傳導:Lee Carroll



親愛的朋友們,你們好,我是磁力服務的克里昂。 我的搭檔退到一邊,因為他必須提供這樣的管道。 他知道這是什麼樣的,而且做過很多次。 他在一個地方,如果你們想這麼說的話,他就像你們在聽一樣在聽。 然而,他有分心的事情,而這不是你們所擁有的,他以前也說過。


他現在不說話了。 我說過,而且我們要再次說,為了認知正在說的話,你們的感知必須是乾淨的。 我談論的事情超出了他的知識範圍,我談論的是這個星球現在的真實能量。 我們已經說過很多次奇怪的物理學,但我們今天不打算這樣做。 相反,我們將討論物理的、三維的東西,這些東西通過多元的源頭影響著你們,而多元的源頭正在改變你們所知道和理解的東西。




多年來,我們一直說地球正在發生物理變化。 這些預言以其模糊的管道清晰可見,他們說,地球本身的意識將發生轉變,地球將在人文主義中變得“更柔軟”,而且會發生意想不到的事情。 我們甚至告訴你們可能會有一張外卡(wild card),你們會得到更多的外卡。 這些萬用字元可能是意想不到或不可能的事情——你們沒有想到的改變世界的發明,你們沒有想到別人的行動,甚至你們沒有想到自己的仁慈。 更柔和的能量正在向你們襲來,這是非常甜蜜的,很多人都說這是一個很好的預測,也是一個美妙的預言。 然而,我想告訴你們到底發生了什麼,正如你們所說,我想給你們一些基本知識。 我想向你們展示你們周圍發生的事情的物理三維現實。


其中一些內容在你們看來是一個回顧,但事實並非如此。 這是我之前給你們的許多小片段的綜合,以便向你們展示今天發生的事情。 主題是DNADNA不僅僅是人體內的一種化學分子。 這是一個多元的神性。 親愛的一們,你們稱之為DNA的分子遍佈整個銀河系。 這就是生活,它是生活在世界各地形成的管道。 這是無處不在的生命的模式和幾何結構,當你們能夠檢查你們在星球之外發現的其他生命時,你們將有一天看到這一點。 DNA只能通過物理來改變,因為控制化學的是物理。 它即將改變。




讓我回顧一下我過去說過的一些話,讓你們看看它與今天的課程有何關聯。 26年前,當我開始傳遞資訊時,我告訴我的搭檔在他的第一本書中寫道,地球的磁場將發生變化。 的確如此。 這是現在的科學史,從那時起,磁北移動了幾度。 我給出的資訊是,你們的地磁網格與人類意識的物理學相關,或相互交織。 要清楚這一點:意識不是一個無法衡量的深奧的東西。 這是你們還沒有看到的真實物理學。 此刻,地球上的許多實驗都意識到地球磁場的強度實際上會隨著人類意識的質量(與地球上的同情事件的一致性)而改變。 當你們最終能夠以更清晰的管道量測多元磁場時,你們將能夠看到地球磁場和人類意識之間的關聯。 因此,你們可能會說,“隨著人類意識的發展,”現在你們知道為什麼我被稱為“磁性大師”了。




你們應該意識到的是,在人類歷史上,地球網格並沒有發生太大的變化,在你們的許多生命中都保持著相當的靜態。 然而,1987年,它開始有了很大的變化。 原因是什麼呢? 它在移動所以它可以被定位為接收一些東西——預期的東西即將到來。 把它想像成移動你們的傢俱,這樣你們就可以更好地看到你們不知道的東西。 電磁網格的重新獲得是為了即將到來的東西,我們將稱之為“進化能量”,它是物理的。 事實上,你們甚至可以看到它的到來!


幾個月前和幾年前,我們告訴你們,你們的星球正在進入一個前所未有的太空區域。 這並不深奧。 問一位天文學家,“太陽系是不是從一個保護性的氣泡中出來,變成了一種你們以前從未見過的新的輻射或能量?”你們的太陽系是否可能因為在太空中的位置而失去了它一直擁有的保護套?


