我是磁力大師 26年前,我通過他的自由選擇在這個星球上遇到了我的夥伴。他多次告訴你我們如何相遇的故事,以及他不願相信我是真實存在的故事。他可能已經告訴過你第一次他獨自一人在黑暗中,第一次坐在椅子上說: “如果你在那裡,那就給我看看!” 那一瞬間,他的面容、大腦、心臟和松果體都同步了,都在要求一個信號。工程師不是信徒,但他表示有興趣“知道”。
這允許我進入他的感知,但他得到的是他沒有預料到的。因為當他“坐在椅子上”時,他哭了。是情緒湧上心頭,眼淚順著臉頰流了下來,一下子從椅子上彈了起來!他生氣了!他不喜歡!“這是一種控制形式,”他說。他沒有要求感受任何情緒,但它必須那樣。所以他一次又一次地這樣做,原因是因為工程師,他身上的偽科學家,得到了 因果關係 他無法解釋——所以他又做了一次。沒有言語,沒有資訊,沒有建議,只有情緒。親愛的,這是他的心被點亮的時候,也是他連接到他真實人格的時候。這是我們能夠擺脫他的頭腦並看到他的內心的時候。他花了很多年才明白發生了什麼,並對此感到舒服,並最終意識到應該與你分享。
我的搭檔告訴人們,“上帝變得更偉大”,這比他聽過的任何事情都要多。他開始使用諸如 “宇宙物理學大師是上帝”之類的術語。 他意識到你對科學瞭解得越多,你對造物主的瞭解就越多,而且物理和靈性之間沒有區別。是男人和女人,以他們的自由選擇和邏輯,選擇將自己與上帝的威嚴分開。
所以我們在這裡,檢查什麼可能是真理和現實。那些傾聽者要麼相信,要麼不相信這可能是一個真實的資訊,他們仍然對我是誰感到好奇。如果我是你的一部分呢?如果坐在那裡的“你”[你自己]比別人告訴你的要大怎麼辦?你偏見的奇異性表明我必須是一個單一的實體,很遠,也許很奇怪。有人想畫我,給我塗上皮膚和翅膀,給我起個名字,讓我成為天使,讓我變得獨一無二。我是“一件事”,因為你相信你是“一件事”,即使在現實中,你不是——幾乎沒有。如果你能看到你所謂的“你的靈魂”的本質,你就會意識到你的倍數中有倍數,因為上帝不是單一的。你稱之為上帝的東西不是“一件事”。你所看到的創造源頭並不是單一的和“一件事”。它是無法量化或限定的量子系統中神聖能量和慈悲之湯。它是萬物的本質,也是你的本質!你的偽裝是在 3D 中你是獨一無二的。
你早上醒來,照鏡子,那是你多年來看到的一張臉,這是個笑話。這是一個有限的維度技巧。你比這大得多!然而,對於這個測試,親愛的,對於這個行星體驗,親愛的,它必須是這樣的。儘管有 3D 的面紗,但你們中的許多人開始看到一個更大的真相。真相變得越大,它就越仁慈和美麗。除了祝賀之外,我從來沒有給過你一條信息——一條關於愛的美好信息,愛你,愛你在這個星球上所做的一切,愛你去過的地方,你已經成為的人,你來過的地方從。
我從來沒有給過你一個批判性的信息,也沒有告訴你你必須是別人或在某個地方。我剛剛說過,有了自由選擇,你就有了一個奇妙而深奧的工具箱,打開它會改變你的生活。我可以開始列出我們討論多年的工具,但其中最重要的是感知愛的能力;不輕易發怒的能力;改變你所謂的 人性的能力; 治癒自己的能力;以及這一世留在這個星球上的能力,超出預期的時間。
在過去的兩天裡,你已經聽到科學家告訴你我們多年來一直在講授的相同內容。多年前我們告訴過您,您的氣候變化是週期性的。我們告訴過你,在已知的循環中變暖先於冷卻,你今天已經聽說過這方面的科學知識。我們告訴過你,你沒有創造當前的變化,現在你已經聽到科學告訴你同樣的事情 [指的是當天早些時候科學家 Gregg Braden 的演講]。對所有這一切背後的科學的研究只是對來自創造源頭[上帝]的系統的研究。
