Greetings, we are The Council of Angels, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Zadkiel. Your planet is poised to fly off the cliff, so to speak, away from destruction and towards the creation of great heights of evolutionary and transformational change. The high frequency energy embracing your planet now is creating a cascade of transformation from dark to light energy.
This high frequency energy is enhancing your planet’s leaps in consciousness, in harnessing the power of creation rather than destruction… these two forces of creation and destruction are the two overarching energies of All That Is, in all the Multiverse. Everything that exists, and All That Is, is an emanation of Source Creator, including your planet and all the beings upon it. Your planet is now poised to complete a great transformation that will tip the scales from dark to light…all of the dark must vanish now, as darkness cannot exist within this high frequency energy or higher dimensional light; this high frequency energy is raising the consciousness of every living being on your planet.
這個高頻能量正在增強地球的意識飛躍,增強駕馭創造的力量而不是毀滅的力量 ... 這兩股力量(創造和毀滅)是一切萬有(多元宇宙)中兩個主要的能量。存在的一切,一切萬有,是源頭造物主的一個散發,包括你們的星球和所有其上的生物。你們的星球正泰然自若地準備完結一個巨大的轉變,會讓天平從黑暗傾向光 ... 所有的黑暗現在必須都消失,因為 黑暗無法存在於這個高頻能量或更高維度的光中。這個高頻能量正在提升地球上每個存有的意識
Those of the darkness will either align and “alight” their beings to match the frequency of this energy, or they will simply leave the planet in one way or another. This has been foretold by us in many of the previous messages by this dear channel Goldenlight… we have also foretold of this Great Awakening which is occurring in your now time of March 2019…we of The Council of Angels are completely outside of time, which is a man-made creation of the third dimension…as you and all the beings on your planet continue to ascend towards the higher dimensions, time will take on less importance and meaning, as moving towards the higher dimensions is also moving away from this artificial construct of “time”. Many of you will soon begin to realize that everything is a Now Moment; in fact there is actually no past or future …all that actually really exists is this Now Moment in “time”. As you can begin to understand this concept, it will propel you out of the lower dimensional energies of fear, worry, anger, hatred, destruction, etc., towards the higher dimensional energies of creation, love, joy, and harmony… peace, prosperity, unity, and well-being. For all your planet is now moving towards encompassing these higher dimensional concepts, and all of the darkness is now coming towards the light, to be released and transmuted.
那些黑暗存有要麼對齊並“點燃”他們的存在來匹配這個能量的頻率,要麼以某種方式中離開地球。我們通過這位親愛的管道在之前的資訊中已經預報過這一點 ... 我們還預報了正在你們 2019 年三月發生的偉大覺醒 ... 我們天使委員會完全處於時間之外,也就是一個人造的三維之物.... 隨著你和地球上的所有存在繼續提升到更高的維度,時間會變得越來越不重要和越來越沒有意義,因為朝向更高維度就是遠離這個人造的“時間”概念。你們許多人很快會開始意識到一切都是一個當下時刻;事實上,真的沒有過去或未來 ... 一切真正存在的是“時間”中的這個當下時刻。隨著你可以開始明白這個概念,它會推動你離開恐懼、擔憂、憤怒、仇恨、毀滅等等較低維度的能量,朝向創造、愛、喜悅、和諧、平和、繁榮、一體、幸福等等更高維度的能量。因為整個地球現在所朝向的包含這些更高維度的概念,所有的黑暗現在正朝向光,來被釋放和轉化
We are all eagerly watching, observing, and sending our divine love and light towards all of you on planet Earth. Your planet is in the throes of such monumental changes that this time in your “history” will always be a cherished one.
The lower dimensional energies of service to self, fear, greed and hatred and war, are now all being transmuted. Your world leaders who serve the dark are now beginning to be toppled, one by one. The dark energies of greed, power over others, and fear used to control the masses can no longer rule your planet… they simply will not survive the influx of higher dimensional energies in and around your planet now.
