我們非常有能力注意到人類集體意識整體振動中的一點點改善,我們已經注意到人類現在正在急劇揚升。 你們已經準備好充分利用2022年剩下的時間。 你們已經準備好扭轉地球上的局勢。 你們已經準備好作為服務的存有展現更多,你們真正是為了你們的人類同胞。 你們已經準備好被聽到,被看到,被體驗,因為你們是這樣的引路人。 如果你們正在接收這則傳輸,那麼你們就是一位光之工作者,這意味着你們在那裡將給人類集體的意識帶來更多的光。
你們在那裡是為了有所作為,成為全人類改變的積極力量。 越來越多的人認識到了這一點,尤其是在7月份,在這個月裏,人們的能量非常支持人們認識到自己的真正目的。 這也是一個月裏,你們得到更多的支持,成為一個真正的服務型的人。 因此,當我們現在與你們聯系時,我們看到很多很多人向這些支持性的能量敞開自己。
我們還看到機會以各種管道向你們走來,我們看到你們利用你們的時間、能量和智慧,盡可能發揮最大的影響力。 現在,我們希望你們都知道,你們正在以你們無法想像的管道幫助人類。 你們正在幫助人類療癒祖先的創傷。 你們正在幫助人類從對整個人類以及作為佔據地球上某些空間的人所造成的創傷中療癒,你們稱之為國家。
你們做這一切都是帶着你們的意識,帶着你們服務的意圖,帶着你們天生的愛和同情心。 現在,開始你們生活中的使命對你們來說應該很容易。 你們知道什麼時候你們正朝着正確的方向前進,因為沒有掙扎。 你們知道當你們朝着你們的目標走的時候,因為事情發生了,人們出現了,甚至財政支持也找到了你們的路。 我們鼓勵你們不要擔心,也不要懷疑你們是否能够做你們想做的事。 你們和我們都是來幫助人類的,我們只是非物質世界中的這麼多人中的其中一個集體。
物質層中也有許許多多的存有想要幫助你們,他們可以找到你們,就像那些最有可能得到你們幫助的存有會找到你們一樣。 所以你們可以放鬆,讓事情順其自然。 當需要積極主動的時候,你們會知道他們自己,你們會回應這個呼喚,因為你們知道你們想要幫助,你們知道有很多方法可以為別人服務,你們知道人類需要你們所必須發出的光。
你們是擁有永恒無限愛的奇妙存在。 永遠不要忘記這一點,永遠要記住,那裡的情况會變得更好,而不是更糟。 你們在外太空中移動的能量更支持事情變得更好,當然,你們周圍的所有天神都在給予支持。 這些只是我們注意到人類集體意識整體振動尖峰的幾個原因。 我們知道,你們正處於整體振動的穩步攀升中。 給你們帶來希望的傳遞給我們帶來了很多歡樂。
Will Humanity Turn It Around in the Rest of 2022? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of noticing the slightest bit of improvement in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness, and we have noticed that humanity is spiking right now. You are ready to make the most of the rest of 2022. You are ready to turn things around there on Earth. You are ready to show up more as the beings of service that you truly are for your fellow humans. You are ready to be heard, to be seen, to be experienced as the wayshowers that you are. If you are receiving this transmission, then you are a lightworker, which means you are there to bring more light to the consciousness of the collective of humanity.
You are there to make a difference and to be a positive force of change for all of humanity. And more and more people are recognizing this, especially during the month of July, a month where the energies are very supportive of people recognizing their true purpose. It is also a month where you get more support in being that service-oriented person that you truly are. So as we connect with you right now, we see many, many individuals opening themselves up to those supportive energies.
We also see the opportunities coming to you in a variety of ways, and we see you leveraging your time, your energy, and your wisdom to make the biggest impact you can possibly make. Now, we want you to all know that you are helping humanity in ways you cannot possibly imagine. You are helping humanity to heal from ancestral wounds. You are helping humanity to heal from the wounds that have been inflicted on humanity as a whole and as beings who occupy certain spaces there on Earth that you call countries.
You’re doing it all with your awareness, with your intention to be of service, and with the love and compassion that come so naturally to you. Now, setting forth on the mission that you have in your life should feel easy to you. You know when you are moving in the right direction because there is no struggle involved. You know when you are walking the walk of your purpose because things fall into place, people show up, and even financial support finds its way to you. We encourage you not to worry and not to wonder whether you’re going to be able to do what you want to do. You are, and we are here to help, and we are just one collective amongst so many here in the nonphysical.
And there are many, many beings in the physical who want to help as well, and they can find you, just as the beings who are most likely to be helped by you will find you. So you can relax and let things fall into place. And the times when it is necessary to be proactive will make themselves known to you, and you will answer the call, because you know you want to help, you know that there are ways you can be of service, and you know that humanity needs the light that you have to shine.
You are wondrous beings of eternal and infinite love. Never forget that, and always remember that things are supposed to get better there, not worse. The energies that you are moving through in outer space are more supportive of things getting better, and of course, all the celestial beings around you are lending their support. And these are just a few of the reasons why we notice the spike in the overall vibration of the human collective consciousness. And we know that you are on a steady climb with your overall vibration. And it brings us much joy to bring you this transmission of hope.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”