但在這種情況下,你坐在一種新的能量中,你以前從未體驗過它。你們稱為地球的文明正處於選擇的邊緣,但它不會立即發生。你們社會的某些部分已經與它合作了 50 年。能量轉移和週期的分配佔據了數十年的時間。它們不是你所說的“曇花一現”,你們中的許多人已經參與了我們稱之為 行星靈性覺醒 的很長一段時間。這就像是重大事件的前兆。甚至在 50 年前,它還是一種潛力,而現在它已經顯現出來。
今天早上有一個簡短的通靈。* 我們給出了一個 8 歲孩子的養育方法示例,而不是 19 歲孩子。這樣做是為了讓你意識到,正如你的意識從兒童轉變為年輕成人一樣,它具有與一般人性相同的潛能。從造物源頭到人類的資訊,主要是通過老靈魂,開始看起來不同,感覺不同,而且更先進。這對一些人來說是可怕的,因為它代表著變化。
前段時間,我們給了你關於與神靈溝通的建議。我們告訴過你,人類和聖靈 [上帝] 使用不同的時間範式進行交流。我們之間對時間的感知是不一樣的。在量子狀態並不存在時間。你很難想像,但時間屬於你。這不是我們的現實。我們的時間是一個圓圈。如果你想在你的世界中得到一點暗示,看看正在被發現的關於時間的量子能量,你會發現三維的觀點是非常僵化的、封閉的和分割的。但是一旦你離開三個維度,你就不會去四、五、六或七。你都去吧!在 4D 之後,物理變成多維的。它不能被編號為五、六或七,因為那樣你仍然在線性系統中計數。你仍然在三個 [3D] 中。是的,這很令人困惑,這就是為什麼在 3D 中你仍然對它們進行編號,即使沒有“第五維度”這樣的東西。但它對你有幫助,因為你對時間和步數的感知。
然而,如果你明白這一點,那麼你就會明白為什麼當你們中的一些人從聖靈那裡得到消息告訴你你屬於另一個城市時,你必須有不同的想法[作為一個例子]。所以搬到那裡,事情會發生在你身上。但是你們中的許多人跳起來,賣掉所有東西然後搬家——然後什麼都沒有發生!這是一篇評論,我們已經告訴過你很多很多次了。我的搭檔教這個,他用的是這個短語: “誰告訴你現在做的?” 聖靈會在你的 3D 中啟動之前很久就揭示對你來說具有潛力的事物。這些資訊是您未來的指南。把握時機,做個明智的人。當你覺得移動是正確的時候移動。現在,這是自由意志,但需要一點推動力。如果 聖靈(Spirit) 說起來行動起來,那就不是自由意誌了!因此,當您收到這些消息時,請謹慎並理解,您收到的是一條美麗、美麗的消息,它可能在另一個地方為您帶來更多好處。然後瞭解並環顧四周,感受時機。使用你的直覺力和你發現的工具來知道什麼時候去。
假設你有一個夢想,或者對某事有一種非常非常強烈的感覺。在這個夢中,你看到了一些新事物,神經元開始連接,你開始理解生活中有比你被教導的更多的東西。你意識到你實際上有正確的願景!慢慢地你意識到這些東西正在向你展示以幫助你。你認為這是一份禮物,你會慶祝它。 “上帝不是很偉大嗎?看,我定期收到消息。” 然後,突然,它停止了。
當一份深奧的禮物離開時,人類通常會做什麼?他們通常會走進一個黑暗的房間說: “天哪,我做錯了什麼?停了。” 第一印象 像是人類失敗了!你有沒有想過,也許它可能是相反的?隨著時間的推移,以及許多願景和夢想,已經建立了一種永久性的聯繫。你不再需要這些幻象,因為現在它們是直觀的,就在你的內心。現在,您將帶著過去通過初級讀物獲得的知識在地球上行走——願景!那個怎麼樣?你畢業了。因此,對於那些想知道自己是否失去了它的人,請考慮一下:如果你畢業了怎麼辦?
