This Transmission Contains Codes to Unlock What’s Inside You ∞The Hathors
“We have Arrived. We are The Hathors, and we are very happy to be here with you.
We are ascending with you, alongside you, and in some ways because of you, because of the waves you are creating, because of the ways in which you are expanding, evolving, and becoming more of your true selves. All of that has a ripple effect throughout the galaxy and the universe, and we are now a part of your story historically, as we have been to your world and we have done what we could to help.
We love you immensely, and we shower you with our high-frequency energies as much as we can. We also know that you have a lot within yourselves that you have yet to unlock, and we know that we can help you by delivering to you the energies and the codes that will help you to unlock more of what is inside of you.
When you start to notice that there is more of a depth, more of a dimension to you and what you are, then you start to act accordingly, you start to think like a supreme being. You start to love because love feels best, not because someone or something deserves that love. You are meant to unlock these things within you at the appropriate timing, and we do work with your higher selves and the collective higher self of humankind in determining the perfect timing for each and every one of you to get more of what you need from the likes of us.
We know that many of you are fascinated by Egyptian times and what was accomplished there, and you have evidence of those accomplishments, unlike with Lemuria and Atlantis. There is plenty of evidence that you’ve already had e.t. contact right there in Egypt. With an open mind, people can see that, can recognize the truth that you already have been visited and you already have been helped. And guess what, beloveds? More help is on the way, because more help is always on the way.
And the more you suffer, and toil, and strive for a better life there on Earth, the more you ask and the more you create. Now, you just have to relax and remember who you really are so you can benefit from more of those creations and receive the energies that will unlock the codes. This transmission is a part of that unlocking. This channeling that you experience with those like Daniel here is a delivery system for more of the energies that are coming all the time to assist you.
And we will always be here for you in the higher-dimensional planes, holding space for you, but of course, we can do so much more than just hold space when you allow us to help. Put yourselves in a relaxed and receptive state at least once a day to get more of what is rightfully yours and to unlock the keys to your ascension. It is important for you to know who you really are and to know it experientially. And that is what this next phase of your spiritual evolution is all about. We know that you are ready for it, and we are convincing more and more of your higher selves that you are.
We are The Hathors. We thank you. And we wish you a fond good day.”