讓我向那些不太瞭解銀河系運動和太陽系的人解釋一下。 銀河系中的所有恒星都在圍繞中心緩慢移動。 你們的太陽系和它的恒星(太陽)一直在圍繞星系中心旋轉。 當你們的太陽系繞著中心旋轉時,你們總是處於一個新的時間和空間週期。 然而,它的移動如此緩慢(一次移動數百萬年),以至於對所有人類來說,它基本上都處於一種能量中,就像一個保護性泡沫——現在它發生了變化。做你們的研究或詢問天文學家是否有不同之處。 讓這條通道對你們來說是真實的,你們會更充分地理解我們對你們說的話。




當你們進入這種新能量,或者一些人甚至稱之為“輻射”時,你們應該知道它是如何工作的,因為它與你們的太陽非常相關。 從物理上講,它會影響太陽(太陽球)的磁場,然後通過太陽風將太陽磁場轉化為自己的磁場。 這就是它的物理原理,但親愛的一們,讓我告訴你們它的奧秘。這一直是一個計畫,如果你們作為一個人類超越了2012年的標誌,你們將進入這個空間領域,磁性將發生變化,讓人類意識發生變化。 親愛的一們,這裡一直在等著你們通過標記! 這就是我26年前來告訴你們磁性會發生變化的原因。 這是一種進化能量,它將影響你們的太陽——太陽的太陽圈——然後將傳遞到地球的磁場,這個磁場現在已經為這個新的意識重新獲得。


哦,有些知識份子會說,“如果我們像預言所說的那樣毀滅了我們自己呢?如果沒有人類來接受這個呢?”這很簡單。 沒有人類會在這裡,但地球仍然會移動到這個新的空間區域,同樣的能量會在那裡,但你們不會。 事實上,你們在這裡!


所以現在你們可以看到,來自土著人的預言也在實現,因為他們告訴了你們在歲差(201212月)之後發生的變化。 他們怎麼會對你們進入銀河系周圍的一個新地方有這樣的預言呢? 想想看! 這些事情都不是新鮮事,甚至古人都告訴你們它即將到來! 他們可能不知道科學的細節,但他們的預言和我的預言一樣:新意識即將到來。


親愛的朋友們,我希望你們繼續把這些碎片放在你們能看到的地方。 正如我們告訴你們的,這些變化會影響你們的太陽。 太陽的日冕改變了你們的磁場。 現在,為了讓這一切發揮作用,太陽必須對此保持安靜。 我想讓你們問問天文學家關於太陽和太陽週期的問題。 問問太陽此刻處於什麼樣的光輝時期。 天文學家會告訴你們,這似乎是太陽所見過的最安靜的週期之一。 太陽耀斑和太陽黑子是圍繞太陽的多元場中的擾動,因此在新能量開始實施時,這些擾動必須消失。 為了實現這一切,太陽必須盡可能地安靜,事實確實如此太陽的安靜時間也會影響你們的天氣,我們也告訴過你們。 由於它的安靜,你們處於一個我們也預測到的天氣週期(寒冷時間即將到來)這也與即將到來的能量有很大關係。 這是身體上的。 問一位天文學家,“他們擔心這一切嗎?”他們中有些人擔心,有些人不擔心。 但它現在正在影響你們和地球。 現在你們知道為什麼地球磁柵在改變時會改變,以及為什麼。 這是身體上的。




現在,在所有上述物理轉變發生的同時,我們給了你們有關昴宿星節點和空點的深奧資訊。昴宿星人自己,在一開始就在這裡,知道這一即將到來的變化,是否真的幫助了預言(影響了古代曆法和預言)呢? 的確,這是真的,但在土著人看來,這是“祖先的直覺”。 昴宿星留下的節點和零點(空點)是影響行星網格的快速通道引擎。意識與行星網格有關,記得嗎? 但不僅僅是磁柵參與其中。 它還包括水晶網格(人類情感記憶)和蓋亞網格——所有這些。 這些都是在這個時候與來自太陽的新的進化能量結合在一起工作的。 如果你們想這麼說,這些網格是由節點和空點來填充的。 這一切都在做什麼呢? 這一切的真正底線是什麼呢? 答案是:這些正在轉移和改變的能量匯合都直接影響著一件事——你們的DNA




人類的DNA已經準備好轉變和改變。 你們永遠不會在顯微鏡下看到它,因為這不是化學物質; 這是物理學。 因為你們已經看到了它是如何工作的。 科學現在明白了這90%是資訊——一本手冊——一個基因控制台。 但它到底包含了什麼,或者它是如何將資訊傳遞給基因的,這仍然是一個謎。 現時還沒有得到承認的是,這是一種多層面的傳播。對大多數生物學家來說,這是一個延伸,但實際上你們的DNA中有一點數量,這也已經被科學證明瞭。