你看,這不是你想的那樣。把你帶到這裡的一些情緒和早期感受,你所愛的,現在已經改變了,因為你以不同的方式與 Spirit 同行。它在你體內!你知道真相,你不再需要那些簡單的東西來帶你到一個欣快或成熟和平的地方。您不再需要簡單的拐杖來獲得直觀的想法。相反,您需要自己生成它們。你在夢中所擁有的同樣的感覺和情緒正在你的內心得到照顧。你可以自己做。你是靠你自己的,因為你是正在逐漸進入更高意識的創造性源頭的一部分。我能說得更清楚嗎?那隻是一回事。
還有一些我們從未談過的事情。你假設事物是線性的和單一的,因為這就是你周圍的事物。我們已經談到要成為一個 覺醒的靈魂。 親愛的,要明白,關於你現實之外的事情,遠不止你被告知的那樣。當你與你的聖靈核心建立聯繫時,這是非常個人化的。你是創造源頭的一部分,你變得警覺並覺醒到其他潛能和個人上帝不可思議的愛。你意識到你是一切的一部分。
你們剛剛度過的那個週末包含了關於週期的深刻教導[對那些體驗過科學家葛列格·佈雷登 (Gregg Braden) 教導的與會者說],如果你注意的話,你會發現許多生命週期對於什麼範式來說是獨一無二的你在看。有地球週期、個人精神週期、天氣週期、經濟週期,甚至是基於你的經歷的個人生活週期。然而,不知何故,以某種方式,有這樣的想法,如果你覺醒到精神,一切都會立即融合在一起。親愛的,那樣做是行不通的。向深奧的能量敞開需要實踐和時間來發展智慧。
許多 覺醒的靈魂 都感到困擾。 “親愛的精靈,我發現你了!我知道你在那裡,我能感受到愛!我醒了,我醒了,我醒了!上帝是偉大的,我正在實踐我的真理。謝謝你讓我對自己和我的生活如此平靜。但是為什麼這些事情會發生在我的身體裡呢?為什麼我改不了這個習慣?為什麼我不能得到你說我能得到的工作?我相信你。” 然後是人類的偏見:當沒有人在看的時候,你又一次走進了一個黑暗的房間,然後說, “我做錯了什麼?”
親愛的,你對這個過程有多耐心?在你通過覺醒建立的週期內,所有事情都按照它們應該發生的方式發生。這是一個漂亮的設計,正確的時間和正確的地點,如果你有一些東西太早或太晚,系統將無法工作。您是否知道您實際上可以控制這一切,並且您對這些波浪和週期以及它們在您的情況下的時間瞭解得越多,您就越能放鬆並說: “謝謝。我知道它來了”?
房間裡有些人一直在等待他們所要求的治療。我們知道你是誰。你知道它會來嗎?它會在合適的時候適當地來嗎?今天這個房間裡有八個人需要戒掉一個習慣才能活得更久。你知道我在跟誰說話。也許你說過, “好吧,我試過了,但沒用。” 也許有特殊的時機與之相關。你看過這個嗎?今天你聽了嗎?您是否審視過自己的生命週期並意識到有些時候更適合您進行更改或可能更容易進行更改?你明白天文學和命理學為什麼有能量嗎?這是因為你周圍的這些東西是你的一部分,有助於你的時間和週期。
親愛的,不是所有的事情都會馬上融合在一起。你必須明白的一件事是覺醒首先發生。這為你創造了一條隨著時間的推移而成熟的精神之路。然後成熟會創建一個連接,讓你看到正在發生的事情,並在你的未來看到它們。它能讓智慧正確地前行。你一路假設,然後意識到 聖靈可能有更好的東西!一件事導致另一件事,隨著時間的推移,你會逐漸進入事情開始就位的地方。然後它開始了,你發現自己在正確的時間正確的地點,從你的那些習慣中爬出來,或者你有豐富的問題。
你們中有些人回想起來說, “好吧,花了足夠長的時間!” 但是,您沒有意識到時機恰到好處。你以為這是懲罰,等了這麼久?你以為你不配嗎?如果是這樣,你已經吸收了地球上其他心靈系統的線性教導,這些教導告訴你基本上你在上帝面前一文不值——天生骯髒。你在這個盒子裡嗎?
