Dear children of this beautiful planet Earth! I AM RAPHAEL!
I will talk a little about what healing is. You were all created by perfect, balanced Father / Mother God; All of your cells, your organs, aim at full functioning; the correct functioning, the perfect functioning. So, what causes your cells to suddenly start not functioning properly? Do not forget that what controls your cells is energy, it is the vital force that you have that comes exactly from Father / Mother God.
So I will give an example here: of a lake. If there is no wind, nothing happens. The water on the surface of that lake is calm, calm and is only agitated by the movement of the inhabitants of that lake. So everything there is in balance, everything works within the greatest harmony, nothing there is wrong. So take this full harmony into your cells. When properly fed, properly hydrated, your cells work like a calm lake, only producing the necessary movement for their evolution and the creation of new cells.
So let's imagine that in that lake, one day an animal arrives to drink water. The simple fact that he leans on the lake to drink water, agitates the waters of that lake; a little imbalance happens at that point. But when the animal ends its thirst and leaves, everything returns to calm, everything returns to balance. So in the same way, imagine your cells, when you eat something that doesn't do you good. At that moment you do not feel well, but after a while you will return to balance and be well again.
So continuing with another example. Now it is no longer an animal arriving, there are several animals. In the same way, the waters are agitated and that calm, that balance starts to be broken. At that point in the lake, the fish already know that they will find it difficult to find food, as a lot of sand will be turned over there; thus they start looking for another place. And that point goes out of balance, because the simple movement that the fish made at that point, no more renewing the water. The water is just being revolved, by those animals that are thirsty there. There we can understand it in two ways: if several animals arrive several times a day, always revolving that point; that point becomes a point of total imbalance in that lake.
But as in the previous example, if those animals leave and take some time to return, there is a tendency to balance again, the fish return to that point, because all the sediment will have sunk again. But let's say no, that part of the lake, becomes a route to quench the thirst of many animals. Then several groups arrive, leave, others come, leave and others come. So that imbalance is implanted at that point on the lake.
Let us now compare it with your bodies. Likewise, imbalances can happen. But if you do it where you want, with everything going back to balance, things get organized again. If you become unbalanced for a while, become aware and return to balance, also depending on this time, there is a chance that you will rebalance everything again. Now let's compare it with those groups of animals, who come to drink the water at the lake all the time. It is a constant imbalance, so that point on your bodies begins to change. Your cells were programmed ... one more example: to work with 100% oxygen. They take that oxygen, transform it into what they need and carry out their chemical reactions. But your body is not doing well, so you are only releasing 60% of the oxygen to your cells. What happens to the cells? Will they be able to metabolize everything they metabolized with 100%? Of course not. They will start to slow down, they will drop some tasks because there is not enough oxygen.
They are smart enough, to act on what is essential and priority to keep you alive, the rest they will leave aside. So this is a simple way for you to understand, why your bodies get sick. And what causes this imbalance? Contaminated food, contaminated air, contaminated water and, most importantly, your feelings. Do not think that your thinking and feeling does nothing to your body. Because thinking and feeling is not a chemical that affects your cell, it really isn't; but I can tell you, it’s exactly the same.
Let's take another example: how would you prefer to work? In a clean, organized environment, everything in its place; when you need something, you go there and pick it up, use it, put it back again. So there is an atmosphere of peace, calm, harmony. So it's nice to work in such an environment. Or would you like to work in an environment where everyone speaks very loudly, a dirty environment, a hot, uncomfortable environment, where there are discussions all the time? How would you feel in such an environment? So take this example to your cells. Every negative feeling you have is that group shouting loudly, arguing and you living in that environment, feeling bad.
When you vibrate good feelings, you are in that other environment, organized, clean, fragrant, calm with people talking softly, calm. So this is how your cells feel when you throw the whole load of negative feelings at them. It is as if that were something that changed "the head of the cells" so much that they started to do the wrong job. This also happens to you. When you are agitated, desperate, nervous; can you do a good job? , and they make ugly mistakes because they are not in the present, in the here in the now, they have their head on the problem. Likewise, the cell loses reference to what it has to do, so it starts doing everything wrong. physical in you, and that cell, which started to do everything wrong, when it multiplies, generates new cells, and it goes on to the next one: “Look here it’s a total disorganization, keep doing everything wrong like I’m doing”. next that are born, keep doing everything wrong.
So now I'm going to go back to the beginning of our conversation - what is the cure. The cure is to restore order within your body; is to put the cells to work in a clean, pure, fragrant, organized, calm, peaceful environment. In order for them to start to realize, that disorder that they themselves created, no longer fits in that environment. They are getting a good working environment. Then they begin to realize that they must start multiplying correctly again, as was the idea of ​​Father / Mother God, as they actually were.
來自:Anjos e Luz Terapias