Beloved friends,
It is time for all of you to remember who you are. Remember from whence you came. Remember the reason why you are here, in a time line when Earth and most of her inhabitants are ascending. The process of remembering all of this will serve to help you plot a course to your destination. Not only that, it will also help you to become that which you so deeply desired - to achieve the state of complete oneness with your Divine Christ-Self; oneness with God. Your remembrances will lead you to a place of inner knowing and understanding.
However, those of you who have been following our messages here regularly belong to a group of souls who have long walked past those 3 initial stages of awakening.
現在在地球和她的大多數居民揚升的時間點上,是大家憶起你所是。憶起你來自哪裡。憶起你在這裡的原因。憶起所有這些的過程將有助於您策畫自己到目的地的課程。不僅如此,它還將幫助你成為你所渴望的那種 - 與你的神聖基督 – 高我達到完全一體的狀態;與上帝合一。您的記憶將帶您進入一個內心認識和理解的地方。
In fact, most of you here already knew that you had long ago, arrived at the: 'Becoming' phase, and then continued on to the final leg of this ascension journey towards your ultimate goal. Towards the finish line where you can be your Higher Self 24/7, no matter what is going on around you.
Today I am here to announce to everyone that it is way past time for all of you to finally graduate with flying colors! Recognize dear friends, that you are in fact no longer students - diligently studying, learning and absorbing all the know-hows under the guidance and tutelage of those you had collectively labeled as Ascended Masters, such as myself.
It is time for all of you to look down, behind and around you. Truly open your eyes wide to see and face the truth. Through the law of synchronicity, most of you here (who are energetically aligned with the vibrations of this particular channeled message and thus are right now: reading/listening to this) have actually crossed the Finish Line without even consciously knowing that it has recently occurred!
Congratulations beloved Masters! You have finally reached the Mountaintop, the Summit where your dream of complete union and integration with God/Higher Self has always been located.
I know that there are some of you here shaking your heads, not fully believing this. You find it very challenging to believe that you have truly completed this integration process with Higher Self. If you find yourself belonging to this group, this is my message for you:
我知道你們中有些人不完全同意這一點。您發現相信您已經真正完成了與高我(Higher Self)的整合過程非常具有挑戰性。如果您發現自己屬於這個群體,這是我要給你的重要訊息:
"Your belief will act as the gateway, as the key that opens the door for your life to then truly take off from this point onward. Your disbelief, on the other hand, will: delay the manifestation of your goals, make your vibrations to remain so easily influenced by the people/the world around you, and, keep you from accessing the immense powers your Soul has. Knowing this, what will you choose to do now dear friends?"
“你的信念將成為關鍵,為你的生活敞開大門,然後從這一點開始真正起飛。另一方面,如果你的懷疑它將: 將會 延遲你的目標的表現,讓你的振動到仍然很容易受到周圍人/周圍世界的影響,並且讓你無法獲得靈魂擁有的巨大力量。了解這一點,你現在選擇做什麼親愛的朋友們?
For the past 2 months, ever since her last channeled message on September 7th, Adele had been steadily guided to reach this deep realization, by all of us here in the higher dimensions who love her dearly. The breakthrough she experienced and shared with all of you in her last message by Father God, was actually her reaching the Summit, the Mountaintop, i.e. the destination she had been longing to go to, in many of her past lives. She and many of you here reading this now, have succeeded!
To her consternation, she has recently realized that for the past 2 months after reaching her destination, all she had been doing was admiring the views. Enjoying the permeating bliss, love, joy and peace that can only be found at the Summit. And believe me when I say that this is actually an integral process of your Ascension journey. It is important that all of you recognize and acknowledge that deep within you, there are infinite amounts of courage, strength, endurance, perseverance and endless bravery that had successfully brought you here!
We have a lot of admiration and respect for you, old souls. You have done what you had originally set out to do, by never giving up.
The 'here' is where most of you are now standing tall today. At the Summit where you now have the freedom: to be with God; to declare your magnificence and act as a powerful Light-Being who is always 'One with God', and not having to feel afraid that you are going to be persecuted by the world for it - which had been the ongoing theme for many of your past-life experiences before.
