My beloved children,
It has been a few months ever since Adele channeled her last message from me and rapid personal growth have transpired for a lot of people during this short time. As a group, especially all of you who have been closely following our higher dimensional discourses here, you are now ready to move forward in greater understanding.
The time has come for you to embrace more of who you are. It is NOW time for you to shine so brightly with the Divine Power of your Soul. The aspect of your inner Self, that is the God/Goddess part of you, is ready to be born.
是時候去更多地擁抱你的所是。是時候去伴隨著你靈魂的神聖力量明亮地閃耀。你內在高我的面向,神 / 女神的那部分,已經準備好誕生
In fact, for some of you reading this, you have recently experienced this amazing ‘breakthrough‘ – by intensely feeling so: liberated out of the Self-imposed 3-D prison most of you here had chosen to live in for eons and completely, unconditionally, FREE! Adele felt so much joy beyond description and cried many happy tears when it recently happened to her. And your experience may be different but in essence the same. For freedom is the natural birthright of any Divine Light Being. For some of you, this breakthrough might have occurred during a recent meditation, or during quiet nature walks when you were walking around as One with your Higher Self.
事實上,對於你們一些閱讀這些話的人,最近你已經體驗了這個驚人的“突破” --- 通過強烈地感到:能夠自由於原本小我強加的 3D 監獄,大多數選擇恒久生活在其中的人,已經完全、無條件地自由!傳訊者感到大量難以言喻的喜悅,流下了許多喜悅的淚水,當這發生在她身上。你的體驗可能不一樣,但本質上相同。因為自由是任何神聖光之存有的天生權利。對於你們一些人,這個突破可能在最近的冥想或日常的散步中發生,當你四處行走時與高我合一
For those of you who are not quite sure what I meant by this breakthrough, please be patient with your awakening process. All of you are at different phases of spiritual awakening, and how fast you get to the finish line truly depends on the individual life-scripts you had written for yourself before entering physicality. When this breakthrough occurs, you will not need to question whether this is it. You will instinctively know ‘THE’ moment it happens, without a doubt.
For a very long time, you have chosen to ‘suppress yourself’, ‘dim your light’ and ‘give your power to others’ in many earth-based Games of Life you had created for yourself.
(If you are new to our messages here, and don’t quite understand what I meant by ‘Games of Life’, please refer to Mother God’s previous channeled message through Adele. The messages here are meant to be read in order, from oldest to newest, for better understanding).
All of you here have been awakened from your deep spiritual slumber, and you are now in the process of stretching out your wings; getting ready to fly! And it is as if all of you are saying the following words with your Soul Power: ‘Enough of these 3-D games. I will no longer tolerate any restriction coming from myself or others, as it is now time for me to return to once again being the Unlimited, Powerful Self I have remembered myself to be. All 3-D illusions, be gone!”
在這裡的所有人都已從深度的靈性沉睡中甦醒,你現在正處於伸展翅膀的進程中;準備飛翔!就好像你們都伴隨著靈魂的力量述說以下話語:“我受夠了這些 3D 遊戲。我不會在容忍來自自身或他人的任何約束,因為現在是時候再次返回無限制、強大的高我了。所有 3D 的幻象,離開吧!”
Your Divine, Sovereign Self has finally been ‘brought out’ to the open, much like a caterpillar undergoing an intense metamorphosis process, to transform into a magnificent butterfly. And once the process is complete, there is no turning back!
It is time for your Holy Christ-Self/God-Self to come out and play; to have fun, to be LOVE, and to be JOY in every moment.
是時候讓你神聖的基督高我 / 神之高我出現來玩耍了;在每個時刻玩得開心成為愛,成為喜悅
Mother God, in her last message through Adele, had written: ” Follow your Joy – should be your Slogan, your ‘Modus Operandi’, or your ‘Life-Formula’ from this moment onward” and NOTHING is TRUER than this Truth!