你們有多少人放棄了? “好吧,我猜對了一部分,但我不知道另一部分。這沒有發生。” 也許您不明白它仍在到來並且仍在您的未來?什麼時候“太長”不能等?等待期間你在做什麼?你是不是在敲著你的腳趾說, “現在任何時候,聖靈。” 有刺激感嗎?也許甚至因為不明白為什麼要花這麼長時間而感到憤怒。
你是現實的創造者,但你不能用 3D 範式來做到這一點。你不能像從小就認為你可以那樣做。你不能通過紀律和懲罰來做到這一點,你所學到的所有東西都是上帝的方式。它不是那樣工作的。這讓你感到驚訝嗎?親愛的,這比你想像的要復雜,但又是如此簡單。當你覺醒並發現對自己的慈悲和愛時,你就可以為他人產生它。我以前說過。你必須先愛自己!那是慈悲心開始生起的地方,它是如此的純淨。這就是你在大師身上看到的。這就是為什麼人們會被你吸引。平衡與智慧的展現。你散發這個。這就是你改變地球的方式。這是慈悲心,它會改變你周圍的環境。
大聲說出你的真相,並肯定你認為在你的潛力範圍內的事情。它們變成了現實,你對自己越肯定它們,它們就會變得越真實。你知道你有能力調整自己的週期嗎?每天重複你的肯定。我賭你![笑聲] 因為你會感覺到它正在發生,你會知道我是對的。這就像鍛煉能量。你聽到的越多,你說的越多,就會有更多的神經元聚集在一起並創造它。你明白嗎?你認知事物,它們就變成了你。這是一個圓圈——你和你在一起——而且它從未如此強大。這是不同的。這和我1987年來的時候跟大家講的不一樣,跟10年前不一樣。這是你應得的。
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. There are those who continue to say that channelling is an odd thing. It doesn’t fit into that which you have learned might be truth. So it begs the question to be asked, “What is the truth and what is real?”
I’m the magnetic master. I met my partner on this planet through his free choice 26 years ago. Many times he has told you about this story of how we met and about his reluctance to believe that I was real. He may have told you about the first time when he was alone in the dark and when he sat in the chair for the first time and said, “If you are there, then show me!” In that moment, his countenance, his brain, his heart and his pineal were all synchronized and asking for a sign. The engineer wasn’t a believer, but he voiced an interest to “know”.
This gave permission for me to come into his perception, but what he got he didn’t expect. For when he “sat in the chair”, he wept. It was emotion that welled up within him and tears came down his cheeks and he immediately bounced out of the chair! He was angry! He didn’t like it! “It was a form of control,” he said. He had not asked to feel any emotion, but it had to be that way. So he did it again, and again, and the reason is because the engineer, the pseudo-scientist in him, got a cause and effect relationship that he could not explain – so he did it again. There were no words, no messages, no advice, only emotion. Dear ones, this is when his heart lit up and when he connected to that which was his real persona. This is when we were able to get out of his head and look to his heart. It took years for him to understand what was happening and to be comfortable with it, and finally realize it was supposed to be shared with you.
My partner tells people that “God got bigger” than anything he had ever been told. He began to use terms like, “The Master Physicist of the Universe is God”. He realized that the more you learn about science, the more you learn about the Creator, and that there is no separation between physics and spirituality. It is men and women, with their free choice and logic, who choose to separate themselves from the majesty of God.
So here we are, examining what might be truth and reality. Those listening are either believing or not that this might be a real message and they are still inquisitive about who I am. What if I’m part of you? What if the “you” sitting there [yourself] is bigger than you were told? The singularity of your bias says that I must be a singular entity, far away, and perhaps odd. There are those who want to draw me, put skin and wings on me, give me a name, make me an angel, and make me singular. I’m “one thing” because you believe you’re “one thing” even though in reality, you’re not – hardly. If you could see the essence of what you call “your soul”, you would realize that there are multiples within multiples of YOU, because God is not singular. That which you call God is not “one thing”. That which you see as the creative source is not singular and “one thing”. It is a soup of divine energy and benevolent love in a system of quantumness that cannot be quantified or qualified. It is the essence of all that is, and that’s who you are as well! The disguise you have is the perception in 3D that you’re singular.
You wake up in the morning and you look in the mirror and that’s the one face you see for all those years, and it’s a joke. It’s a limited dimensional trick. You are so much bigger than this! However, for this test, dear ones, and for this planetary experience, dear ones, it must be this way. Even though there is this veil of 3D, many of you are starting to see a bigger truth. The bigger the truth becomes, the more benevolent and beautiful it is. I’ve never given you a message that was anything but congratulatory – a beautiful message of love for you, for what you’re doing on the planet, for where you’ve been and what you’ve become and where you’ve come from.
I’ve never given you a judgmental message or told you that you must be someone else or be somewhere. I’ve just said that with free choice, there is a wonderful, esoteric toolbox available to you, that if opened would change your life. I could start listing the tools that we’ve talked about for years, but the greatest of them is the ability to sense love; the ability to be slow to anger; the ability to change that which you call Human nature ; the ability to heal yourself; and the ability to stay on this planet in this life, beyond the expected time.