現在'這裡'是大多數人昂首站立之處。在頂點高處上,你現在擁有自由:與上帝同在;宣稱你的輝煌,並充當一個強大的光的存有,永遠是“與上帝同在”,而不必害怕你會受到世界的迫害 - 這對你們許多人來說都是以前過去累世經歷所持續的主題。
Back then in those lifetimes, it was often considered blasphemous and dangerous for your physical safety, to believe that, or let alone act as if, the Divine is within you. If you had deviated a little, or a lot, off of the beaten path your religions or the ruling class wanted you to stay on, you would be punished for it. Almost every time you let your Divine Light to shine, many stopped you in your tracks.
However, instead of giving up, you had all continued to incarnate here on Earth again and again; equipped only with sheer will and a powerful belief that one day, everything will change. One day, Earth will once again be the paradise she was first created to be. One day, you can display your Divinity, your Mastery and shine brightly with the light of our Creator, and not get in trouble for it!
Well my friends, that day has now arrived. You are finally here to see and enjoy it.
So please do not feel guilty for taking this much needed time out - all is well. There is no right or wrong here. Rest, and take as little or as much time as you need, to process, integrate and even admire the completed picture of the jigsaw puzzle, or the Master Plan, your Higher Self had created for you all when you first began your physical adventures here on Planet Earth.
因此,請不要因為需要因為花這麼多時間而感到愧疚 - 一切都很順利。這裡沒有對錯。休息放鬆一下,並儘可能花費或多或少地時間處理,整合甚至欣賞拼圖遊戲的完整畫面,或者大師規劃,當您第一次開始物質上冒險時,您的高我已經在地球上為您創造了。
The path to get to where Adele is today, had been a long, winding road that was often difficult, exhausting, and sometimes even impossibly challenging in every way. And we are not talking about just her current lifetime, but also all of her past lifetimes combined. In order to play the role she is now currently playing, she needed to first play thousands of different roles and accumulate many soul growth lessons coming from those lifetimes. And that is also the truth for all of you, old souls, reading this today.
The who you are today, is only possible because of THE SUM OF ALL whom you had been in the past.
Once you are done admiring the views; when you are ready to move forward in your ascension journey, your next step is to take the time and look around where you are. Not far behind you, there is a majestic gate that will take you to the 'Promised Land'.
一旦你讚美完你的觀點(views);當你準備好在揚升之旅中繼續前進時,你的下一步就是花時間環顧四周。在你身後不遠處,有一個雄偉莊嚴的大門將帶你到“應許之地” 。
See all your loved ones: members of your spirit team, Higher Self, even Father & Mother God are now standing around the front of this fabled, pearly gates of Heaven. These light beings are part of your welcoming committee! They are here to welcome you HOME. Home to where you are one with your Magnificent Self. Home to where you are one with God and with All That Was/Is/Will Be. Behind this gate, duality and the linear concept of time as you know it, no longer exist. Bad vs. good, light vs. dark, no longer exist. All belong to the faction of Light. Past and future will merge into the eternal moment of NOW.
Your Higher Self soon steps forward and asks you two very important questions as listed below. This Higher aspect of your Self goes to explain that before you can enter this gate, you need to first make a final decision once and for all, to permanently leave behind all of your 3-D belongings. You cannot take with you, anything that is 3-D in nature, past the gate. You must let go of everything that is no longer serving you. For this gate acts as a portal to the higher dimensions, and only souls with the highest spiritual maturity and readiness levels can enter. Only souls who are ready to constantly be the Light and Love that are their True Nature, can move forward and take this final step.
There is no faking it, dear ones. Your Higher Self will instantly know whether you are genuine in your intention when declaring your readiness to permanently throw out all of your 3-D baggage and no longer taking them with you. Ask your Higher Self to transmute all of these into Divine Light, and give thanks for all the lessons; the valuable experiences they had given you - helping you get to where you are today.
