





我們正在尋找完美的機會來發送我們所請求的和我們想要發送的能量,但我們也知道,地球上並不是每個人都在同一時間為我們想要發送給你們的能量做好了準備。 因此,我們開發了一個與地球母親和自然母親合作的系統,以提供你們所有人所要求的能量。 我們為這些能量所使用的輸送系統是花、樹、植物、草葉、水體甚至岩石。


當你們在大自然中,欣賞大自然中充滿能量的一面時,你們就會獲得你們所需要和渴望的能量。 當你們背靠着一棵樹或一塊大石頭坐着時,或者當你們把自己浸入水中時,那就是能量能够並且將被傳遞給你們的時候。 現在,我們不僅僅是想哄你們進入大自然,因為我們知道這對你們有好處。 我們也知道,你們必須做好準備,你們必須開放,你們必須放鬆,你們必須提供足够高的振動來接收我們提供的能量,我們知道大自然母親對你們有這種影響。


即使是那些不知道它的人,即使是那些低着頭,或仍在使用他們的設備的人,也不能不被大自然的能量所鼓舞。 她用愛、喜悅和與人類聯系的興奮將自己包裹在你們身邊,這就是為什麼每個人都能從觸摸一棵在大城市人行道上種植的樹中獲益。 即使這樣也很有幫助。 即使這樣,你們也能獲得你們想要的能量。


所以,如果你們無法走出森林、海灘、草地或池塘,就找一塊草地,赤脚站在上面,或者直接坐在那塊草地上。 給你們自己一個機會,去接受你們所要求的,以及我們已經實現的。 感受大自然母親的所有積極影響,因為我們向你們傳遞的能量只是她能向你們傳遞能量的一小部分,因為我們不是唯一採用這種新策略的人。


我們一直在與我們在第九維度和更高維度的所有同事討論這一點,我們都在同一頁上討論這個交付系統的有效性,以及它對那些不欣賞自然的人的有效性。 即使是那些因為任何原因而無法忍受自然的人,仍然能從與你們周圍和脚下的美的細微互動中受益。




A New Energy Delivery System from the 9th Dimension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are searching for the perfect opportunities to send the energies that have been requested and that we want to send, but we also know that not everyone there on Earth is ready at the exact same time for the energies that we want to send to you. And so, we have developed a system that is a partnership with Mother Earth and Mother Nature to deliver energies that you all have requested. The delivery systems that we have employed for these energies are flowers, trees, plants, blades of grass, bodies of water, and even rocks. 

When you are in nature and appreciating one of these energy-infused aspects of nature, you will then receive the energies that you need and desire. When you are sitting with your back up against a tree or a large rock, or when you have immersed yourself in some body of water, that’s when the energies can and will be delivered to you. Now, we are not just trying to coax you all out into nature because we know it is good for you. We also know that you have to be ready, you have to be open, you have to be relaxed, and you have to be offering a high enough vibration to receive the energies we are offering, and we know that Mother Nature has that effect on you.

Even those who do not know it, even those who have their heads down, or are still on one of their devices, cannot help but be uplifted by the energy of Mother Nature. She wraps herself around you with love, with joy, with an excitement to connect to a human being, and that is why everyone benefits from even touching a tree that has been planted amidst a sidewalk in a major city. Even that is helpful. Even that gets you those energies that you desire. 

So if you cannot get yourself out to a forest, a beach, a meadow, or a pond, just find a patch of grass and stand barefoot on it, or sit down directly on that patch of grass. Give yourselves the opportunity to receive what you have been asking for, and that we have delivered. And feel all of the positive effects of being out in Mother Nature, because the energies that we are delivering to you are but a small portion of what she can deliver to you, because we are not the only ones who are employing this new tactic. 

We have been discussing this with all of our colleagues here in the ninth dimension and in the higher-dimensional planes as well, and we are all on the same page about the effectiveness of this delivery system and its effectiveness for even those who don’t appreciate nature. Even those who cannot stand nature for whatever reason are still benefitting from even the slightest interaction with the beauty that you have all around you and right underneath your very feet.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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