我們正在聽取你們的所有請求,我們知道你們有多希望不僅看到你們希望看到的世界變化,而且我們也認識到你們中有多少人希望成為這些變化的一部分。 你們是變革者。 你們是質疑一切並設想一個新世界的人,一個每個人都生活在和平與和諧中的世界。 這絕對是你們正在走向的世界。 有些人已經在他們的思想、身體、情感和能量場中體驗了這個世界。 他們這樣做並不是在逃避現實世界。 他們正在創造一個新世界,用自己的身體、自己的能量和心理搭建一座橋樑。
你們這些覺醒的人在那裡是為了在地球上服務一個非常重要的目的。 你們在那裡是為了照亮道路; 你們在那裡是為了指導,以身作則,為那些原本不會被打開的人打開大門。 你們可以這樣做,你們正在這樣做,現在比以往任何時候都更需要你們成為破壞者,光明使者,成為那些認識到你們在地球上是一體的人,沒有理由分裂,甚至感到分裂的人。 是時候向你們的人類同胞展示什麼是可能的了,你們可以通過分享你們的故事,分享你們的天賦,通過信仰的飛躍,做你們一直想做的事來做到這一點。
成為你們所知道的療癒師、教練、嚮導和引導者,不要等待任何人給予你們許可或向你們發出邀請。 當你們遵從自己的內心時,你們就是在遵從內心的指引。 然後你們生活在你們的真理中,與你們靈魂的目的和源頭保持一致。 你們所提供的一切都是有價值的。 你們在地球上度過的每一刻,你們都在為自己服務,儘管如此,為了在你們周圍創造現實,你們必須忠於自己。 為了建立一座通往新地球的橋樑,你們必須盡可能多地、盡可能頻繁地活出你們的真相,並且不道歉。
在追求理想現實的過程中,你們不需要猶豫片刻,但你們確實需要信念的飛躍。 你們確實需要認識到意識正在擴張,人們正在覺醒,你們在那裡是為了成為其中的一部分。 你們在那裡提供幫助,在內心深處,你們一直知道如何做到這一點,如何做真正的自己。 即使你們周圍可能有其他人不明白,不明白你們為什麼對這些東西感興趣,但你們可以,而且無論如何都會聽從你們內心的指導。 這只是時間問題,而這個時間恰好就在現在。
You Are Building a Bridge to the New Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are listening to all of your requests, and we know how much you all want to not only see the changes that you want to see on your world, but we also recognize how many of you want to be a part of those changes. You are the changemakers. You are the ones to question everything and to envision a new world, a world where everyone lives in peace and harmony. This is absolutely the world you are moving towards. Some already experience this world in their minds, in their bodies, in their emotions, and in their energy fields. They are not escaping from the quote/unquote real world in doing this. They are creating the new world and building a bridge with their own bodies, with their own energies and psyches.
Those of you who are awake are there to serve a very important purpose on Earth. You are there to light the way; you are there to guide, to lead by example and to open doors for people that would not have otherwise been opened. You can do this and you are doing this, and you are needed there now more than ever to be the wayshowers, the lightbringers, to be the ones who recognize the truth that you are all one there on Earth and that there is no reason to be divided or even to feel divided. It’s time to show your fellow humans what is possible, and you do that by sharing your stories, sharing your gifts, by taking that leap of faith and doing what you’ve always wanted to do for a living.
Become the healer, the coach, the guide, the channeler that you know you are, and don’t wait for anyone to give you permission or to send you an invitation. When you follow your heart, you are following inner guidance. You are then living your truth and living in alignment with your soul’s purpose and with Source. Everything that you offer is of value. Every moment that you spend there on Earth, you are being of service, and still, you have to be true to yourselves in order to create that reality around you. In order to build a bridge to the new Earth, you must be living your truth as much as you can be, as often as you can be, and with no apologies.
You do not need to hesitate for one moment in the pursuit of your ideal reality, but you do need to take those leaps of faith. You do need to recognize that consciousness is expanding, that people are waking up, and that you are there to be a part of that. You are there to help, and deep down inside you have always known how to do it, how to be your true self. And even though you might have others around you who just don’t get it, who just don’t understand why you are interested in all this stuff, you can and you will follow your inner guidance anyway. It’s only a matter of time, and the time just happens to be right now.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”