親愛的,這無法假裝。當您宣布準備永久丟棄所有3-D行李並且不再隨身攜帶時,您的高我會立即知道您是否真誠。請你的高我將所有這些轉化為神聖之光,並感謝所有的課程;他們給你的寶貴經驗 - 幫助你達到今天的目標。
When you were still in spiritual sleep (before starting your ascension journey, i.e. before starting the climb) you have all been completely immersed in the 3-D Matrix that was Planet Earth. The third dimension and the fifth dimension of consciousness are two complete polar opposites; energetically they are like two magnets that repel each other instead of attract. And this is the reason why the fourth dimension exists.
4-D is the buffer zone for all ascending souls to stay in, whilst they are learning, practicing, releasing all of their 3-D conditioning; their 'shadow selves' - getting ready for their complete & permanent makeover to 5-D. In other words, the journey up to the Mountaintop, represents your awakened Self who is living in the fourth dimensional state of consciousness. When you are in 4-D, during good days you could be flying high in 5-D, and on your bad days, you could revert back to your 3-D reactions/habits to deal with your challenges.
4-D是所有提升靈魂留在的緩衝區,同時他們正在學習,練習,釋放他們所有的3-D條件;他們的“陰影小我” - 為他們完全和永久性改造為5-D做好準備。換句話說,到達山頂的旅程代表了你生活在第四維度意識狀態的覺醒的自我。當你處於4-D狀態時,在美好的日子裡,你可能會在5-D中飛得很高,而在糟糕的日子裡,你可以恢復你的三維反應/習慣來應對你的挑戰。
For thousands of years, humanity had been addicted to too much drama. Various 3-D themes such as: fear, suffering, anger, violence, war, diseases, scarcity/lack/poverty, racial discrimination, greed, different class systems, power over others - you had played these 'songs of sadness' over and over again.
幾千年來,人類一直對於過多的人生戲劇太過入戲。各種三維主題,如:恐懼,痛苦,憤怒,暴力,戰爭,疾病,稀缺/缺乏/貧困,種族歧視,貪婪,不同的階級制度,對別人的權力驅使 - 你曾經一次又一次玩過這些“悲傷之歌”。
Q1: Are you truly ready to let all of these go?
A lot of people reading this will instantly say "Of course Sananda! YES! Without a doubt! Not sure why you have to ask us this question, again and again, over several different channeled messages. I have been ready quite awhile ago. Didn't you get the memo?"
I am here to tell you dear friends, there is a big gap between 'saying that you are ready' and 'truly being ready'. Letting go of your ego & fear-oriented self, can be the hardest thing you have been asked to do. However, letting go, is the ONLY way you can successfully ascend to 5-D.
The famous song below is very much Divinely-inspired; the lyrics perfectly described the Ascension journey of a Soul who is ready to walk past the gates of heaven, and finally embrace Mastery over Life.
下面這首著名的歌曲(Let it go)是神聖的靈感;歌詞完美地描述了靈魂的揚升之旅,他準備走過天堂的大門,最後成為擁抱對生命的大師。
Let It Go
Idina Menzel - (Performance at Oscars 2014)
You only need to observe your actions, daily habits, patterns of behaviors, your predominant thoughts/words/vibrations, to get to the bottom of your truth. I know every single one of you here reading/listening to this channeled message. I know your True Readiness Level. Humanity's addiction to dramas are very much evident in your daily news. Perhaps you don't even have to turn on your TV to see proof of this everywhere. Look carefully at the state of your life/work. There maybe people around you who can not stand living in peace. They often loved to create drama and tension, to 'spice up' their lives, or to bring more attention to themselves. A peaceful life is perhaps equivalent to a boring life to them.
Are you one of them, loved one? Do you still indulge in behaviors such as: gossiping about others, complaining about anything (e.g. lack of money, the state of your health) and forgetting how powerful you are, consuming low-vibrational foods/drinks that are not aligned with who you truly are, indulging in addictions of all kinds (that distract you from moving forward), etc.
This is definitely not about us being judgmental my friends. If you wish to continue to do all or some of the above, then by all means, do not let us stop you. Your free will is always respected here. We are simply questioning your dedication and commitment levels to your Ascension goals. If you have said that you are ready, then show it to us!