90%DNA就像你們身體裏數萬億根天線,隨時準備接收資訊,然後通過地球網格的變化改寫手冊 DNA將接收資訊並轉移。 這將影響遺傳學。 母親們會先收到它,然後把它傳給孩子。 媽媽們,你們甚至不知道你們已經得到了,但你們現在正在把它傳遞給你們的孩子。 你們知道我的搭檔10多年前寫的關於“靛藍兒童”的書嗎? 這些孩子是新能量的先驅。 孩子們不一樣! 它開始於2012年之前——遠遠早於2012年——因為你們的潛力非常大,所以你們會成功,而且你們做到了。




一個人類嬰兒今天來到這個星球,但今天發生的事情與你們出生時不同。 你們在太空中的一個新地方,太陽是安靜的,你們有節點和空點向網格提供新的資訊,意識的模式對他們來說和對你們來說是不同的。 他們的創世紀細胞,也就是“人類工作”的細胞,正在發生變化。


對於標準的人性來說,事情將開始發生不同尋常的變化。 直覺自我,先天(innate)與意識之間的障礙,將開始改善。 障礙開始變小。 為那些對自己的問題有非常準確直覺的孩子做好準備。 如果他們告訴你們有什麼不對勁,帶他們去看醫生! 立即不要告訴他們,“這是你們的想像”,或者,“以後會好的;這是成長的痛苦。”你們聽到了嗎? 有些人現在正在聽這些,他們需要聽到這些,因為他們的孩子在說,“我覺得很有趣;有點不對勁。”習慣於撫養孩子的母親也習慣於一種有一定健康範本的舊能量範模式。 這正在改變。 孩子們開始覺醒,對自己的健康有了直覺。 這座橋還不是天生的,但它離他們更近了,他們感覺到了什麼。


孩子的阿凱西記錄開始變得清晰起來。 這些孩子會告訴你們他們是誰,他們做了什麼。 如果你們是一個家長,你們現在正在聽這個,你們能做的最糟糕的事情就是壓制它。你們能做做的最好的事情就是告訴孩子絕對的真相,絕對的真相:“我相信你們。”當你們大聲說出來時,這對孩子有幫助。 這是真實的,孩子會明白的。聽著,父母:在這些事情上,做你們孩子的盟友,這會改變你們和孩子的關係。 對他們說實話。 告訴他們,並不是每個人都會理解,所以有必要對此保持沉默。這些是新時代兒童的指導。這些內容將變得更加強大,你們的訓示將變得有意義。


直覺 (Instinct)將比以往任何時候都更好地發揮作用。 本能不是你們習慣於在人類身上看到的東西。 你們可以在動物身上看到它,因為動物的後代有很強的生存本能。 它傳遞給他們的效果非常好,以至於他們在出生後的幾個小時內就可以走路了! 你們沒有。 然而,這種本能的機械傳遞在人類中開始變得更強,尤其是來自阿凱西的本能。 它是化學的,也是深奧的(遺傳和阿凱西)。 就像在動物身上一樣,你們也應該擁有它,你們會的。 你們會看到孩子們在沒有訓練的情況下更早地記住如何走路和如何吃飯。 這將比舊模式更快,也比瞭解兒童發展的醫生所看到的更快。 這將是“不成比例的”。 做好準備; 這是本能。 這是簡單的化學反應。 這是DNA工作得更好。


如果你觀察 DNA 細胞本身,你可能會問,發生了什麼?事實是 DNA 變得更加見多識廣(Informed),有人說是(enable)“啟用”。現在,在深奧的信仰中有一個流行詞叫做活化(activation)。請不要更改它,但要知道它不準確。你沒有活化(activating)任何東西。相反,你正在從監牢中釋放 DNA如果有人癱瘓在椅子上,乾癟不能動彈,但他們突然從這種束縛中解脫出來,手指鬆開,手又開始變得完整,那是因為 DNA 發生了一些變化。它沒有發生在手上,也沒有發生在肌肉上,也沒有發生在手指上,甚至沒有發生在手臂上,而是發生在 DNA 上。這是一個 釋放. 我要你持有這個異象。我所說的所有改變都是關於從殘缺的 DNA 監牢束縛中釋放出來的!並且(準備好)它同時發生在體內的所有 DNA 上。這是一種“全身體驗”,而不是局部“手/手臂”體驗。


你的 DNA 在這個舊能量中殘缺不全,這是你自己的自由選擇造成的。你的 DNA、你的壽命(衰老)、你的疾病都是你想從這個星球上獲取能量的地方,而你的 DNA 合作了。這就是您一直以來的生活,現在正在發生變化。這不是 DNA 活化,而是 DNA 釋放。釋出!(it’s DNA release. Release !)