母神,在她通過這位管道的最後一篇資訊中,寫到:“伴隨你的喜悅 --- 應當是你從現在起前進的標語,‘做法’或‘生活準則’,沒什麼比這更真實的了!”
In fact, feeling/being LOVE and feeling/being JOY, are two aspects of the FINAL KEY you need, to access your Fifth-Dimensional Self.
事實上,感到 / 成為愛和感到 / 成為喜悅,是你連接五次元高我所需最終兩個面向的鑰匙。
Imagine Love & Joy to be two faces of the same coin; the same KEY. One cannot exist without the other, and you will need to permanently be both in order to access your powerful, unlimited, multidimensional Self.
Today I am joyfully giving this key unto you my beloved children, because you are FINALLY ready for it. You wouldn’t feel drawn to read/listen to this channeled message otherwise. For Love & Joy are the two highest-vibrational, and most natural states of your higher aspect of Self that cannot be faked. You are either loving/joyful, or you are not. There is no middle ground.
今天我很高興將這把鑰匙交給你,我親愛的孩子們,因為你終於準備好了。否則你不會被吸引來閱讀 / 聆聽這篇通靈資訊。因為愛與喜悅是你高我面向兩個最高振動、最自然的狀態,無法假裝。你要麼愛 / 喜悅,要麼不是。沒有中間地帶
Let us now do another amazing visualization exercise together (similar to the one we did in my older channeled message ‘The Art of Letting Go’ written through Adele).
Take several deep breaths to calm and still your mind. When you are ready, visualize that I am now truly standing in front of you offering this amazing golden key that glows with pink love-light. Next, you are happily accepting this key and holding it in your hand. Imagine this key now merging into your hand, to then fully integrate with your physical body; your entire being. The last step is for you to breathe deeply and sit quietly for another minute or two. Use all of your senses to feel the powerful after-affects coming from this energetic merge.
The purest, highest Divine vibrations of LOVE and JOY have just been activated within you, and you are finally ready to ‘wield’ your Higher Dimensional powers.
And just like Harry Potter was able to access his inner Magic/Powers (channeled through his wand) to manifest anything he wished for in his reality, you can do the same! Why do you think Magic is such a popular genre in your books and movies throughout the ages? Subconsciously most of humanity realize that Magic truly exists and that you don’t have to look very far; all you need to do is look within yourself and find the keys to access this Magical, Divine, aspect of your Self.
就像哈利波特能夠訪問他內在的魔法 / 力量(通過他的魔杖)來顯化任何他希望的東西,你也可以這麼做!不然你想為什麼魔法在這麼多世紀的書籍和電影中如此受歡迎?大多數人的潛意識都知道魔法確實是存在的,而它就在你的身邊;你所需要做的是向內看,找到訪問你這個魔法、神聖高我面向的鑰匙
You are all much more powerful than you appear to be!
Just like your favorite wizard, you are now ready to access your inner Magic/Divine Powers, that will be channeled through your physical body – the vessel of your Spirit. Isn’t this exciting my children? Earth will once again be the wonderful playground it is always meant/was created to be; used to exercise your natural, Divine powers of Creation and Manifestation!
就像你最喜歡的巫師,現在你已經準備好訪問你內在的魔法 / 神聖力量,會通過你的物理身體 --- 你靈性的器具 --- 被引導。這難道不令人興奮嗎,孩子們?地球會再次成為它註定 / 被創造成為的奇妙的遊樂場;用來練習你自然的、神聖的創造和顯化力量
The set of 2 keys that you need to access this part of Self have been fully revealed here and given unto you my beloved children. There are truly no limits to what you can create and manifest in your physical reality. And the sooner you believe in this ultimate Truth, the sooner you can also be a walking, talking, breathing modern Ascended Master/Avatar the likes of Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Moses and many other famous men/women who had successfully ascended during their physical incarnations on Planet Earth.
