that may be the rustle of wind through trees in a forest, a bird song, a stream bubbling over stones, a baby's smile or giggle, in quiet acceptance, or in the silence of deep meditation. Examine your present lifestyle and see if you yourself are tuning out the guidance you ask for and believe you never receive.
Guidance occasionally but rarely comes as loud voice but rather comes as a gentle quiet "knowing" that feels right and is often very practical. It may make the right person or company "light" up when you search the Internet or yellow pages. I may stop you in your tracks when you begin stepping out in front of an oncoming car or start walking down an unsafe street. Life lived in alignment with your real Self is not the "pie in the sky" boring holy card image many think it is. The energy of a consciousness of oneness is the energy of peace, harmony, joy, love, and friendships.
The third dimensional world as you have known it is changing and will never return to what is was. We cannot say exactly what is going to happen for you are determining that but know that if you remain locked into the past, positive change will take much longer.
Live, move, and have your being truth. You are ready.
We are the Arcturian Group
來源: https://www.onenessofall.com/newest.html