這一切的深刻之處:你意識到你所得到的幫助嗎?你有沒有想過所有這一切都是你做這些事情?它涉及星系、你所在的空間部分、節點(nodes)和零點(nulls),以及宇宙的創造者。它涉及昴宿星人,它涉及你的時間線,它涉及愛。所有這一切都是為了讓你坐在新的能量中並釋放你 DNA 的束縛。現在,親愛的,老靈魂們,有些事情你們應該知道。你不必為此等待重生。老靈魂現在和新生兒一樣,裡面有裝備。




你的 DNA 充滿了信息和 模板。現在,模板是生活的模式( patterns)和範式(paradigms)。大多數這些模板(templates)是您擁有的不完整的模板。現在,關於模板,您所不知道的是它具有我們稱之為自己的圖案。如果您已經有了模板的一部分,也就是說, 設計的一部分, 如果可以的話,它會將設計的其餘部分吸引到自己身上。你明白了嗎?如果你有一張圖片,那張圖片就有一種態度——一種渴望的態度(an attitude of desire)——想要圖片的其餘部分!一旦有可能得到那個丟失的部分,它就像磁力一樣。它真的飛到自己身上,模板卡入到位,你就得到了整個東西。你們所有人都有模板的片段,而擁有最深刻“準備好的”片段的是老靈魂(閱讀本文的人)。你的地球體驗已經等到這個了!然後你將完成缺失的模板,老靈魂。


起源細胞:起始模板(Genesis Cells: The Starting Template)


我在這條信息中使用的這個術語是今天的克里昂術語,而不是醫學術語。可能有類似的醫學術語,但這是不同的。始終存在且永不消失的模板之一是 人類手冊的一部分。它不像這個解釋中那樣線性,但它會起作用。可以這樣想:我想讓你想想 出生手冊。當你進來的時候,手冊是什麼樣的?你五天大時在哪個頁面?六個月時你在第幾頁?你 30 歲時在哪個頁面?你們都知道,所有的頁面都是不同的,因為成長的時間順序。


頁面仍然存在,模板仍然存在,我稱之為 Genesis cells。起源細胞,正如我對它們的定義,是以特殊方式加速生長和學習的新生兒細胞孩子在六個月內吸收了他/她周圍世界的大部分內容。這包括言語、語言、站立和行走的開始等等。創世( Genesis)手冊的天線好大啊!他們正在傾聽周圍一切事物的態度和意識。你已經知道了。它對剛出生的人類很活躍,然後它會減慢,你就變成了成年人。起源細胞是神奇的。它們一開始被使用,然後就不用了,但它們仍然在那裡,永遠不會消失。模板還在那裡,關於如何製作它們的指令集,如果你想這樣稱呼它,仍然在那裡。這都是物理學,因為這一切如何運作的化學是物理學。關於今天的孩子,你應該知道的是 天線 的長度是原來的 10 倍。




它適用於您可能遇到的任何情況。不要將其限制在您 認為 需要的範圍內!總是問:  “親愛的聖靈,我需要什麼?”  狀態, “親愛的聖靈,這個和更好的東西。” “Dear Spirit, what do I need?” State, “Dear Spirit, this and something better.”  利用這個潛力!起源細胞已經為舊靈魂做好了準備。我一直在說 老靈魂, 你注意到了嗎?換句話說,輪迴多世給你的模板信息是一個只在地球上來過幾次的新手不會有的。老靈魂有數百次生命,也許數千次,以發展經驗和知識模板。在座的每一位都可以對自己說: “我知道我以前來過這裡” 你的本能會隨著它的真實而振動。你知道的太多了!你覺得太多了!你在這個房間裡聽通靈!這個消息是準確的,也是真實的。你是一個老靈魂。我剛剛告訴你的一切都是關於人類在你所期望的能量中的提升。


我以此結尾:挖掘阿卡西或釋放模板的秘訣在於擁有富有同情惻隱心的意識(The secret to mining your Akash, or releasing the template, is by having a compassionate consciousness)。這讓你感到驚訝嗎?這就是一直缺少的東西。如果你要挖掘你的阿卡西 [利用你過去學到的東西] 並開始重寫你是誰,你將不得不與自己達成一致。沒有憤怒,關心他人,內在上帝的純潔,你過得怎麼樣?創造同情心的意識物理學創造了我所說的 富有同情心的行動. 它適用於房間裡的每個人和閱讀的人。一個老靈魂知道如何做到這一點。聽著:我知道你是誰。除非你是一個老靈魂,即使是一個不感興趣的老靈魂,否則你不會去聽或讀。你是一個,你知道你是。此時此刻,同情心是所有情緒之王。它會引導你進入一種進化的愛的狀態,如果沒有同情心和對他人的關心,它是行不通的。事實上,什麼都行不通。