In these last two days, you’ve heard the scientist tell you the same things that we have been teaching for years. We told you years ago that your climate change was cyclical. We told you that warming precedes cooling in known cycles and you heard the science of it today. We told you that you didn’t create the current change, and now you’ve heard the science telling you the same thing [referring to the presentation by scientist Gregg Braden earlier in the day]. The study of the science behind all this is simply the study of systems from the creative source [God].
The cycles have been created for a reason, and the reasoning behind the cyclical energies of this planet, of your life, of the biology and the economics, is all there as part of a renewable group of systems of planetary life and health. These are cycles you can measure and predict, so you can see them and be comfortable with the changes. You can realize it and say, “Here it comes again”, and then you can prepare, or do with it what you wish. Then the changes are not a shock, not a surprise, and we’ve told you that.
But in this case, here you sit in an energy that is new, where you’ve never experienced it before, ever. The civilization that you call Earth is poised on the brink of choice, but it isn’t one that is happening instantly. Parts of your societies have been working with it for 50 years. The dispensations of energy shift and cycles occupy decades of time. They are not a “flash in the pan”, as you say, and many of you have been involved in that which we would call planetary spirituality awakening for a very long time. It’s like a pre-cursor to the major event. It was a potential even 50 years ago, and now it has manifest.
God is inside! You are God and part of the system. We have told you this beautiful information from the beginning. Isn’t it wonderful to know that you do not have some entity in the sky that is going to judge you? Instead, life is part of a love scenario that you have set up and created for yourselves. The system is benevolent and will continue to be, but there’s something happening. You see, as the energy starts to shift on the planet that lets you become more aware of these things which have been taught this weekend, communications from the other side of the veil also starts to shift in its methodology.
Consciousness Starts to Grow Up
This morning in a short channelling.* We gave the example of parenting methods with an eight year old, as opposed to a 19 year old. This was done so you would realize that just as your consciousness shifts from child to young adult, it has the same potentials with general Human nature. Messages from the creative source to humanity, mainly through old souls, start to look different and feel different and be more advanced. That’s frightening to some, since it represents change.
An Example and Review
Some time ago, we gave you advice about communications with Spirit. We told you that Humans and Spirit [God] communicate using different time paradigms. The perception of timing between us is not the same. There’s no time in a quantum state. It’s hard for you to imagine, but time belongs to you. It’s not our reality. Our time is in a circle. If you want a hint of this in your world, take a look at the quantum energies that are being discovered regarding time, and you will see that a three-dimensional outlook is very rigid, boxed and segmented. But as soon as you get out of three dimensions, you don’t go to four, five, six or seven. You go to all! After 4D, physics becomes multidimensional. It can’t be numbered as five, six or seven, because then you would still be counting in a linear system. You’d still be in three [3D]. Yes, it’s confusing and that’s why in 3D you still number them, even though there is no such thing as “the fifth dimension”. But it helps you, because of your perception of time and steps.
Messages From Spirit
However, if you understand this, then you realize why you must think differently when some of you get messages from Spirit that tell you that you belong in another city [as an example]. So move there, and things will happen for you. But many of you jump up, sell everything and move – then nothing happens! This is a review, and we’ve told this to you many, many times. My partner teaches this and the phrase he uses is this one: “Who told you to do it now?” Spirit will reveal things that are potentials for you long before they actuate in your 3D. These messages are guidance for you for the future. Feel the timing and be wise. Move when you feel that it’s correct to move. Now, this is free will, but with a little push. It wouldn’t be free will if Spirit said get up and move! So when you get these messages, be circumspect and understand that you have been given a beautiful, beautiful message that represents potentially more for you in another place. Then understand and look around and feel the timing. Use that which is your intuitive power and the tools that you are discovering to know when to go.
That was a review of things we have said in the past, but there’s more, dear ones. There’s a lot more, because things are starting to shift and change and because Human Beings think a certain way and react a certain way, and you need to know about what is different in this energy.
When you learned to read, you had reading primer. Some of you remember this book, and as the neurons connected and came together in your body and the language became yours, you recognized the letters and the words and you started to read. The primer was the tool that was used and for your consciousness, within your society, it worked. Now I want to ask you something: Where is that primer today? Are you carrying it with you? And the answer is no, of course not. This is because everything it contained got absorbed into that which you call your intellect, and into that which is your cellular knowledge and structure. Now you simply read.