訪問這個高我面向的 2 個關鍵已在這裡完全揭示並給予了你,我親愛的孩子們。對你可以創造和顯化什麼(在你的物理實相中)真的沒有限制。你越快地相信這個終極的真理,你可以越快成為像耶穌、佛陀、克裡希納、摩西以及其他著名的成功揚升之人一樣的現代活生生的揚升大師。
The more often you take the time to ‘practice and play’ with your Soul powers, the more you are able to easily create and manifest even more loving and joyful circumstances into your NOW moment!
Let us take the analogy of a young man who is currently a beginner-level driver. This young man just received his brand-new driver’s licence, and doesn’t have much experience driving on the road by himself. Usually his driving instructor, or his parents were always by his side when he was still learning the ropes. Now that he had successfully passed the driving test, he needs to be comfortable and confident about driving by himself. And the only way to achieve this goal, is for him to be out on the road, as much as possible!
Practice truly makes perfect. Understanding the technical know-how, comprehending the best practices and memorizing road rules/regulations can only do so much. What this young man needs next is experiential knowledge, for him to grow confident with his driving skills. You have to deeply realize that there is a massive, big gap between practical/experiential knowledge and theoretical knowledge for everything that you are new to doing/being.
練習是確實成就完美。瞭解技術知識,明白方法,熟記道路規則 / 規定只能做這麼多。這個年輕人接下來需要的是經驗,好讓他對自己的駕駛技術提高信心。你必須深深地意識到在實際經驗和理論知識之間有著巨大的差距,對於任何你第一次做 / 成為的東西來說
And just like this young driver, now that you know, understand, and (hopefully) believe that you have: received the 2 keys and fully integrated with your Higher Self in every way; the next step is quite simple! You need to start ‘flexing your newborn, Higher-dimensional muscles’ and start creating/manifesting!
就像這個年輕的司機,現在你知道,明白,並相信(希望如此)你已經:收到 2 個關鍵並在各個方面與你的高我完全整合;下一步很簡單!你需要開始“鍛煉你新生的,更高次元的肌肉”並開始創造 / 顯化
Don’t hesitate to ask for our assistance as we are eager to help you get started on the next part of your journey, where magic is real and miracles abound.
In my older channeled message mentioned above, I had revealed the 3 magical statements you should be saying often to: at first, activate your previously-sleeping God-DNA and then later, to daily affirm your intention to align with the goal of complete embodiment of Higher Self. Most of you here have been saying those affirmations regularly, and they have been working to change you in wonderful, amazing ways!
在我之前的資訊中(上面提到的),我揭示了 3 個有魔力的語句,你應當經常述說:首先,啟動你休眠的神之DNA ,然後,每日肯定你的意圖去和高我的完全體現目標對齊。在這裡的大多數人定期地述說著那些肯定語,它們一直致力於在奇妙,驚人的方式中改變你
Those 3 affirmations are the First Key to align your Mental Body (i.e. your Mind) with your Divine Self. What you think often, what you say out loud regularly, will over time become the basis/foundation of your new set of beliefs. Your ‘new’ fifth dimensional beliefs, to be exact.
Feeling/being joyous and loving, is the final piece of the jigsaw puzzle, that completes the whole picture. It is the Second & last Key needed to align your Emotional Body with your Divine Self. And in case anyone is wondering, ‘what picture?’, it is simply the beautiful, amazing image of your powerful, Multidimensional, God/Goddess Self.
感到 / 成為喜悅與愛,是拼圖的最後一塊,會完整整個畫面。這是將你的情緒身體和你神聖高我對齊所需的第二個和最後一個關鍵。以防有人好奇,“什麼畫面?”它只是你強大的、多次元的、神 / 女神高我美麗且驚人的畫面
The main picture Adele had used to represent this particular channeled message was selected carefully to give you all a sense of how powerful you are, and how ready you are now, to wield Divine Light Energy! It is truly a wonderful sample of the above-mentioned jigsaw puzzle, representing your 5-D, newborn Self, that the world can now see, after the real You have finally come out to the open.