地球上將非常緩慢地出現意識分裂,我們之前已經和你談過這個問題。會有一些人富有同情心,一些人則沒有,這將是顯而易見的,非常明顯!關心和漠不關心。這個星球上現在有一支黑暗軍隊。它的“同情因素”是什麼?你明白嗎?這是一種自由選擇的心態,但那是即將到來的分裂。別擔心這個,富有同情心的人。當你取得大師的屬性時,光就圍繞著你。沒有更多的堡壘或保護自己免受黑暗侵襲。它會自動從你身邊撤退。不再感染當今的疾病,它們將無法以慈悲觸動你。這是物理學;它是真實的; 它是物理的,它現在正在發生。你的社會會比你想像的更快地反映這一點。當你打開你的新聞時,你認為我瘋了,等一下。有一些外卡(wild cards)來了。慈悲(Benevolence)是一種新能量!











Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. My partner steps aside, as he must for a channel like this to be given. He knows what this is like and has done it many times. He’s in a place, if you wish to call it that, and he is listening like you are listening. He has distractions, however, that are not the ones that you have, and he has spoken of this before.

He is not talking now. I am and, again, we say that perception must be clean for you in order to cognize what is being said. I speak of things that are beyond his knowledge and I talk about the real energy of this planet that is physical right now. We’ve spoken of odd physics many times, but we’re not going to today. Instead, we’re going to talk about physical, three-dimensional things that are affecting you through a multidimensional source that is changing that which you know and understand.

Planetary Shift Has Been The Prophecy of Many

We have said now for years that physical change was coming to the planet. The prophecies have been clear in their own vague way, and they say that the consciousness of the planet itself is going to shift, and that the planet will become “softer” in humanism, and that unexpected things would happen. We even told you there might be a wild card coming and that you’re going to get more of them. These wild cards would be unexpected or improbable things – world-changing inventions you didn’t expect, actions from others you didn’t expect and even benevolence you didn’t expect. Softer energy is coming to you, and that is very sweet, and many have said that’s a good prediction and a wonderful prophecy. I want to tell you what’s really happening however, and I want to give you the ABCs of it, as you say. I want to give you the physical 3D reality of what’s going on around you.

Some of this will appear to you as a review, but it isn’t. It’s a consolidation of many little pieces that I have given you before in order to show you what is going on today. The subject is DNA. DNA is not simply a chemical molecule in your body. It is a multidimensional piece of divinity. The very molecule that you call DNA is all over the galaxy, dear ones. It is life and it is the way life forms everywhere. It is the patterning and the geometry of life everywhere and you’re going to see this someday as you are able to examine other life you find outside your planet. DNA can only change through physics, for it is physics that controls chemistry. It’s about to change.

The Physics of Consciousness

Let me review some things I have said in the past so you can see how it relates to the lesson today. Twenty-six years ago when I started giving messages, I told my partner to write in his first book, that the magnetic grid of the earth would be shifting. Indeed, it did. This is now science history, and magnetic north moved a few degrees since that time. I gave the message that your magnetic grid is related to, or intertwined with, the physics of Human consciousness. Be clear on this: Consciousness is not a wispy esoteric thing that can’t be measured. It’s real physics that you just have not seen yet. Many experiments on the planet at this moment are aware that the strength of the magnetic field actually shifts with mass Human consciousness (a coherence with compassionate events on the planet). When you are eventually able to measure multidimensional fields in a clearer way, you will be able to see the correlation between the magnetic field of the earth and Human consciousness. Therefore, you might say, “As goes the grid goes Human consciousness.” Now you know why I’m called, “The Magnetic Master”.

The Magnetic Grid and The Change Coming

What you should be aware of is that the grid hasn’t moved much in Human history and has remained fairly static through your many lifetimes. In 1987, however, it started to move a lot. The reason? It is moving so it can be positioned to receive something – something expected that is coming. Think of it as moving your furniture so that you can better view something you didn’t know was viewable. The reposturing of the grid is for something coming that we are going to call “evolutionary energy” and it’s physical. It is really physical! In fact, you can even see it coming!

Months ago and years before that, we told you that your planet is going into an area of space that it never has been in before. This is not esoteric. Ask an astronomer, “Is the solar system coming out of a protective bubble into a new kind of radiation or energy that you haven’t seen before?” Is it possible that your solar system is losing a protective sheath that it’s always had because of where it was in space?

