我們對這次傳輸非常興奮,因為我們知道你們都非常想知道地球上會發生什麼。 我們現在看到的是,我們合作的許多團體、集體和理事會正在打開門戶,在這個時候向地球母親傳遞更多的能量。 你們一直在為你們自己和你們生命中的其他人尋求一段時間的療癒,在你們生命中很多時候,你們都在為一個特定的地方、一個特定群體尋求療癒,所有這些祈禱都得到了回應。 你們現在正處於一個你們集體開放接受的時刻,這使得這是來自整個銀河系的存有和集體傳遞你們所要求的療癒能量的完美時刻。
我們已經這樣做了很長一段時間了,因為我們已經與你們作為一個集體和你們作為個人更加緊密地聯繫在一起。 但同時從這麼多地方獲得這種幫助是巨大的,你們知道地震與此有關,你們知道戰爭也與此有關。因為當一個事件引起世界上幾乎所有人的關注時,你們的集體要求是巨大的。 當你們中有足夠多的人放鬆下來接受你們所要求的東西時,那就是我們所有人都可以開始工作並向你們傳遞你們所需要的振動匹配。
換言之,你們的要求是自動產生的,但在你們與你們的要求一致之前,它仍然是一種潛在的體驗。 正如我們所說的,你們中有足夠多的人已經團結起來,使這成為一個已經開始的實際身體體驗。 這些入口網站正在全球各地湧現,不僅僅是在那些最需要它們的地區,儘管這些地區肯定還有更多。 但每個人都需要一定的療癒,世界上的每個地區都需要一定程度的療癒。 當你們看到創傷和悲劇時,它會讓你們想起你們自己,它會提醒你們你們還在等待什麼,你們還沒有得到什麼。
所以,你們都得到了這些療癒能量,它們將在身體上、情緒上、心理上和能量上療癒你們,這樣你們就可以克服創傷和傷害,走向未來,在那裡你們可以創造一個你們都渴望的美麗、平和、和諧的世界。 作為一個集體,你們現在做得非常好,你們應該得到我們現在給予你們的所有讚揚,還有更多,而且還會有更多。 療癒只是這些門戶的開始。 如果你們想知道是誰參與其中,此時有很多天狼星人和昴宿星人參與其中,來自心宿二的人比你們想像的要多得多,還有相當多的天琴座人。
The New Healing Portals Popping Up All Over ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very excited about this transmission because we know how much you all like to know what you can expect there on planet Earth. What we are seeing right now is many of the groups, the collectives, the councils that we work with are opening up portals to deliver more energies to Mother Earth at this time. You have been asking for quite some time for a healing for yourself and others in your life, and at many times in your life, you have asked for a healing for a particular place, a particular group of people, and all of those prayers get answered. You are at a time right now where you collectively are opening up to receive, and that makes this the perfect time for beings and collectives from all across this galaxy to deliver the healing energies you have requested.
We have been doing this for quite some time now, as we have gotten more intimately connected with you as a collective and with you as individuals. But to get this help from this many places all at once is huge, and you know that the earthquakes have something to do with this, and you know that the war in Ukraine has something to do with this, because when an event gets the attention of almost everyone in the world, your collective asking is enormous. When enough of you relax into the receiving of what you have asked for, that’s when we all can get to work and deliver to you what you are a vibrational match to.
In other words you ask, and what you are asking for is automatically created, but until you align with what you have asked for, it remains as a potential experience. And as we have said, enough of you have aligned to make this an actual physical experience that has already begun. The portals are popping up all around the planet, not just in those areas where they are needed the most, although there are more in those regions for sure. But each individual needs some amount of healing, and each region of the world needs some amount of healing. And when you see traumas and tragedies it reminds you of your own, and it reminds you of what you are still waiting for, what you still have yet to receive.
And so, you are all getting these healing energies, and they will heal you physically, emotionally, psychologically, and energetically, so you can move past the wounds and the hurt and move towards the future where you can create that beautiful, peaceful, harmonious world that you all desire. You are doing so extremely well right now as a collective, and you deserve all of the praise we are giving you right now and so much more, and there will be more to come. The healings are just the beginning for these portals. And in case you wondering who is involved, there are a lot of Sirians and a lot of Pleiadians pitching in at this time, a lot more from Antares than you might expect, and quite a few Lyrans as well.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”