傳訊者為這篇資訊選擇的主圖是精挑細選的,來給予你們一個你有多強大的感知,以及你已經多麼地準備充分去行使神聖的光之能量!它確實是一個美妙的樣本,關於上述的拼圖,代表你 5D 、新生的高我,世界現在可以看到,在真你終於出現後
You are NOW ready to fly to greater heights; soaring FREE from all third-dimensional limitations to reach infinite potentials.
What is it exactly about the energies of these past few days, that makes many of you here finally ready to receive the Second Key?
All of you here have successfully completed a period of extreme cleansing phase during the July-August Crucible Astrology. You had gone through a period of intense planetary retrogrades, powerful lunar cycles, Lions Gate portal opening peaking on the 8th of August; all of these celestial events had served to assist you to permanently eliminate most of your ‘excess baggage’. The entire Human Collective had undergone a massive purging of all that are no longer serving your Highest Good. This purge was happening on both the micro (individual) and macro (collective) levels. And it has been a massive success!
在這裡的所有人在 7 月 -8 月星象期間成功完成了一個極端清理的階段。你經歷了一個強烈的行星逆轉、強大的月亮週期、獅子門戶的高峰( 8 月 8 日);所有這些天體事件協助了你永久地消除你大部分的“累贅”。整體人類經歷了一個大規模地清理不再服務於你最高良善的東西。這個清理發生在微觀(個體)和宏觀(集體)層面。這是一個巨大的成功
Many of you here are now feeling much Light-er than you have ever been before. You have shed a lot of burdens, toxicity, or heaviness coming from your past experiences,
3-D conditioning and belief systems – and are now ready to leave them all behind you.
3D 的狀況和信仰體系 --- 已經準備好離去
Let us compare your Ascension journey, with another, similar goal some people have of one day climbing and finally reaching the summit of Mount Everest – one of the two tallest mountains on your planet. For both of these goals, you will have more chances of succeeding by being thoroughly prepared, and by carrying only what you will actually need for the arduous journey up the mountain path.
讓我們將你的揚升之旅比喻成一些人想要有一天登上珠穆朗瑪峰的目標 --- 地球上最高的兩個山峰之一。對於這些目標,通過做好充分的準備,通過只攜帶你實際需要的,你會更有機會獲得成功。
The wise climber, one who is determined to reach his destination safely, successfully and at his own pace, will know NOT to carry any ‘excess baggage’ that will later on prove to be a major hindrance for his uphill journey. This is only if the climber is actually serious about succeeding and about not giving up halfway.
And for those of you who are feeling tired, exhausted and perhaps even ready to give up, let me assure you my children. Once you reach the mountaintop, the views are very much worth the climb, effort, exertion, sweat or even tears you experienced on your journey to get there! And the major difference between your Ascension journey and the climb to the Summit of Mt Everest is, once you get to the Mountaintop, i.e. once you have successfully ascended, you will never need to walk back down the mountain path! You will be staying up there forever; for as long as you wish to stay!
For the Light has won! And it is here to stay.
Not that victory was ever in doubt since it was always guaranteed. I am simply reassuring you my children, that 5-D Earth has now become an absolute certainty. All available, probable future timelines for Humanity that we can view today from our Higher Perspective, are leading to the definite, physical manifestation of the Golden Age for Gaia, your Earth Mother and for the entire Human Collective.
不是勝利總是懸而不決,因為它總是被保證的。我只是在讓你安心,我的孩子們, 5D 地球已經成為一個絕對的肯定性。今天我們可以從更高視角審視的所有可用的、可能的未來時間線,都會導向黃金時代肯定的物理顯化,為蓋亞母親和整個人類集體
Planet Earth’s frequency of Light as of today is the highest it has ever been, ever since the fall of Atlantis. And it is only going to keep on rising, very much well beyond the height of your planet’s last Golden Age during the time of Atlantis. As we, your Father/Mother God have long ago decreed that the entire ‘Duality/Polarity’ experiment on Planet Earth will come to its natural conclusion in the year of 2012.