We are once again, simply reminding you, that you must do your best to stay in constant and complete alignment with the frequencies of your Higher Self. Simply stay vigilant of your thoughts, words, feelings and actions - i.e. your vibrations.
我們再次提醒您,您必須盡最大努力與高我的頻率保持一致和完全對齊。只需保持警惕你的思維,話語,感受和行動 - 即你的振動頻率。
Your Higher Self always looks at this world and humanity with loving eyes full of compassion; always radiates Love, Peace & Harmony, Joy and Abundance. So if ever your thoughts/words/feelings/actions do not represent any one of these 5 Divine Frequencies of God, then you know, you must be out of alignment. As soon as you realize that this is happening, take the time to rectify this immediately.
This place of constant Discernment: deciding which is the Truth or, Illusion; deciding to react or not to react; deciding to change course or not to change course - is exactly the path where a Master walks upon. A Master is never reactive to people or worldly events - she is always in control. A Master is always able to see the bigger picture in anything and not let anything affect his equilibrium/vibrations. A Master also knows how to use her powerful tools of Creation wisely and never wastes time in a thought, a word, a feeling, or an action, that does not reflect who she truly is. A master never conforms to the opinion/decision of the world and the people around him, unless he has discerned that it is for everyone's Higher Good to do so.
在這個不斷覺察之處:決定哪個是真理,還是幻覺;決定是否作出反應或是保持靜默;決定改變方向或不改變方向 - 正是大師走過的道路。大師永遠不會對人或世俗事件做出反應 – 他總是在掌控之中。一名大師總能靜觀全貌,不會讓任何東西影響他自身的平衡/振動。大師也知道如何明智地使用他強大的創造工具,永遠不會浪費時間在思想,言語,感覺或行動上,那些不能匹配出他真正所是。一名大師永遠不會順應世界和他周圍的人的意見/決定的潮流,除非他已經意識到這樣做是為了大眾的更高的利益。
A Master has access to Higher, multidimensional information coming from the Divine - she has a bird's eye view/perspective for all things that are happening around her, and will utilize such Wisdom for the greater good of all. A Master knows, beyond any doubt, that he is fully responsible for everything that occurs in his life. A Master walks confidently upon uncharted territory (that represents her 5-D life from now on - a path she has never before walked on Earth), and never falters nor feels afraid. The Master (just like in one of the photos displayed above), will simply open a map; activate the 'GPS' that is within her heart, to plot a course to where she wants to go!
大師可以訪問來自神聖的更高維度的訊息 - 她對所有正在發生的事情都有鳥瞰(高維度)視角/視角,並將利用這種智慧來獲得更大的利益。毫無疑問,大師知道他對他生命中發生的一切負有全部責任。一位大師自信地走在未知的領域(這代表了她從現在開始的五維生活 - 一條她從未在地球上行走過的道路),從不動搖也不感到害怕。大師(就像上面顯示的其中一張照片一樣),只需打開一張地圖;激活她心中的“GPS”,將路線繪製到她想去的地方!
Q2: Are you ready, loved one, to reach this level of Mastery?
This is in fact the last question your Higher Self will ask you, before you can walk past the gate. You consciously choosing to walk past the gate, and enter the higher dimensions, is tantamount to you making the following declaration to the Universe, and to all of us here in the higher realms who are always listening/observing.
'I AM DEFINITELY READY, to once again be the powerful Creator that I know I am. Bring it on!'
After making such a powerful declaration, the Universe will obey and respond to your thoughts, words, feelings and actions at a much greater speed from now on. You will soon find that your thoughts and words (both positive/negative) will be manifested in your physical reality faster; often seemingly at the speed of light, through the power of synchronicity.
And then what do you think will happen next (in this meditation exercise that we would highly recommend for you to do - only if you feel as though you have reached the Mountaintop/Summit), as soon as you walk past the pearly gates?
然後你認為接下來會發生什麼(在我們強烈推薦你做的冥想練習中 - 只要你覺得你已經到達山頂/峰會),一旦你走過天堂之門,你會如何?