Visions, Messages and Esoteric Gifts
I want you to start applying this to the way Spirit works with you. How would we show an unbeliever something that is beyond what they expected? Normally, it’s with visions or dreams. Then the person has free will to look at it or not. It sparks interest.
Let’s say you have a dream, or a very, very powerful feeling about something. In this dream, you are shown something new and the neurons start connecting and you start understanding that there is more to life than you had been taught. You realize you are actually having valid visions! Slowly you realize that these things are being shown to you to help you. You think it’s a gift and you celebrate it. “Isn’t God great? Look, I’ve got messages coming to me on a regular basis.” Then, suddenly, it stops.
When an esoteric gift leaves, what do Humans normally do? They usually go into a dark room and say, “Dear God, what did I do wrong? It stopped.” The first impression is that the Human failed! Did you ever think that perhaps it might be the other way around? Over time, and many visions and dreams, there has been a connection made that’s permanent. You don’t need the visions anymore because now they’re intuitive and inside you. Now you’re going to walk the planet having the knowledge that used to come to you with the primer – the vision! What about that? You graduated. So for those of you who wonder if you lost it, consider this: What if you graduated instead?
You see, it’s not what you think. Some of the emotions and early feelings that brought you here, which you loved, have changed now that you’re walking with Spirit differently. It’s inside you! You know the truth, and you don’t need those simplistic things anymore to take you to a place of euphoria or mature peace. You don’t need the simplistic crutch anymore to get intuitive thoughts. Instead, you’re asked to generate them on your own. The same feeling and emotions you had in the dream are being taken care of within you. You can do this yourself. You’re on your own, because you are a piece of the creative source that is graduating into a higher consciousness. Could I make it any clearer? That’s just one thing.
It Doesn’t All Happen at Once
There are other things we’ve never spoken of. You make an assumption that things are linear and singular, since that is how things are around you. We have spoken about being an awakened soul. Dear ones, understand that there’s more than what you’ve been told about things beyond your reality. When you make a connection to your spiritual core, it is very personal. You are a piece of the creative source and you become alert and awakened to other potentials and the incredible love of a personal God. You realize you are part of everything.
The weekend that you have just passed through contained profound teaching about cycles [speaking to the attendees, who experienced the teachings of the scientist Gregg Braden], If you paid attention, you saw that the many cycles of life are unique to the paradigm of what you were looking at. There are Earth cycles, personal spiritual cycles, weather cycles, economic cycles and even a personal cycle for your life based on experiences you have had. Yet somehow, some way, there’s the idea that if you awaken to Spirit, everything is going to come together at once. Dear ones, it doesn’t work that way. Opening to esoteric energies requires practice and time for wisdom to develop.
Many awakened souls are troubled. “Dear Spirit, I’ve discovered you! I know you’re there and I can feel the love! I’m awake, I’m awake, I’m awake! God is great, and I’m living my truth. Thank you for giving me such peace about myself and my life. But why are these things happening in my body? Why can’t I shake this habit? Why can’t I get the job you said I could? I believe in you.” Then comes the Human bias: Once again you go into a dark room when nobody is looking and say, “What did I do wrong?”
How much patience do you have with this process, dear ones? All things happen as they should within the cycles that you set up through your very awakening. It’s a beautiful design, the right time at the right place, and if you have some things too soon or too late, the system wouldn’t work. Did you know that you’re actually in control of this, and that the more you understand about these waves and cycles and the timing of them in your situation, the more you can relax and say, “Thank you. I know it’s coming”?
There are those in the room who have been waiting for the healing they have asked for. We know who you are. Do you know it’s coming and it’s going to come appropriately when the time is right? Today there are eight people in this room who need to drop a habit in order to live longer. You know who I’m talking to. Perhaps you have said, “Well, I’ve tried and it doesn’t work.” Maybe there’s special timing connected with it. Have you looked at this? Have you listened today? Have you looked at the cycles of your life and realized there are times where it’s more appropriate for you to change or where it might be easier to make a change? Do you understand why there’s energy in astronomy and numerology? It’s because these things around you are part of you and help with your timing and the cycles.
