我們和你們中的許多人一樣,對現時發生的不明飛行物的披露感到高興。 這一披露已經發生了相當長的一段時間,每次其他事情被披露時,你們都會對你們已經知道的事實得到更多的確認。 那麼這對人類意味著什麼呢? 當一個地區公開宣佈他們在天空中看到了他們無法解釋的物體時,這意味著什麼呢?
我們想封鎖你們中那些將這視為有意分散注意力的人前往那裡,相反,我們希望你們敞開心扉,接受這樣的可能性,即這意味著更多的人類已經準備好理解,宇宙中並不只有你們人類。 從我們的角度看,這就是快遞。 現在,你們中的許多人都會非常興奮地與家人和朋友分享這一點,他們認為你們的信仰已經很奇怪了一段時間,當然,知道自己得到了驗證,你們會感到滿意。
但這裡更大的情況是,這些披露事件是如何變得越來越大的,因為這表明地球上將發生一些大事。 將會發生的事情將比人們對自己的信念感到認可的事情要大得多。 許多人都想知道,何時會公開討論與外星人的接觸。 你們現在就要到那個時候了,你們可以放心,這一切都意味著更多,越來越多的接觸。
總有一天,你們會有很多外星人來到你們身邊,公開地到來。 你們將能夠乘坐他們的船前往遙遠的地方,他們將與每個人分享他們的科技。 這正在發生,這是意識轉變的一部分。 現在,你們可能想知道UFO、外星人和你們的揚升之間有什麼關係。 真的很簡單。 你們需要知道,你們不僅僅是擁有大腦的身體,而是在一個星球上度過了一生。 你們需要知道,你們是誰,你們來自哪裡,甚至你們是如何被創造成為現在人類的樣子,還有一個更大的故事。
這些問題的答案將擴展你們的世界的意識。 人們會開始有不同的想法,發生一些事情,然後讓人們有不同的思考是可以的。 這很好,因為一個人連續十二天,每天冥想十二個小時。 這是合理的,它是通過外星人接觸發生的,而不是通過其他導致某人啟蒙的靈性實踐。 這是一種管道; 這是一種體驗,但你們不必獲得意識的擴展。 它的發生是非常自然的,它正在發生,這是對你們的反映。
你們都可以鬆一口氣,因為這是一個確鑿的證據,證明越來越多的人來了,而且越來越多的是你們長久以來想要的。 放鬆,微笑,深呼吸,因為在地球上,你們再次向前邁出了巨大的一步。
UFO Disclosure is Happening…What it Means ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are as happy as many of you are about the disclosure that is taking place at this time on the topic of UFOs. This disclosure has been happening for quite some time, and every time that something else is disclosed, you get a bit more confirmation of what you already knew to be true. So what does this then signify for humanity? What does it mean when a country’s military announces publicly that they have seen objects in the sky that they could not account for?
We want to stop those of you who are going to see this as an intentional distraction from going there, and instead, we want you to open yourselves up to the possibility that this means more humans are ready to understand that you are not alone in the universe. From where we are sitting, that is the takeaway. Now, many of you will get very excited about sharing this with members of your family and with friends who have thought your beliefs were quite bizarre for a while now, and certainly you can take some satisfaction in knowing that you were validated.
But the much bigger picture here is how these disclosure events keep getting bigger and bigger, because that indicates that something big is going to happen there on Earth. What will happen will be much bigger than people feeling validated about their beliefs. Many people have wondered when contact with e.t.s would be openly discussed by high-ranking government officials from powerful countries. You are coming into that time now, and you can rest assured that this all means that more is coming, and more and more.
And someday you will have e.t.s walking amongst you, openly. You will be able to ride on their ships and go to faraway places, and they will share their technology with everyone. This is happening, and it’s a part of the shift in consciousness. Now, you might wonder what the relationship is between UFOs, e.t.s, and your ascension. It is quite simple, really. You need to know that you are much more than just physical bodies with brains who are living out a lifespan in a single lifetime on a single planet. You need to know that there is a bigger story to who you are, where you came from, and even how you were created to be the way you are right now as a human race.
The answers to those questions will expand consciousness there on your world. People will start to think differently, and it is okay to have something happen that then causes people to think differently. It is perfectly fine that it’s not just coming because a person meditated for twelve hours a day for twelve days straight. It is reasonable that it is happening through e.t. contact, rather than through some other spiritual practice that led to someone’s enlightenment. That is one way; that is one experience, but you don’t have to earn the expansion of your consciousness. It’s very natural for it to occur, and it is occurring, and this is a reflection to you of that.
And you can all breathe a sigh of relief because this is hard evidence that more is coming and that the more that is coming is what you have wanted for a very long time. Relax, smile, and take a deep breath, because you have made a tremendous stride forward yet again there on planet Earth.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”