Different people will have different reactions. Those of you who are sensitive to energy, will perhaps be able to feel a sudden, explosive energetic release from within yourself. You will be 'flying high'. Some of you may even experience the often-talked-about spiritual phenomena of your kundalini spontaneously awakening. Others may report feeling intense joy, love, bliss, and complete freedom to finally be who you are. Some of you may find yourselves feeling so very emotional; releasing all built-up tension coming from the weight of experience, you old souls have, after living on 3-D Earth for eons.
You may be wondering what is next, Sananda? Where should I go, after this? That is up to you dear friends. I would highly recommend for you to walk in the direction that gives you the most amount of JOY. If the thought of doing something, or not doing something gives you joy, then follow that guidance coming from your Higher Self.
After walking past the gate, trust me when I say that you will find it even easier to hear the voice of your Higher Self. Your spiritual abilities will be returned at greater speed, and your intuition gets even more powerful. It is a time of massive changes within yourself and you fully embracing your Mastery may take some getting used to. It is time to acclimatize and flex your higher dimensional muscles; to test your abilities in amazing ways!
Did Harry Potter and his gang of friends become powerful wizards/witches as soon as they entered Hogwarts? No, it took them several years of study before they were able to wield stronger magic like the ones done towards the series' end. There is however one big, major difference between you and Harry Potter.
Your magical powers, i.e. your creation and manifestation abilities have now been fully activated! You do not need to attend classes, over a period of many years, to learn how to wield your Higher-Dimensional Powers! Your Soul, a.k.a your Higher Self has access to all the information you will ever need. Stop living within the powerful illusions of linear time, and instead use your power to 'connect/link' your future with your NOW, so that your goals are manifested faster.
你的神奇力量,即你的創造和顯化能力現已完全激活!在多年的時間裡,你不需要上課,學習如何運用你的高維能力!您的靈魂,a.k.a(as known as)如你所知您的高我可以擷取您將需要的所有信息。停止生活在線性時間的強大夢中,而是利用你的力量將你的未來與當下“連接/鏈接”,以便更快地顯化你的目標。
All you have to do, is to have a very powerful intention to always stay deeply connected with your Higher Self, AND believe that you already are your Higher Self right here, right now. And not in some distant future.
In other words, immediately BE your Higher Self and act like it!
Ask your Higher Self to give you reminders, or nudges, whenever your vibration drops, so that the situation can be rectified immediately. All it takes is practice. After doing this continuously for at least 30 days, you will find that staying connected/aligned with Higher Self has become super easy to do! It now comes naturally. You are constantly being made aware of everything that is going on within and without, so can you adjust your frequencies accordingly, depending on what you are facing in life.
When faced with life challenges that can still trigger you, perhaps coming from remnants of old, dense 3-D energies within yourself or from the people around you/the world: it is important that the very first thing you should do is to immediately connect with the Divine Spark located within the higher heart chakra - the gateway to your Higher Self.
當面對可能觸發你的生命挑戰時,也許來自你自己內部或周圍人或者世界上的舊的,密集的三維能量的殘餘物:重要的是你要做的第一件事就是立即連接神聖火花位於較高的心輪之間 - 通往高等自我的門戶。
After having reconnected with your Higher Self, and successfully put yourself out of the fear, basic survival mode, you then need to ask yourself this very important question. 'Acting as the all-powerful Higher Self that I know I AM, what should I do in this situation that I am currently facing?'
在與高級自我重新聯繫並成功擺脫恐懼,基本生存模式後,您需要問自己這個非常重要的問題。 “作為一個全能的高我,我知道我所是,我現在面臨的這種情況應該怎樣做?”
The moment you ask yourself this question, it is as if you are 'unplugging' yourself from the 3-D matrix you have spent many lifetimes in, and then 'repluggging' into the higher dimensional, ultimate reality where your Divine, Higher Self resides. You have freed yourself from the dense matrix of Fear, and entered the arena (i.e. tackle the problem) with a completely different approach; with new set of eyes/new perspectives.
You will now be able to look at the challenge and see it for what it is, minuscule and easy to solve, in the face of your Magnificent, God Self!
