你們在這一生中所取得的成就比你們在地球上所有其他前世所取得的要多得多,而你們這樣做在很大程度上是因為你們過去的那些版本。 你們正在清理很多留下來要清理的混亂的東西。 我們將給你們一種方法來看待這個問題,它將幫助你們與之和平相處,與那些過去沒有工具、知識或能量圍繞你們的人和平相處,而你們現在擁有這些工具、知識和能量,並且在一定程度上認為是理所當然的。
如果你們把你們過去的生世看作你們的孩子,如果你們看到在他們之後打掃清潔就像你們在孩子們玩耍之後打掃清潔一樣,那麼你們可能會更容易接受他們留給你們很多清潔工作要做的事實。 當你們以愛孩子的管道愛另一個人時,你們想為那個人做些事情。 你們想幫助那些無法自救的人,那些在混亂中也很可愛的人。
例如,如果你們想一想你們在17世紀時的你們,你們意識到那裡的知識是多麼的少,你們的那個版本是如何無法獲得資訊的,當然也無法獲得你們今天所擁有的資訊,這一切都可以讓你們更容易寬恕過去的你們自己, 它可以讓你們更容易與你們在這一生中為自己安排的東西和平相處。 你們承擔了很多,但你們也知道,通過承擔很多,你們將能够突飛猛進地成長。 這就是你們正在做的。
你們應該感謝你們過去的生活,感謝你們在這一生中取得的巨大進步。 你們有如此多的成長空間,這些過去的你們也創造了不少動力。 他們中的很多人也給你們帶來了一些好的因果報應。 他們中的許多人學到了各種你們現在認為理所當然的技能,因為你們一直擅長這些特定的事情。
你們也可以把你們在地球上的前世自我看作是你們現在與地球共享的人類集體的當前版本的縮影。 顯然,你們可以環顧四周,發現並不是每個人都能達到你們現在的發展水平,你們不必對他們嗤之以鼻。 相反,你們可以意識到他們還有很長的路要走,就像你們對待孩子一樣。 當你們有了一個孩子,這個孩子有很多東西要向你們學習。 你們有更多的經驗,因為孩子和其他人一樣,在化身之前選擇了忘記太多。
所以,你們在那裡是為了幫助孩子們,那些沒有覺醒的人,以及你們過去的生活。 再一次,你們承擔了很多,但沒關係。 你們可以做到; 我們是來幫忙的。 還有無數其他人也在幫助我們,而你們在這一生中承擔了如此多的責任,這就是你們可以和我們這樣的人和集體玩耍的原因。 我們認為你們做了一個很好的選擇。
Your Past Life Selves ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are accomplishing so much more in this one lifetime than you have in all of your other previous lifetimes there on Earth, and you are doing so in large part because of those past versions of yourself. You are cleaning up a lot of the messes that were left for you to clean up. We are going to give you a way to look at this that is going to help you to make peace with it, to make peace with those past versions of you that didn’t have the tools, the knowledge, or the energy surrounding you that you have now and take for granted to a certain extent.
If you see your past life selves as your children, and if you see cleaning up after them as you would cleaning up after your children who have been playing, that might make it easier for you to stomach the fact that they have left you with a lot of cleaning to do. When you love another human being in the way that you love a child, you want to do things for that person. You want to help those who are unable to help themselves, and who are also very adorable in their messing up.
If you think about the you that you were in the 1600s for example, and you realize how little knowledge there was, and how that version of you had no access to information and certainly not the access that you have today, that can all make it easier for you to forgive that past life version of yourself, and it can make it easier for you to make peace with what you have laid out for yourself in this lifetime. You have taken on a lot, but you also knew that by taking on a lot, you would be able to grow in leaps and bounds. That’s what you are doing.
You have your past life selves to thank for the gigantic movement forward that you get to make in this lifetime. There is so much growth available to you, and these past life versions of you also created quite a bit of momentum. A lot of them also brought you some good karma. A lot of them learned various skills that you now take for granted because you have always been good at those particular things.
You can also look at your past life selves there on Earth as a microcosm of the current version of the human collective that you share your planet with now. Obviously, you can look around and see that not everyone is where you are now developmentally, and you don’t have to look down your noses at them. Instead, you can just recognize that they have further to go, just like you do with a child. When you have a child, that child has a lot to learn from you. You have more experience, because the child just like everyone else, chose to forget so much before incarnating.
So you are there to help the children, those who are unawake, and your past life selves. Again, you took on a lot, but it’s okay. You can do it; we are here to help. There are countless others who are also helping, and the fact that you have taken on so much in this one lifetime is the reason you get to play with beings and collectives like ourselves. We think you made a very good choice.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”