Let me explain this more to those who don’t understand much about galactic movement and your solar system. All the stars in your galaxy are slowly moving around the center. Your solar system and its star (the Sun) has always been on the move as it rotates around the center of the galaxy. As your solar system rotates around the middle, you are always in a new period of time and space. It moves so slowly, however (millions of years to go around one time), that for all of humanity, it has basically been in one energy, like a protective bubble – and now it changes. Don’t believe it? Do your research or ask an astronomer if there is something different. Make this channelling real to you, and you will understand more fully what we are saying to you.*

The Role of the Sun

As you move into this new energy, or what some have even called “radiation”, you should know how it works, for it’s very related to your Sun. Physically, it affects the magnetic field of the Sun (the heliosphere), which then in turn is blasted to your own magnetic field via the solar wind. That’s the physics of it, but dear one, let me give you the esoterics of it. This has been the plan all along, that if you made it as a Human race past the 2012 marker, you would pass into this area of space and the magnetics would shift, allowing Human consciousness to change. Dear ones, this was always here waiting for you to pass the marker! This is why I came 26 years ago and told you the magnetics would shift. This is an evolutionary energy that is going to affect your Sun – the heliosphere of your Sun – which then will pass to the magnetic field of the earth, a field that has now been repostured for this new consciousness.

Oh, there are those intellectuals who would say, “Well, what if we had destroyed ourselves as the prophecies said we would? What if there were no Humans to receive this?” It’s simple. No Humans would have been here, but the planet would have still moved into this new area of space and the same energies would have been there, but you would not have been. Simple. But indeed, here you are!

So now you can see that the prophecy from the indigenous is also being fulfilled, for they told you about the changes coming after the precession of the equinoxes (December 2012). How could they have had this prophecy about your movement into a new place around your galaxy? Think about it! These things are not new, and even the ancients told you it was coming! They may not have known the specifics of science, but their prophecy is the same one I have: New consciousness is coming.

Dear ones, I want you to continue to put together these pieces physically in what you can see. As we told you, these changes affect your Sun. The heliosphere of your Sun changes you magnetic grid. Now, for this all to work, the Sun had to be quiet for this. I want you to ask an astronomer about the Sun and the cycles of the Sun. Ask about what period of radiance the Sun is in at the moment. The astronomer will tell you that it appears to be one of the quietest cycles that the Sun has ever seen. Solar flares and sunspots are disturbances in the multidimensional field that surrounds the Sun, so these had to be gone while the new energies were starting to be implemented. For this all to work, the Sun had to be as quiet as possible, and it is. The Sun’s quiet time is also affecting your weather, and we told you that, too. Due to its quietness, you’re in a cycle of weather that we also predicted [a cold time coming] that also has a lot to do with the energy that’s coming. That’s physical. Ask an astronomer, “Are they worried about all this?” Some of them are and others are not. But it is affecting you and the planet right now. Now you know why the magnetic grid was changed when it was changed and why. That’s physical.

The Esoterics of It All

Now, at the same time that all this above physical shift was happening, we gave you esoteric information about the Pleiadian nodes and the nulls.** Is it possible that the Pleiadians themselves, having been here at the beginning and knowing about this coming change, actually helped with the prophecies (influenced the ancient calendars and prophecies)? Indeed, this is true, but it appeared to the indigenous as “intuition from the ancestors”. The nodes and the nulls left by the Pleiadians are fast-track engines that are affecting the grids of the planet.*** Consciousness is related to the grids of the planet, remember? But not just the Magnetic Grid was involved. It also includes the Crystalline Grid (Human emotional remembrance) and the Gaia grids – all of them. These are all being worked on at this time in combination with the new evolutionary energy from the Sun. These grids are being fed, if you want to call it that, by the nodes and the nulls. What is it all doing? What is the real bottom line of all this? The answer: These confluences of energies that are shifting and changing are all directly affecting one thing – your DNA.

The DNA Evolution is Coming

The DNA of the Human Being is ready to shift and change. You’ll never see it in a microscope because it’s not chemical; it’s physics. Listen for a moment, for you have already seen how this works. The 90 percent of DNA that heretofore was junk is now understood by your science.**** Science now understands that this 90 percent is information – a manual – a control panel for the genes. But it’s still a mystery as to what it actually contains or how it gives out the information to the genes. What is not acknowledged yet is that it is a multidimensional transmission. To most biologists that would be a stretch, but there actually is a bit of quantumness in your DNA, and this has also been scientifically seen (Garaiev and Popoinin experiments with DNA).*****

This 90 percent of DNA is like trillions of antennas in your body, ready to receive information and then rewrite the manual via the changes in your grids. The DNA is going to receive information and shift. It’s going to affect genetics. Mothers will receive it first and pass it to their children. Mothers, you don’t even know you’ve got it, yet you are passing it to your kids right now. Are you aware of the books of my partner from more than 10 years ago about “The Indigo Children”? These children were precursors to the new energy. The kids are different! It started before 2012 – way before – since the potentials were very high that you would make it, and you did. Mothers of grandchildren, do I have to ask you if they are different? Very different!