You will soon come to the ultimate realization, that not only have you become Master of the Matrix (just like Neo was), but you were/are also the Architect of this Matrix. You have constant access to the higher dimensional operating manual called the 'Matrix Architecture' and as such, you know all the ins and outs on how to beat the system. All the keys, the tricks/techniques, the know-hows on how to manipulate and wield the matrix system to bring about your desired results are readily available for instant downloads, at your convenience! And this is when the fun truly begins dear friends!
你很快就會最終實現,不僅讓你成為駭客大師(就像Neo一樣),但你也是這個駭客的建築師。您可以持續訪問稱為“Matrix Architecture”的高維操作手冊,因此,您可以了解如何擊敗系統的所有來龍去脈。所有關鍵,技巧/技巧,如何操縱和使用矩陣系統以獲得所需結果的知識都可以在您方便的時候瞬間下載!這就是真正開始親愛的朋友的樂趣!
I truly hope you are getting as excited as I am over this!
You have been awakened earlier than most of humanity, so that you can then act as beacons of light, way-showers or, lighthouses in an awakening planet still filled with so many dramas. It is crucial for you to do your utmost over the next 2 months, and focus completely on your ascension goals; on achieving Mastery, so that you can get ready for a very important year coming up in 2019.
Light-workers and all members of our Ground Crew, the time has come for all of you to step forward, shine your Light brightly and lead! Humanity will need you. Gaia will need you. And in case you still do not know the best way of being the fifth-dimensional leader the world so desperately needs, the answer is quite simple. You lead by example! You lead by displaying your Mastery over life.
A Master does not have to say a word; he/she can simply walk into a room, exuding unconditional love, joy and peace, and every single person in that room will immediately begin to feel better after sharing the same time/space with the Master, even if it is just for a short period of time. And this is how powerful you are dear friends. The Rainbow Light Body belonging to that of a Master can radiate for miles in all directions - affecting, influencing, awakening, and raising the vibrations of many souls located in his/her energetic range of influence. You will soon have this ability to awaken and remind ALL of who they are, and what they are capable of, wherever you go.
大師不必說一句話;他/她可以簡單地走進一個房間,散發出無條件的愛,歡樂與和平,並且在與大師共享同一時間/空間之後,該房間的每個人都會立即開始感覺更好,即使它只是短暫的一段的時間。這就是你親愛的朋友們的力量。屬於大師的彩虹光體可以向各個方向輻射數英里 – 鼓舞地,影響,喚醒和揚升位於他/她充滿活力的影響範圍內的許多靈魂的振動。無論你走到哪裡,你很快就會有這種能力喚醒和提醒所有人,以及他們的能力。
An ascended planet Earth, that is completely filled with Ascended Masters as its inhabitants, will be a planet of Unity, Peace & Harmony, Joy, Love and Abundance for all. This guaranteed future is not that far away my beloveds. It is so very close that you can almost see, touch, feel or smell it. Your hard-working efforts had truly paid off, and Earth and Humanity will successfully ascend (or, has successfully ascended from our Higher perspective). And it all starts with you, our Ambassadors of Light!
一個揚升的行星地球,完全被Ascended Masters揚升大師作為居民,將成為一個團結,和平與和諧,歡樂,愛和豐富的星球。這個有保障的未來離我心愛的人並不遙遠。它非常接近,幾乎可以看到,觸摸,感覺或聞到它。你的努力工作確實得到了回報,地球和人類將成功揚升(或者,從我們的視角成功揚升)。這一切都始於你,我們的光之大使!
Declare and claim your Mastery right here, right now. And then simply aligns with your naturally loving, powerful and all-knowing, wise Self who can always be found within.
In closing, I would like to address a growing concern among my caring and loving Light-workers present here today. There are some of you here who are becoming quite concerned that your growing 'detachment' over seemingly tragic events such as: natural disasters, or the occasional shootings reported in the news recently happening in the US, the death of people you know, or even loved ones through these catastrophes, is not how a Master should feel/be like. Let me reassure you, my love, that you feeling this way - detached from all the dramas - does not mean that you are turning into beings who are lacking compassion.
