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iam66 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

聽譯自20184月克里昂在  , WEST VIRGINIA的現場通靈錄音:


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Today we would like to focus upon the topic of deliberately changing your vibration. Certainly we are not denying that your reality is incredibly captivating. The duality that you exist within offers you a constant barrage of varying experiences in which to focus upon. What we would like to focus your attention upon is how you can raise your vibration so you become in alignment with your greatest desires.


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Good evening children, this is your Mother God. I am very near you. Yawn, breathe and let me into the deepest parts of you and let us sit together for a moment, enjoying each other’s energies. For this is community children, when you enjoy the company of others and the energy exchange is mutually beneficial. So many of you have been ever so lonely on this most arduous of lifetimes and it saddens me to see you tear up when you think no one is watching. For I am watching your tears fall and you are not alone. I am all around you children at all times. My breath is your breath. Do you see? How could you ever be truly alone? The Earth is surrounded by my creation, your friends and family, your cohorts of love who are currently sacrificing their time and talent for the betterment of humanity and for the protection of Gaia. You are surrounded by the angels who ever wish to comfort, and by the fairies who ever wish to talk. Your newly arrived dragon warrior friends also lend their light, their fire, their love for your healing.


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