今天地球的光之頻率從亞特蘭蒂斯的隕落以來是最高的。它只會繼續上升,遠遠地超越亞特蘭蒂斯時期地球最後的黃金時代的高度。正如我們,你的父母神很久前就下令的,地球上的“二元性 / 極性”實驗會在 2012 年自然結束
And in this Year Six of New Earth, it is now time for Gaia and all of you, to return to your Multidimensional, Galactic Selves. It is now time for all of you to return to the Truth, to the magnificent Light of Thy Self, and to my warm embrace.
Welcome HOME my beloved.
Those of you who have been walking through life desperately missing Home; who have been feeling like they didn’t belong here; please believe me when I say that this feeling will soon go away very naturally. Every day, as Earth’s vibrations continue to rise, being here will feel more and more like being Home, and you will be once again (on a day not too far in the future) be living in a pristine Paradise – the Garden of Eden I had long ago created for you, right here on this very planet.
你們那些極度想家的人;感到並不屬於這裡的人;請相信我,當我說這個感受很快會自然消失。每一天,隨著地球的振動繼續提升,呆在這裡會感到更像家,你會再次(在不遠的將來)生活於一個原始的天堂 --- 我很久前就為你創造的伊甸園,就在這個星球上
The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is NOW here, and it is time for you to start rolling up your sleeves and have fun by creating your own version/vision of Heaven right here, right now. For this is the main purpose of your being physically incarnate here: to assist and participate in the creation/manifestation of 5-D Earth!
地球上的天堂王國就在這裡,是時候開始捲起你的袖子,在此時此刻創造你自己的天堂願景 / 版本時玩得開心。因為這就是你化身於此的主要目標:協助和參與 5D地球的創造 / 顯化
As one of the main energetic nexus points of this Universe, wherever Earth goes, your solar system, galaxy, and most parts of this Universe will eventually follow. And this is why Gaia and her inhabitants are receiving massive amounts of assistance coming from many higher dimensional beings from different civilizations across the Universe. It is very important for Gaia and the Human Collective to ascend, as your success or failure, will have massive repercussions that will impact ALL.
And when humanity’s evolutionary level as a whole has reached the higher levels of 5-D or above, you will also one day be asked to assist other civilization(s) undergoing the same Ascension process. What you are learning/have learned here as a species, have all been recorded in the Universal Library of Knowledge, to be used as Operating Manual/Textbook on the subject of: ‘How to successfully prepare, create and manifest Ascension for a planet and all its inhabitants‘.
當人類集體的進化到達 5D 或之上的更高層級,有一天你也會被請求去協助其他的文明經歷相同的揚升進程。你們作為一個物種正在學習 / 已經學習的,都被記錄在宇宙的知識圖書館中,會被用作“如何讓一個星球和它的居民成功準備,創造並顯化揚升”的操作手冊 / 教科書。
It is the very first textbook of its kind ever created! The entire Universe is avidly watching you; watching the entire process/play wonderfully unfolding now – just as you would when watching your favorite TV show/sports games. All of you incarnated Souls who have chosen to be here on planet Earth to assist with this massive collaborative process, are the very famous, legendary trailblazers.
它是這類教科書有史以來的第一本!整個宇宙在熱情地觀看著你;觀看著整體進程 / 劇本奇妙地展開 --- 就像你觀看你喜歡的電視節目 / 體育遊戲。所有化身的靈魂選擇前來協助這個巨大的合作進程,都是非常著名的傳奇般的先鋒
You are known throughout the Multiverse as a race of beings who have done what most thought was impossible to do! Your courage, bravery, tenacity have successfully brought about the near-completion of Project: Planetary-wide Ascension. And your success will be the foundation for many similar dramas/plays about to be created; about to unfold in many other planets across this particular Universe.