服務自我、恐懼、貪婪、仇恨、戰爭等等較低維度的能量,都在被轉化。你們服務黑暗的世界領袖正開始一個接一個地被推翻。被用來控制大眾的貪婪、壓迫、恐懼的黑暗能量無法再統治你們的星球 ... 它們無法在正在進入和包裹地球的更高維度能量湧入中存活
In fact your entire planet is now bathed in higher dimensional divine light… we are sending you a telepathic image now of your planet totally encased and bathed in divine light… all must now begin to resonate in harmony with this beautiful higher dimensional energy and divine light. The transformation of your planet will benevolently affect the rest of the universe, as all of the other higher dimensional societies in all universes and multiverses… we wait and watch in earnest as your planet tips the scales towards light. We are All One Being, we are all a part of the Whole…This is a group endeavor on your planet… there are now many many more beings of light on Earth than beings of dark… the beings of dark are rapidly losing their power one by one, quickly, in succession.
事實上,整個地球正沐浴于更高維度的神聖之光中 ... 我們正發送給你一副地球被神聖之光完全包裹和沐浴的心靈感應畫面 ... 一切必須開始與這個美麗的更高維度能量和神聖之光和諧共振。地球的轉變會仁慈地影響宇宙其它的部分,就像所有宇宙和多元宇宙中的更高維度社會... 我們真誠地等待著和觀察著地球的天平傾向光。我們都是同一個存有,我們都是整體的一部分 ... 這是一個在你們星球上的集體努力 ... 地球上光的存有已經比黑暗的存有多得多 ... 黑暗存有正一個接一個,快速地,接二連三地失去他們的力量
The higher dimensional qualities of unity, peace, prosperity, well-being and abundance for all will soon be the guiding energies of your planet rather than the energies of the dark. So many are working behind the scenes now, so many who are turned towards the light who are emanating this divine light to turn around the fate of your planet. We of the Council of Angels are watching in joy as this occurs.
Everyone who is living on planet Earth now is a part and a piece of this puzzle of light… all who read this message are part of this process. You are all working now in tandem to increase the light quotient of your planet exponentially, so that it reaches into 80%, 90%, and eventually 100% light and high frequency thought forms. All That Is, including your planet and all planets, all universes and all multiverses, are simply an out-breath of Source Creator, a dream of the dreamer… and you are all a part of this dream, a part of this creation, a part of this hologram.
現在生活在地球上的每個人都是這個光之拼圖的一部分和一個碎片 ... 閱讀這則資訊的所有人都是這個進程的一部分。你們所有人一前一後地致力於呈指數地提高地球的光熵,這樣它會到達 80% , 90% ,最終 100% 光和高頻的思想形態。一切萬有,包括地球和所有的行星、宇宙和多元宇宙,都只是源頭造物主的一個呼氣,一個做夢者的夢境 ... 你們都是這個夢的一部分,這個創造的一部分,這個全息圖的一部分
Darkness simply exists as an opposite to light, and darkness in Source Creator’s out-breath is a temporary creation to create contrast and show what the light is compared to the dark. Without one, you would not know the other. So the dark upon your planet was to show you what things are like when there is more dark than light… and you are all now transforming the planet into one of 100% light, so that you can totally embrace and experience the light now.
黑暗只是作為光的對立面存在,源頭造物主呼氣中的黑暗是一個臨時的造物來創造反差並展示什麼是光與黑暗。沒有其中一個,你無法知曉另一個。所以地球上的黑暗是來展示你當黑暗比光要多會是什麼樣的 ... 你們現在正在把地球轉變成 100% 的光,這樣你可以完全擁抱和體驗光
As your planet completes this transformation, you can fully participate in this metamorphosis from dark to light by placing your focus upon envisioning your planet as a harmonious cohesive whole, wherein each person’s intention, including your own, is to be a benovolent, loving, caring, and empathic part of the whole, guiding and transforming your planet One Soul at a Time. Each act of kindness, each hand lent in support of others, each caring thought contributed to the whole, assists this benevolent change. Your thought focus matters, and is a part of this transition. Your meditations and visions of a harmonious planet working for the betterment of all upon and within it, as well as radiating these intentions out into the universe and multi-verse, assist tremendously with this process…so much more than you know.
