當我們說它正在發生時,請相信我們;你們正在取得如此大的進步,我們希望你們所有人都能感受到。我們建議你們每天都像我們一樣關注人類的集體意識。感受四處飄蕩的點點滴滴的積極性,因為它是一種與你們上次接觸時不同的集體意識,這是令人興奮的事情。現在所有在思想、情感、意識、振動層面上發生的變化,它們確實會出現在物質領域,你們將在接下來的 12 個月中看到地球上出現的一些非常大的變化。這些變化看起來像是一夜之間發生的,但實際上,你們作為一個集體,已經為它們努力了很長一段時間,而且你們將繼續這樣做。
因此,請繼續做你們自己,並放心,通過將其作為當天的目標,你們正在盡自己的一份力量。當你們忠於自己時,你們更有可能在正確的時間出現在正確的地方,準確地做需要做的事情,或者準確地說出別人需要聽到的話,我們知道你們都想成為那樣的人你們的人類同胞。我們只是想向你們保證,僅僅因為你們沒有在一年中的 50 周中每週做 40 個小時,這並不意味着你們所做的事情對你們想要擁有的集體意識缺乏影響。很好。請繼續。繼續做你們自己,我們會繼續注意到集體意識的變化。
Big Changes on Earth in the next Twelve Months ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are so very happy with the progress we see you all making there on planet Earth because we measure your progress by the overall frequency of the human collective consciousness. We know when you have been able to think and focus in ways that are closer to your true self and the way your true self focuses and thinks. You are on that journey back to who you really are as Source Energy Beings, and every tiny little step that you take in that direction makes an enormous difference. You are making a difference by shifting what’s going on inside of you, even though most of you are still looking for that thing action-wise that will make a big difference there on planet Earth.
We want you to know that you do so much for humanity by meditating and by processing your emotions. You do so much for humanity by offering forgiveness, by having compassion for someone who hasn’t done anything to deserve that compassion from you. If you think about how many of you there are on planet Earth right now and you consider how easy it is to make a difference on Earth, you can see how the progress of humanity would go unnoticed by the media and even by the social media.
Trust us when we say it is happening; you are making so much progress, and we desire for all of you to feel it. We advise you to tune in to the human collective consciousness as we do, every day. Feel for the little bits and pieces of positivity that are floating around, because it is a different collective consciousness than it was the last time you tapped in, and that’s something to get excited about. Now all of the changes that are taking place on that level of thought, emotion, consciousness, vibration, they do then show up in the physical realm, and you are going to see some very big changes there on Earth coming up in the next twelve months. Those changes will seem like they happened overnight, but in reality, you have all been working towards them, as a collective, for quite some time, and you will continue to do so.
You have more to contribute as individuals as well, and there will be action steps to be taken, but when you don’t know what to do, then trust us when we say that you are meant to be doing nothing. Doing nothing does not equate to a lack of contributing. You will not get the accolades, the awards, the praise from your fellow humans, but you will live a better life. You will live a happier life, a more fulfilled life, a life of peace, harmony and joy, and you will get inspired to do something. And the universe will bring you people to help and to heal, because the universe will always match you up with the ones who will benefit the most from what you have inside of you.
So just keep being you and rest assured that you are doing your part by making that your goal for the day. When you are being true to yourself, you are more likely to be in the right place at the right time, to do exactly what is needed, or to say exactly what someone needs to hear, and we know you all want to be that to your fellow humans. We just want to assure you that just because you’re not doing it forty hours a week for fifty weeks out of the year, it doesn’t mean that what you are doing lacks the impact on the collective consciousness that you want to have. Very good. Carry on. Keep being you, and we will keep noticing the changes in the collective consciousness.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”