在多元宇宙中你們被知曉為完成了大多數人認為不可能事物的種族!你的勇氣、堅毅成功地帶來了行星揚升專案的近乎完結。你的成功會是許多類似戲劇 / 劇本的基礎;會在這個特別的宇宙中其他星球展開的
Sit still for a minute, breathe deeply and tune in to our presence. Feel the applause, the standing ovation and heartfelt gratitude given by all of us here in the Higher Realms in acknowledgement for all of your hard work to get to where you are today. We are deeply humbled by the magnificence of the Human Spirit, and in awe for all that you are.
Now, the hard part is well and truly over, for those of you here who have been awakened for quite awhile; who have, or almost, completed your Inner cleaning/cleansing phase. The climbing part of the journey is over! All paths, all routes that are now available for you to take, to get you on that mountaintop have become easier. If rock climbing, mountain hiking/climbing is one of your favorite pastimes, think of the grade of your climb has gone from Grade 6 (most challenging), to Grade 1 (the easiest). This is truly the time for more JOY to come into your life, during this remaining, final lap of your Ascension process.
現在,困難的部分確實已經結束,對於你們那些覺醒有一段時間的人;已經,或幾乎就要完成你內在清理 / 淨化階段的人。旅程的攀登部分已經結束!所有的道路、路線現在都可供你使用,讓你能更容易地到達山頂。如果攀岩、山地遠足 / 登山是你最喜歡的消遣之一,思考你的攀登難度等級從 6 (最難)降到了 1 (最簡單)。這確實是讓更多的喜悅進入你生活的時間,在你揚升進程剩下的最後一圈中
During this final leg of your journey there, you can take your time to chat & have fun with the people accompanying you on this same path; you can take the time to smell the flowers, talk to the birds and the trees; enjoy the breeze, the mountain views and the fresher air. And when you do this, joy will slip into every aspect of your wondrous life, so naturally; seemingly without effort. Being here on Earth will no longer feel like a heavy burden, a duty, a task that most of you have been feeling, deep within. Life here will begin to feel so magical; something for you to genuinely feel grateful and honored about – for the opportunity that has been given for you, to witness the unfolding Planetary-wide Ascension Miracle from your front seat!
在你旅程的最後一圈中,你可以花時間與在這條相同的道路上陪伴你的人聊聊天,一起玩一玩;你可以花時間聞聞花香,與鳥兒和樹木說說話;享受微風,山頂的風景和新鮮的空氣。當你這麼做,喜悅會溜進你奇妙生活的每個面向,非常自然地;毫不費力地。處於地球不再會感覺像是一個負擔,一種責任,一項任務,你們大多數人一直感受的。生活會開始感到充滿魔力;讓你能夠真誠地感到感激和榮耀 --- 因為你有機會見證行星揚升的奇跡在你面前展開
My beloved, take both of the hands I am reaching out to you right now and come with Me. I will be there every step of the way during this final leg of your Ascension journey. Along with Mother God, and all members of your hardworking spirit teams.
Call upon Archangel Sandalphon to help infuse your daily life with so much joy, so much fun and with plenty of beautiful music, so that you can skip, dance, walk or jog the rest of the way in exultation.
Call upon Lord Merlin to help you access your Inner Divine Magic.
Call upon Lord Sananda to show or remind you on how to be Unconditionally Loving no matter what.
All of us stand ready to assist, and nothing is impossible! You are Unlimited in every way, and it is time for you to bridge the gap between ‘knowing and understanding’ this, and ‘becoming and embodying’ the Greatness, Glorious Nature that is your True Self!
Beloved Ascended Masters that you, once again, have now returned to be: your Light, your Power, your Beauty and your Magnificence is a wonderful, grand sight to behold.
The Nova Gaia, peaceful, happy, abundant New Earth you have been praying for is NOW HERE, and blessed be all who are in it!
Much love for you all, eternally,
Your Father God.
通靈:Adele Arini
翻譯:Nick Chan