最後,我想談談我今天在這裡的關懷和愛心光的工作者日益關注的問題。你們中的一些人越來越擔心你們在看似悲慘的事件上越來越“超然”,例如:自然災害,或者最近在美國發生的新聞中偶然發生的槍擊,你知道的人死亡,甚至通過這些災難所愛的人,並不是大師應該感受到的感覺。讓我向你保證,我的愛,你這種感覺 - 超脫所有的人生戲劇 - 並不意味著你變成了缺乏慈悲心的人。
On the contrary, the entire Human race is turning into a highly emphatic and telepathic race. You will be able to feel, sense and see much more than you have been able to do thus far. And as such, all of you will be able to feel what the other person is feeling instantly, in the near future. When you are able to deeply empathize with another person in this powerful way, you will then be moved to do your utmost to help this person, in a way that serves the higher good of everyone involved in that situation.
These strong feelings of detachment actually represents your awakened 5-D Self who is observing all that is going on with the world, from within you. Because of that, you have begun to be able to see everything that is happening from the 'Ultimate Truth', Higher-dimensional perspective and NOT the 'Illusionary, 3-D Matrix' perspective.
This is a powerful gift that should have given you plenty of reason to celebrate!
This detachment will be able to give you the breathing space, and the time gap, to be able TO CHOOSE how to react, or, IF you should react to what is currently happening. And that is the very definition of Mastery.
A Master does not react the same way the entire world is still strongly conditioned to react. A Master can easily, and masterfully choose to react with love instead of fear, with compassion instead of anger, with understanding instead of giving in to thoughts of revenge; always choosing peace of mind, body and soul.
A Master is fully aware that what happened had happened because all the souls involved in that situation had chosen to work together and made it happen, for reasons known only to the Master and to those in the higher realms. One of the reasons can perhaps be: to trigger massive spiritual awakenings within the people closely affected by such tragedies. A Master has successfully released all attachments to 3-D dramas, i.e. have fully detached from all 3-D illusions, especially the illusions coming from the biggest drama humanity likes to engage in: the dramas associated with death of the physical body.
Death is the ultimate illusion of all. The moment someone passes away, his/her spirit moves on and starts to journey back Home, towards the waiting arms of Father/Mother God. This moment of return to the Unity consciousness; into the warm embrace of Unconditional Love, is actually a very joyous occasion for the returning, often-tired spirit.
However, when faced with grieving family members, who are feeling deeply the loss of their loved ones, simply hold the space for them to heal dear ones. This is why you are here. To give comfort when and where comfort is needed. Send your healing light and love often, so that the grieving period does not become prolonged or debilitating. Guide them (only when asked for) so that they can soon see past their grief and realize that their loved ones had never fully left them. A part of their Soul always remains with Gaia; with their loved ones even after the death of their physical vessels.
You are able to be this beacon of light, comfort, love and strength, by staying detached and not overwhelmed by the same grief. In other words, your detachment acts like a shield, like a barrier, protecting you from sinking under the depths of the many powerful 3-D illusions out there - giving you the opportunity to be a powerful agent of Love & Light instead.
你可以成為光明,慰藉,愛和力量的燈塔,通過保持超然而不被同樣的悲傷所淹沒。換句話說,你的超然就像一道盾牌,就像一道屏障,保護你免受深陷那些強大的3D幻想 - 讓你有機會成為一個強大的愛與光的代理人。
Never fear the opinion of others, beloved Masters! It is now time for all of you to stand tall in your Mastery; fully embracing your powerful, multi-dimensional Selves and shine your Light brightly. Just like the powerful lighthouses, guiding the ships at sea (the still sleeping/newly-awakened souls) back to land (i.e. home to God and their Higher Selves), along the rocky shores (the many challenges ascension brings to this planet).
Believe in the power of your Light and never again fear the dark. The dark must retreat wherever you are shining your Light so brightly. And that is the ultimate truth that many of you, old souls, have forgotten. Fear not! The Kingdom of God is NOW here on Earth, and blessed be all who are in it.
Sending you all much love & joy,
Your brother in Light, Sananda.
Channeled by Adele Arini. Copyright 2018. If you re-post, please retain article in its entirety, and provide the link below. Much love & gratitude.