我們已經準備好接受你們想在第九維度向我們拋出的任何東西。 我們對你們的所有要求都持開放態度,並尋求為你們提供你們所需要和想要的一切,因為對我們來說,你們至少要保持舒適,着眼於快樂,這一點很重要。 我們知道,我們不斷告訴你們,你們創造了自己的現實,但你們也可以尋求幫助,也許你們已經注意到,在物質領域,這通常也對你們有利。 如果你們有勇氣向航空公司的人要求升級,你們可能會得到。如果你們對某人有浪漫的感覺,那麼表達這些感覺並約他出去約會對你們確實有幫助。
所以你們看,對於要求你們想要什麼、需要什麼繼續留在地球上並為集體服務的藝術來說,有一些話要說。 你們所有在光下工作的人都在那裡服務,無論你們以什麼為生。 你們正在向正向的方向傾斜,你們希望每個人都是安全的、受尊重的和受愛的。 此時此刻,地球上需要你們,人類歷史上從未有過比這更需要你們的時刻,因為當你們改變意識時,你們正在經歷的事情是巨大的。
因此,以下是如何向大角星人理事會或任何其他更高維度的存在或集體詢問你們想要什麼。 大聲說出來,然後說:“謝謝你們答應我這個請求。” 關鍵是在收到之前要感謝,因為你們的信仰和信任也很重要。 你們不必乞求,也不必懇求,你們不必解釋為什麼你們想要改變某些事情或某些條件,但你們必須相信,你們必須期望我們以肯定的管道回答你們的所有請求。
同樣,我們希望你們快樂、平和、舒適,我們希望你們留下來,繼續為人類做你們正在做的工作。 我們希望你們覺得值得接受你們所要求的,因為你們是值得的。 再說一遍,我們有一個願望來滿足你們的願望。 你們給了我們一些事情做,一些事情關注,一些事情共同創造,因為這樣我們就必須去工作,找到最好的管道來實現你們要求我們的一切,同時與你們的更高自我和你們的嚮導一起工作。
這對我們來說太有趣了,我們總是有一種給予的心情。 我們不必等到你們的生日或其他節日才給你們我們非常樂意分享的禮物。 我們愛你們,感激你們,是時候讓你們在地球上過上更幸福的生活了。 我們只想成為其中的一部分; 我們只是想幫忙。
Ask The Arcturian Council for What You Want ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are ready for anything that you want to throw at us here in the ninth dimension. We are open to all of your requests, and we seek to give you everything that you need and want because it is important to us that you remain at the very least comfortable, with an eye towards being joyous. We know that we continuously tell you that you create your own reality, but you also get to ask for help, and perhaps you have noticed that in the physical realm, it often works to your advantage as well. If you have the audacity to ask the person at the airline for an upgrade, you might just get it. If you have romantic feelings for someone, it does help for you to express those feelings and ask the person out on a date.
So you see, there is something to be said for the art of asking for what you want and need to continue to be there on Earth and be of service to the collective. All of you who are operating from the light are there in service, regardless of what you do for a living. You are tipping the scales in favor of the positive, and your intentions for everyone to be safe, respected and loved matter. You are needed there on Earth at this time, and there has never been a time in human history where you have been more needed because of the magnitude of what you are going through as you shift your consciousness.
So here is how to ask The Arcturian Council or any other higher-dimensional being or collective for what you want. Say what it is out loud, and then say, ‘Thank you for granting me this request.’ The key is to thank before you receive it, because your faith, your trust, also matter. You don’t have to beg and you don’t have to plead, and you don’t have to explain why you want something, or some condition to change, but you do have to believe, and you have to expect that we answer all of your requests in the affirmative.
Again, we want you to be happy, peaceful, comfortable, and we want you to want to stay and continue to do the work that you are doing for humanity. We want you to feel worthy of receiving that which you ask for, because you are worthy. And again, we have a desire to fulfill your desires. You give us something to do, something to focus on, something to co-create, because then we have to go to work and find the best ways to deliver all that you have asked us for, while working with your higher selves and your guides.
It is so much fun for us, and we are always in a giving mood. We don’t have to wait for your birthday or some other holiday to give you the gifts that we so willingly share. We love you and appreciate you, and it is time for you all to be living happier lives there on planet Earth. We just want to be a part of it; we just want to help.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”