我們非常高興地宣佈,人類在你們意識的進化中又向前邁出了一大步,因為你們已經給了自己更多的機會,去接觸那些潜伏在你們體內並準備好向世界展示的技能、天賦和能力。 如果你們一直想得到一些東西,但到目前為止還無法得到的話,那麼你們最好把你們的注意力放在你們想要開發的特定禮物上。
人類給予自己更大的機會去發掘其他意識的能力,原因是你們中的許多人對別人告訴你們的事情感到困惑和沮喪。 其他人未能為你們取得成功,這產生了一個巨大的集體願望,也就是更好地直接接觸,現在是你們所有人敞開心扉,接受那些你們一直想要擁有的技能的時候了。
也許你們認為某些人天生就具有傳導、療癒或超自然能力。 也許你們在一生中從別人那裡得到的編程設計讓你們失去了信心。 無論是什麼原因讓你們無法獲得你們在靈性上想做的事情,現在是時候把所有這些原因放在一邊,敞開心扉,接受這樣的可能性:今天的你們與你們上次獨自坐着接受某些東西、任何東西時的你們不同。
每個人都在你們的故事中扮演着自己的角色,所以當有人告訴你們,轉變將在某一天完成,然後那個日期來了又去了,你們感到失望,失望是你們用來點燃內心渴望與更高意識、信息流和能量流進行個人接觸的燃料。 當你們生病時,你們周圍的人也生病了,你們內心深處就有一種渴望,渴望自然療癒,渴望你們獲得將為你們和他人服務的療癒能力。
我們理解你們為什麼依賴別人給你們提供零碎的資訊,這些資訊將為你們提供繼續這段旅程所必需的希望,但現在你們已經被別人失望了,你們可以更加依賴自己。 能量非常支持你們建立你們一直想要建立的聯系,這樣你們就可以與更高頻率的存在和存在於更高領域的集體有自己的直接聯系。
Access Your Spiritual Gifts, Skills & Abilities ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased to announce that humanity has taken another giant leap forward in the evolution of your consciousness, as you have granted yourselves greater access to the skills, gifts, and abilities that have been lying dormant within you and that are ready to be revealed to the world. If there is something that you have always wanted to access, but have been unable to access up until now, you would do well to put your focus on that particular gift that you want to develop.
The reason humankind has granted itself greater access to those abilities to tap into other consciousness is because of how confused and dismayed many of you have become with what you are being told by others. The failure for others to come through for you generated a gigantic collective desire for better direct access, and now is the time for you all to open up and receive those skills that you have always wanted to have yourselves.
Perhaps you thought that certain people were just born with a predisposition towards having channeling, healing, or psychic abilities. Perhaps you just had your confidence drained out of you by the programming that you received from others throughout your life. Whatever the reason has been for you to not grant yourself access to what you want to do spiritually, now is the time to set all of those reasons aside and open up to the possibility that you are different today than you were the last time you sat to receive something, anything, on your own.
Everyone is playing their part in your story, so when someone tells you that the shift will be completed on a certain date, and then that date comes and goes, and you feel disappointed, that disappointment is the fuel that you use to ignite the desire within you for your own personal contact with higher consciousness, with streams of information and energy. And when you get sick, and people around you are getting sick, there is a desire that is birthed within you for natural healing and for you to access healing abilities that will serve you and others.
We understand why you have relied upon others to give you bits and pieces of information that would supply you with the hope that was necessary for you to continue on in this journey, but now that you have been let down by others you can rely more heavily on yourselves. And the energies are very supportive of you making the connections that you have always wanted to make, so that you can have your own direct lines of communication with higher frequency beings and collectives that exist in the higher realms.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”