隨著地球完成這個轉變,你可以完全參與到這個黑暗到光的蛻變,通過集中注意力去想像地球作為一個和諧的具有凝聚力的整體,其中每個人的意圖,包括你自己的,是成為仁慈的、有愛的、貼心的、具有同理心的整體一部分,一次一個靈魂地指引和轉變地球。每一個善舉,每一個支持,每一個關切的想法,都會協助這個仁慈的改變。你專注的思想很重要,是這個轉變的一部分。你對一個和諧地球的冥想與願景會改善地球之上和之內的一切,以及把這些意圖發送到宇宙和多元宇宙中,會驚人地協助這一進程 ... 比你所知地還要多
Each of you are mini creators, each of you have been endowed with the gifts of the Great Creator and Source of All… never underestimate the power of your thoughts and consciousness… remember always that you came here to help with the planet during this time from dark to light. Raise your thoughts up in harmony, cohesion, and love to witness as this tidal wave of transformation completely and rapidly changes the entire vibrational structure of your beautiful planet.
你們每個人都是迷你造物主,你們每個人被授予了偉大的造物主和一切萬有源頭的禮物 ... 永遠不要低估你思想與意識的力量 ... 總是記得,你是來在這個黑暗到光的轉變時期協助地球的。在和諧、凝聚力、愛中提升你的想法,觀察,隨著這個轉變的浪潮徹底、完全地改變地球的整體振動結構
Rejoice as your awareness and consciousness is tuned into this beautiful energy…know that your consciousness contributes to the benevolent unity of All that Is. Know that the dark overlords and days of slavery are all but gone, as this darkness and dross is removed rapidly now from your planet, and as the higher frequency energy continues to raise your vibration and consciousness to a level that serves the simultaneous “future” of your planet (which already exists simultaneously in the Great Now), as well as the highest good of All That Is.
歡喜,隨著你的意識和覺知協調到這個美麗的能量 ... 知曉,你的意識有助於一切萬有仁慈的統一。知曉,黑暗的領主和奴役的日子已經遠去,隨著這個黑暗和殘渣快速地從地球上移除,隨著更高頻率的能量繼續提升你的振動和意識到達服務地球同時性“未來”(已經同時性地存在於偉大的當下)以及一切萬有最高良善的程度
You are part of an epic transformation in one of the greatest changes your planet will ever experience. These days will go down in the true history books, shown in the Akashic Records, as days of monumental and epic transformation and transmutation. All benevolent higher dimensional beings are watching with great joy as the light overcomes one after another of the soon to be vanished spots of darkness and destruction on your planet.
Soon the powers of light in the alliance on your planet will benevolently and openly lead the way towards the rapid conclusion of this complete and total transformation. Those of higher awareness, such as you reading this, will be a part of this… you are a part of this. Envision your world as you wish it to be… use your thoughts to manifest this benevolent and higher dimensional creation.
很快,地球聯盟中的光之力量會仁慈地、公開地引領通往這個完全、徹底的轉變快速完結的道路。那些處於更高意識的人,比如閱讀著這些話語的你,會是一部分 ...你是一部分。想像你的世界成為你希望的樣子 ... 使用你的想法去顯化這個仁慈的、更高維度的造物
Never doubt that you are part of Source Creator, and that you are endowed with the great powers of All That Is… you have the power to assist in this conclusion of the rapid transformation from dark to light…you are the Light… you are the Change… you are the Creation…you are the Manifestation.
永遠不要懷疑你是源頭造物主的一部分,以及你被授予了一切萬有偉大的力量 ... 你有著力量去協助完結這個黑暗到光的快速轉變 ... 你就是光 ... 你就是改變 ... 你就是創造 ... 你就是顯化
Believe in yourself, believe in your planet, and send loving thoughts of support to those who are working in tandem with your group consciousness, with those who are working so diligently behind the scenes to bring about these epic benevolent changes and transformation of All That Is on the Earth sphere, from dark to light.
相信自己,相信地球,把有愛的支援性想法發送給與你們團體意識合作的人,在幕後辛勤地工作帶來這些史詩般仁慈改變和轉變的人( 在地球上,黑暗到光的改變)
Sending out unconditional love to All on this most auspicious moment,
We are,The Council of Angels,
Archangel Michael
Archangel Raphael
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Gabriel
and Archangel Zadkiel
翻譯:Nick Chan