當我們在地球上以物理形式幫助你們所有人時,我們正處於最佳狀態。 當我們幫助人類時,我們會更加認同源頭能量的觀點和議程。 我們知道,當我們在服務時,我們是一致的,我們可以感受到更多的源頭能量流經我們。我們感覺更有活力。
你們都可以從幫助地球上的任何人中獲得同樣的體驗,無論他們是人類、植物、動物還是礦物。當你們甚至尋求服務時,你們都在與源頭結盟,並獲得更多的源頭能量。 因此,不要因為你們不能做更多的事情或你們不知道在特定的情況下該做什麼而哀歎,從而封鎖源頭能量的流動。 通過繼續關注你們想幫助的事實,保持在源頭的流動中,並知道你們可以與我們對齊,你們可以與地球母親對齊,你們也可以與太陽對齊,你們還可以與源頭對齊,或者你們可以與任何數量的集體、理事會,甚至是想要幫助的更高維度的個體對齊。
你們不必把一切都弄清楚,這就是讓你們中的許多人感到困惑的原因。 有些人甚至在開始追求服務之前就放棄了,因為人類思維的局限性,告訴你們你們只是一個人的局限性和諸如“作為一個孤獨的人,我怎麼能產生我想產生的影響?” 你們從不孤獨,當你們保持你們的欲望和幫助的意圖時,你們總是與光的力量更加一致。
我們知道,你們會抓住每一個機會,採取你們能採取的任何行動,所以我們不擔心你們的有效性或你們可以傳播光線的範圍。 我們比幾乎所有人類都更瞭解地球平面是如何工作的,因為我們可以用肉眼看到你們看不到的東西。 我們可以感知大多數人無法感知的東西,我們可以隨時感受到你們對人類集體意識的影響,即使你們在睡覺的時候。 因此,當我們說你們做了這麼多好事,取得了這麼多進步時,我們請你們信任我們。 你們正在與網格、能量線、貫穿地球母親的能量一起工作,你們所做的工作是美麗的。
你們只需要放下那種認為是你們的行動更強大、更有效的心態,因為這是你們的意識。 現在是,一直是,而且永遠是你們的意識決定了你們想在地球上做出的改變。
Align with Source & the Forces of Light ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are at our best when we are helping all of you there in physical form on planet Earth. We align ourselves more with the Source Energy perspective and agenda when we are helping humanity. We know that we are in alignment when we are being of service, and we can feel more of Source Energy flowing through us. We feel more alive.
You all can have that same experience from helping anyone there on Earth, whether they be in human, plant, animal, or mineral form. When you even seek to be of service, you are aligning with Source and accessing more of the energy of Source. Therefore, do not stop the flow of Source Energy by lamenting the fact that you cannot do more or that you do not know what to do in a particular situation. Stay in the flow of Source by continuing to focus on the fact that you want to help, and know that you can align with us, you can align with Mother Earth, you can align with the sun, you can align with Source, or you can align with any number of collectives, councils, and even individual beings who are higher dimensional and who want to help.
You don’t have to figure it all out, and that is what trips many of you up. Some people give up before they even get started on that pursuit of service because of the limitations of the human mind, limitations that tell you that you are only one person and ideas such as, ‘How could I ever make the impact I want to make as one single, solitary human being?’ You are never alone, and you are always more aligned with the forces of light when you maintain your desire and your intention to help.
We know that you will seize every opportunity to take whatever actions you can, so we do not worry about your effectiveness or the range with which you can spread the light. We understand how the Earth plane works better than almost all humans do because we can see what you cannot see with your physical eyes. We can sense what most cannot sense, and we can feel the impact that you have on the human collective consciousness at all times, even when you are asleep. Therefore, we invite you to trust us when we say that you are doing so much good and making so much progress. You are working with the grids, the ley lines, the energy that runs across, through, and all around Mother Earth, and the work that you are doing is beautiful.
You just have to let go of that mentality that says that it is your actions that are more powerful and effective, for it is your consciousness. It is now, it always has been, and it always will be your consciousness that makes that difference that you want to make there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”