Changes in the Kids are First

A Human baby comes into the planet today, but what is going on today is different from when you were born. You’re in a new place in space, the Sun is quiet, you have the nodes and the nulls feeding new information into the grids, and the paradigm of consciousness is different for them than it was for you. Their Genesis cells, the “how a Human works” cells, are changing.

Things will start working that are unusually different for standard Human nature. The intuitive self, the barrier between innate and consciousness, will start to improve. The barrier starts to become less. Be ready for children who have very accurate intuition about what’s wrong with them. If they tell you something’s wrong, take them to the doctor! Immediately. Don’t tell them, “It’s your imagination, honey”, or, “It will be okay later; it’s growing pains.” Do you hear that? There are those listening to this right now who need to hear that, because their children are saying, “I feel funny; something’s wrong.” Mothers who are used to raising children are also used to an old energy paradigm that has a certain health template. This is changing. The kids are starting to awaken to being intuitive about their own health. The bridge isn’t built yet to innate, but it is closer with them and they’re feeling something. Innate is talking to them for the first time. Listen: You didn’t have it, but they do. Listen to them.

The Akash of the child is starting to become clearer. These children are going to tell you many things about who they’ve been and what they’ve done. If you’re a parent and you are listening to this now, the worst thing you can do is suppress it. The best thing you can do is to tell the child the absolute truth, the absolute truth: “I believe you.” When you say things out loud, it helps the child. That’s truthful and the child will get it. Listen, parent: In these things, be an ally to your child, and it will change your relationship with your children. Be honest with them about it all. Tell them not everyone will understand, so there are times to be quiet about it. These are instructions for kids in the New Age. These attributes are going to get even stronger, and your instructions will make sense.

Instinct is going to work better than it ever has. Instinct is not something that you are used to seeing much in Humans. You see it in animals mostly, because the offspring of animals have a very strong survival instinct. It is passed to them so well that they can actually walk within hours of birth! You don’t have that. However, this same mechanical passing of instinct is starting to become stronger in Humans, and especially that which will come from the Akash. It is chemical as well as being esoteric (genetic and Akashic). As it is in animals, you should have it also and you will. You’re going to see children remembering how to walk and how to eat much earlier, without training. It will be faster than the older paradigm, and faster than the doctors who know about child development will have seen. It will be “off the scale”. Get ready for it; it’s instinct. It’s simple chemistry. It’s the DNA working better.

If you look at the DNA cell itself, you might ask, what is happening? The truth is that DNA is becoming more informed, some say “enabled”. Now, there is a buzzword in esoteric belief called activation. Please don’t change it, but know that it’s not accurate. You are not activating anything. Instead, you are releasing DNA from a prison. If you have somebody who is crippled in a chair, shriveled and not able to move, yet suddenly they are released from this bondage, and the fingers untangle and the hand starts to become whole again, it’s because something that has happened to the DNA. It hasn’t happened to the hand, or to the muscle, or to the fingers, not even to the arm, but to the DNA. It’s a release. I want you to hold this vision. All the changes I have talked about are about being released from  a prison of crippled DNA! And (get ready), it happens to ALL DNA in the body at once. It’s a “whole body experience”, not a local “hand/arm” one.

Your DNA is crippled in this old energy, and it’s your own free choice that created this. Your DNA, your lifespan (aging), your diseases are all where you wanted to take the energy of this planet, and your DNA cooperated. This is what you’ve lived with, and what is now changing. It’s not DNA activation, it’s DNA release. Release!

The profundity of it all: Do you realize the help that you have? Did you think for a moment that all of this was going to be you just doing these things? It involves the galaxy, the part of space you’re in, the nodes and the nulls, and the creator of the Universe. It involves the Pleiadians, it involves your timeline, and it involves love. All of this is for you to sit in a new energy and release the bonds of your DNA. Now, dear ones, old souls, there is something you ought to know. You don’t have to wait to be reborn for this. The old soul has the equipment inside right now, just like the newborn.