Years ago, we told you that the magnetic grid of Earth is part of your consciousness. Your science has shown you that it reacts to your consciousness and you are affected by it. The magnetic grid of the sun is part of all of this [the heliosphere of the sun], since it affects the grid, too. That means that the solar system is connected to you and your consciousness. No wonder astrology works. Have you thought about it? There are cycles for you to look at! Have you really looked into these kinds of things so you can understand that there might be a more appropriate time that’s better for you to heal?
Patience with the Cycles
Some of you have been trying to get ahead for so long and trying to get out of the non-abundance cycle. Did you notice that it’s hard to actually move forward in this? One thing happens and voids another. So you worry about it and it then becomes part of a fear scenario. What makes this worse is the fact that you haven’t understood that it comes in waves, so again you are frustrated. The fear creates a disconnection with Spirit, and it’s difficult for you.
Dear ones, not everything comes together right away. One of the things that you have to understand it that an awakening happens first. This creates a spiritual path for you that will mature with time. The maturity then creates a connection that allows you to see things that are happening and to see them in your future. It allows wisdom to move forward correctly. You assume things along the way, then realize that Spirit may have something better! One thing leads to another, and over time you graduate into something where things start falling into place. Then it begins, and you find yourself at the right time at the right place, crawling out of those habits that you had, or the abundance issues that you had.
Some of you have said in retrospect, “Well, it took long enough!” However, you are not realizing that it was perfectly timed. Did you think it was punishment, waiting so long? Did you think you were not worthy? If so, you have absorbed the linear teaching of other spiritual systems around the planet that tell you basically you are worthless in front of God – born dirty. Are you in this box?
How many of you have given up? “Well, I got part of this right, but I don’t know about the other part. It’s not happening.” Perhaps you are not understanding that it’s still coming and still in your future? When is “too long” to wait? What are you doing during the waiting? Are you tapping your toe and saying, “Any time now, Spirit.” Is there an irritation? Maybe there’s even anger at not understanding why it’s taking so long.
Let me give you a hint and a secret: Many of you are blocking the creation of what you’re asking for with your impatience, fear and even your anger at God. You’re blocking the creation of it. [Gasp!] The timing may have come and gone! Oh, don’t worry, there’ll be another cycle. So, are you going to tap your toe through that cycle as well? It’s time for the affirmations. With maturity and grace, see it as accomplished in your mind, in your future, and celebrate being abundant and healthy. See yourself having the situations that you have asked for because, dear ones, we want you to stay here.
You are a creator of reality, but you can’t do it with 3D paradigms. You can’t do it like you were raised thinking you could. You can’t do it with discipline and punishment and all the things that you were taught are God’s ways. It doesn’t work that way. Does this surprise you? Dear ones, this is more complex than you think and yet it’s so simple. As you awaken and discover compassion and love for yourself, you can then generate it for others. I’ve said it before. You’ve got to love yourself first! That is where the compassion starts to be generated, which is so pure. It’s what you saw in the masters. That’s why people will then be attracted to you. Balance and wisdom show. You radiate this. This is how you change the planet. It’s compassion and it changes the environment around you.
New Energy, New Tools, New Power
Things are changing. There was a time where we told you that you could talk to your innate [talking to you cells] and do it silently. We told you to do it once or twice, and innate would hear it. Those were the old days, because suddenly speaking out loud holds master energy! It’s your own voice, spoken into the atmosphere around you, coming back into your ears with your own consciousness, hearing yourself saying something that has more power than it ever has in the history of the planet! With the energy shift, with the magnetic shift, with all the things we’ve talked about, a new paradigm is here that gives you so much more power with your own body.
Speak your truth out loud and affirm things that you believe are within your potential. They become reality, and the more you affirm them to yourself, the more real they will become. Did you know that you have the power to adjust your own cycle? Repeat your affirmations every day. I dare you! [Laughter] Because you’re going to feel it happening, and you’re going to know I’m right. It’s like exercising energy. The more you hear it, the more you say it, the more the neurons will come together and create it. Do you understand this? You cognize things and they become you. It’s a circle – you with you – and it’s never been more powerful. This is different. This is different from when I talked to you when I came in 1987, different even from 10 years ago. You’ve earned it.
Dear ones, we’re giving you this information not because you’re doing anything wrong, but because we want to advance this new energy, which is so available for you right now. I want you to leave this place differently than you came.
And so it is.
**Channel: Lee Carroll