我們與整個銀河系的所有其他存有都有著美好的關係,我們繼續尋求與整個宇宙的存有建立夥伴關係。 在銀河系之外,我們還沒有遇到過一些人,我們喜歡擴展我們的意識,與我們所能聯繫的任何人聯繫,因為我們知道,當我們遇到其他人時,我們遇到了自己的另一個面向。
這對你們所有人來說都是一個美麗而有力的練習,可以在日常生活中使用。 當你們看到每個人都代表著你們的一個面向,然後放下你們對那個人的抵觸情緒,如果你們對他們有抵觸情緒,你們就能在你們的精神進化中取得如此巨大的進步,你們就能給你們的世界帶來你們所見過的最大的改變。
事實上,你們現在在地球上遇到的最大問題是你們心懷怨恨,你們覺得自己與他人分離,你們的內心充滿仇恨。 放下所有這些不僅會讓你們作為一個人類集體走到一起,而且會幫助你們站起來,你們想站起來。 你們希望以更高的頻率狀態存在,我們通常稱之為“第五維度” 但你們不能通過將自己視為與其他人分開而達到這一點。
創造分裂會讓你們處於第三維度的心態,並讓你們陷入第三維度模式。 在很大程度上,你們出生在一個第三維度模式中,這就是你們要超越的,你們要提升的。 不要將其視為讓他人因其不良行為而逍遙法外。 將它視為成為真正的自己的唯一途徑,那就是你們的更高自我,你們的第五維度自我。
我們之前說過這一點,我們將再次重申——停止等待你們之外的事情發生,將你們和其他被選中的人拋向第五維度。 你們將作為一個集體來做這件事,為了真正體驗自己作為源頭能量,你們必須讓其他人在場,因為他們是源頭能量的一部分,因此也是你們的一部分。
如果你們能原諒別人,你們就能原諒自己,然後,也只有這樣,你們才能變得更加完整和完全。 寬恕的關鍵不僅僅是認識到寬恕他人就是寬恕自己。 寬恕的關鍵還在於讓你們自己感受到那個人的感受,而這個行為總是讓你們感受到。
一旦你們消除了你們的憤怒、悲傷、仇恨和恐懼,那麼你們就可以去原諒,然後你們就放下了一些束縛你們的重量,讓你們退縮,讓你們遠離自己的揚升。 當你們揚升時,你們會帶著其他人。 你們以身作則; 創建範本。 你們成為了你們此生註定要成為的老師和嚮導。
我們很抱歉,這並不容易,但這是你們的選擇來創造這個版本的現實。 所以,請記住,下次你們向它揮拳時,要知道擁抱它並超越它的感覺是整個銀河系無與倫比的。
What’s Holding You Back from Your Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have a beautiful relationship with all other beings throughout this galaxy, and we continue to seek to create partnerships with beings throughout the universe. There are some that we have not met yet outside of the Milky Way, and we love expanding our consciousness to connect with whomever we can, because we understand that when we are meeting someone else, we are meeting another aspect of ourselves.
This is a beautiful and powerful practice for all of you to employ in your day-to-day lives. When you can see everyone else as representing an aspect of you, and then drop your resistance to that person, if you had resistance to them, you can make such tremendous strides forward in your spiritual evolution, and you can bring about the greatest changes on your world that you have ever seen.
Truly the biggest problem you have there on Earth right now is that you hold grudges, that you feel separate from others, and that you harbor hate in your hearts. Letting all of that go will not just bring you together as a human collective, but it will also help you to rise up, and you want to rise up. You want to exist in a higher-frequency state, one that we refer to commonly as ‘the fifth dimension.’ But you cannot get there through seeing yourself as separate than anyone else.
Creating division puts you in a third-dimensional mentality and keeps you stuck in a third-dimensional paradigm. You were, for the most part, born into a third-dimensional paradigm, and it is what you are there to transcend, what you are there to ascend out of. Don’t see it as letting others off the hook for their bad behavior. See it as the only path to becoming more of who you really are, which is your higher self, your fifth-dimensional self.
We have said this before, and we will say it again – stop waiting for something outside of you to happen to catapult you, and only the other chosen ones, to the fifth dimension. You are going to do this as a collective, and in order to really experience yourselves as Source Energy, you must have the others present, because they are a part of Source Energy, and therefore, a part of you.
Some of you might wonder how can you possibly forgive some of the heinous acts that your fellow acts have taken part in. We are not telling you to deny yourselves of your feelings about those heinous acts, but we are asking you to imagine that in some other lifetime, one in which you were much, much different than you are today, you were the one committing the heinous acts.
If you can forgive someone else, you can forgive yourself, and then and only then you can become more whole and complete. The key to forgiveness is not just realizing that by forgiving another you are forgiving yourself. The key to forgiveness is also allowing yourself to feel what that person and that action was always meant to cause you to feel.
Once you clear your anger, your sadness, your hate, and your fear, then you are in a place where you can forgive, and then you are letting go of some of the weight that’s holding you down, that’s holding you back, that’s keeping you from your own ascension. And as you ascend, you take others with you. You set the example; you create the template. And you become the teacher and guide you were meant to be in this lifetime.
We are sorry that it is not easier than that, but it was your choice to create this version of reality. So please remember that the next time you are shaking your fist at it, and know that the feeling of embracing it all and rising above it is one that is unparalleled throughout the entire galaxy.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”