DNA Templates

Your DNA is filled with information and templates. Now, templates are patterns and paradigms of life. Most of these templates are ones that you have that are not complete. Now, what you don’t know about a template is that is has what we would call a patterning of its own. If you have a portion of a template already, that is to say, a piece of the design, it draws to itself the rest of the design, if it can. Did you understand that? If you have a piece of the picture, that piece has an attitude – an attitude of desire – wanting the rest of the picture! As soon as it’s possible to get that missing piece, it’s like magnetics. It literally flies to itself and the template snaps into place and you get the whole thing. All of you have pieces of the template and the ones who have the most profoundly “ready” pieces are old souls (the ones reading this). Your earth experience has waited for this! You are then going to complete the templates that are missing, old soul.

Genesis Cells: The Starting Template

This term I’m using in this message is a Kryon term today, not a medical term. There may be a medical term similar, but this is different. One of the templates that always exists and never goes away is part of the Human manual. It’s not as linear as in this explanation, but it will work. Think of it this way: I want you to think of the manual of birth. When you came in, what was the manual like? What page were you on when you were five days old? What page were you on at six months? What page were you on when you were 30? You all know that all the pages are different because of the chronology of growing up.

The pages are still there, and the template is still there for what I call Genesis cells. Genesis cells, as I will define them, are the cells of a newborn that accelerate growth and learning in a special way. The child absorbs so much of the world around him/her in six months. This includes speech, language, the beginning of standing and walking, and much more. The antennas of the Genesis manual are so big! They are listening to the attitudes and the consciousness of everything around them. You already know that. It’s active for a newborn Human, then it slows down and you become the adult. Genesis cells are magic. They are used at first, then they are not, but they’re still there and never go away. The template is still there, the instruction sets for how they are made, if you want to call it that, are still there. This is all physics, for the chemistry of how it all works is physics. What you should know about the children of today is that the antennas are up to 10 times as long as they were for you.

Now, old soul, what if I told you that you could release these cells now, make them active for you? They could be available for you now, just go get them in the manual. Do it with affirmations, do it with consciousness change, do it with meditation. However you communicate with innate, it’s ready to release the Genesis cells from their time prison to be used again! What that means to you is fast-track growth to enlightenment! They work with the Akash!

It’s for any situation you might have. Don’t limit it to what you think you need!  Always ask, “Dear Spirit, what do I need?” State, “Dear Spirit, this and something better.” Use this potential! Genesis cells are ready for the old soul. I keep saying old soul, did you notice? In other words, a number of lifetimes gives you the template information that a newbie would not have who has only been on the earth a few times. Old souls have hundreds of lifetimes, maybe thousands in order to develop experience and the template of knowledge. Every one of you in this room can say to yourself, “I know that I’ve been here before” and your innate will vibrate with the truth of it. You know too much! You feel too much! You’re in this room listening to channelling! This message is accurate and it’s true. You’re an old soul. Everything I’ve just told you is about the enhancement of the Human Being in an energy that you have expected.

I close with this: The secret to mining your Akash, or releasing the template, is by having a compassionate consciousness. Does that surprise you? That’s what has been missing all along. If you are going to mine your Akash [pull upon the things you have learned in the past] and start rewriting who you are, you’re going to have to come to an agreement of compassion with yourself. How are you doing with lack of anger, care for others, purity of God inside? The physics of consciousness to create compassion creates what I call compassionate action. It’s for everyone in the room and those reading. An old soul knows how to do this. Listen: I know who you are. You wouldn’t be listening or reading unless you were an old soul, even an uninterested old soul. You are one, and you know you are. Compassion is the king of all emotions at this point on the planet. It’s going to lead you into an evolved state of love, and without compassion and caring for others, it is not going to work. In fact, nothing will work.

Very slowly there is going to be a split of consciousness on the planet, and we have talked to you about it before. There will be those who are compassionate and those who are not, and it’s going to be obvious, so obvious! Caring and uncaring. There is a dark army right now on this planet. What is its “compassion factor”? Do you understand? It’s a free choice state of mind, but that’s the split to come. Don’t worry about this, compassionate one. When you take the attributes of the master, light surrounds you. No more fortressing or protecting yourself from darkness. It will retreat from you automatically. No more catching the diseases of the day, they won’t be able to touch you with compassion. It’s physics; it’s real; it’s physical and it’s happening now. Your society will reflect this sooner than you think. When you turn on your news and you think I’m crazy, just wait. There’s some wild cards coming. Benevolence is a new energy!

I’m Kryon, in love with humanity.

And so it is.


**Channel: Lee Carroll


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